sparseMatrix , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip avatar



Let's get rid of this shitstain and all his like!

I'm from Texas.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

I had a discussion last week about how Beto O'Rourke is never coming back from his "hell yeah, we're coming for your guns" comment a few years ago. Never.

So why doesn't he take all his political savvy and be a consultant for the DNC to put up fresh blood in Texas? Beto is really great at connecting with voters at town Halls, he keeps it real and is willing to step up to speak truth to power enough that he keeps it spicy and stays in the headlines, and he's good at traditional political action like fundraising and phone banking. Use all those skills to help someone else up, brother Beto.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

Having read the article again, I'm commenting twice.

What strikes me in the article is the discussion surrounding Fled Cruz running off to Cancun. The Dem strategists say that Cruz was able to repair his image on that by pointing to a lifetime of career public service, so it seems like the Cancun trip is untouchable.

Why not go after Cruz on the fact that he proposed legislation for term limits for senators, and this upcoming term for him would exceed the term limit he proposed? You can't backpedal out of that. Do you or do you not believe in the strength of your own ideas in proposal? If you do, then why are you running again? If you don't, then why should anyone vote for someone governing from insincere positions?

admiralteal ,

"I still think it would be the right move, but so long as it isn't the rules for the Dems I am not going to hamstring my base by following it" - some version of what he will say to handwave the hypocricy.

Going after conservatives for being hypocrites is not a winning strategy. The movement is about social hierarchies and identity politics. It just doesn't care about hypocrisy in service of the tribe and is totally credulous to any justification, no matter how tenuous.

HandsHurtLoL ,

I anticipate the hand-waving would actually be "term limits are the best option, but with corrupt pedophiles on the democrats' side, I have to stay in the game to save America. To save the children."

Honestly, I don't know if there is any logos or ethos argument that could ever away someone completely ruled by pathos.

Generic-Disposable ,

He campaigned for Trump after Trump called his wife ugly.

PlanetOfOrd , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

With inflation happening across the economy, businesses have been dealing with rising costs for years. At the same time, there’s a lot of pressure to keep prices low for increasingly price-conscious customers.

Yup, pretty much.

A business is there to make money. Obviously, businesses that pay employees better have lower turnover and higher employee satisfaction. But what do you do if the price of keeping the lights on goes up? You can either increase prices, which will see fewer customers, but keep in mind that customers will just go to a coffee shop that’s cheaper. So the better option is to keep the prices the same and lower employee wages.

Business are feeling the pressure of our failing economy. Are some being jerks about it? You bet. I even worked for some. But I believe in a truly wealth-equal economy people are so well off jerk employers are just ignored.

But most people currently don’t have that choice. Quit an employer and you have a 50/50 chance of getting a job within a few weeks or ending up on the streets.

But I believe we can get to a more sustainable economy. It might take a lot of effort, but I believe we can get there!

vittoria666 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

I only get about $60 at a time. When my aunt takes me out to eat, I may have spent some of the money and also have some to spend after. I can’t really afford to tip.

Scew , avatar

spoilerThen you can’t really afford to eat out because you’re robbing someone for their services…

vox , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip avatar

Believe it when I see it. As someone from Texas highly frustrated by Beto shooting himself in the foot on guns last election (however right he may have been). Texans will vote in a baked potato with a R next to its name before a Democrat.

That being said, Leftist Texans, centrist texans, anyone with a brain, do your civic duty. Show up. Vote. Or shut up about Ted Cruz.

audaxdreik , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law

You really love to see yet another unsuspecting victim accidentally invoke the wrath of tree law. Really makes that old episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force (S1E2) hit different. Ain’t no joke!

termus , avatar


BarrelAgedBoredom ,

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from reddit; it’s that tree law is the only thing the us legal system takes seriously

lemillionsocks , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law avatar

It’s such a petty law but give the reason why they trimmed the trees you love to see the city drop the hammer on on universal

daniel ,

Tree law isn’t petty. It’s necessary because replacing trees of a similar age is EXPENSIVE. The fines and damages that can add up reflect that.

