fearout , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

I like the way Europe handles tipping. A lot of the restaurants generally add a fixed service charge (most often it’s about €3 per person), and that’s kinda it. It’s common to leave a couple of euros extra, but nothing too drastic. Huge tips are not expected, and like half of the machines don’t even support the tipping function (more common in France/Italy, for example, while countries like Greece are more likely to have tipping enabled).

There might be a bit more pressure to tip in more touristy city center places, but you’re better off avoiding those in general anyway. Smaller local restaurants are way better.

Furthermore