LibertyLizard , avatar

For real. These trees represent decades of investment by the city to provide essential services (shade, clean air, etc.) that has now been permanently damaged by these fuckheads. And their “justification” is the most dishonest and despicable part. As an arborist I can tell you that no reputable arborist would trim these trees this way. Ignoring the legality, trimming them this way makes them more dangerous, not less, and any arborist should know that. Shame on them.

VoxAdActa ,

I don’t know much about ficus, but I know if someone did this to a silver maple or a ginkgo, it’d be a death sentence for that tree. There’s almost no foliage left to even photosynthesize with, and the surface area of the cut ends is massive; it’ll take months to seal up those wounds, during that whole time, the tree is losing water. If it managed to survive just the environmental issues (water, heat, light, etc), it’ll be extremely vulnerable to diseases and pests. Unless ficus are the tarragon of the tree world, they look to me like they’re doomed. Universal should have just cut them down, for all that.

LibertyLizard , avatar

Ficus is very tough so I do expect they will survive but they will be permanently deformed and more likely to drop branches in the future due to poor structure and injuries that may decay before healing properly.

Gaywallet , avatar

Tree laws are awesome and the coolest lawyers all love tree law

LucyLastic , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law

My wife is a (seasonal) arborist, when I saw the news yesterday I decided not to show it to her because she already struggles with how people treat trees and this would just leave her angry.

Even I, a layperson, saw the job that was done and thought to myself “holy shot they mutilated those trees”.


Wenchette , avatar

They completely butchered them. That’s not how trees are supposed to be trimmed

GiantBasil , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law

Terrible news for the trees, great news for us.

drwho , to U.S. News in Universal Studios might have invoked the wrath of California's Tree Law avatar

They’ll just get fined, and it’ll be a small fraction of their daily revenue.

Idrunkenlysignedup ,

I posted this elsewhere, but according to a quick Google it’s up to $18k per tree and from the images I found, it’s 5 trees. $90k is couch cushion money to Universal. They DGAF about fines.

lightninhopkins , to U.S. News in Alabama lawmakers refuse to create a 2nd majority-Black congressional district

Likely Alito let them know how to frame it so that the SC gets to rule and further gut the VRA.

Terevos , to U.S. News in House Republicans' CHOICE Act would roll back some Obamacare protections avatar

Obamacare has been just awful. Medical prices have increased dramatically because of it. At least this is an attempt to correct some of that.

violetraven , avatar

How will it correct any of that?

Terevos , avatar

Don’t get me wrong, this proposal is by no means perfect or even the thing I would ideally address first.

But making more options for small companies and loosening the restrictions on what qualifies for health insurance will help curb the cost of medical care overall.

modulartable ,

What is the point of having cheap insurance options if said insurance does not cover or actually do anything? It’s worthless junk literally! Instead of taking the insurance you’d be better off pocketing the money and forgoing it all together.

I don’t know how you can blame “Obamacare” for medical prices increasing when it is clear that they would have and will continue to rise no matter if “Obamacare” still exists or not. When healthcare is about profits and is a business, whether any of us live or die does not matter to these companies.

SpunkyBarnes ,

Sorry, that sounds like a version of trickle down economics, which we know never did.

SpunkyBarnes , (edited )


Commercially insured here.

I have to jump thru hoops, wait, and pay a significantly higher out of pocket for any imaging outside of X-rays. Due to my employer, I am locked into a single provider. Sure, I can (and do) have supplementary insurance, but FFS why is that even necessary?

The answer to all of the above, IMO?

Corporate greed, enabled by government intervention.

The Affordable Care Act isn’t our real problem, we can lay that at the feet of Richard Nixon .

edit: word order

nihilx7E3 OP , avatar

i mean, i agree that we should do something about healthcare prices & that obamacare is not faring so well right now. but trying to make it easier to get junk healthcare plans without doing anything about decreasing the price of full-fledged healthcare plans will just make things worse, & lead to a situation where low-income people are priced out of even being able to afford a full healthcare plan & forced to either default to these “short-term”/association plans or not have any at all

Kalkaline , to Politics in McConnell says he's 'fine' after abruptly stopping press conference avatar


ClarkFlankblast , to Politics in McConnell says he's 'fine' after abruptly stopping press conference

He wasn’t “fine” before this.

Anticorp ,

That boy ain’t right.

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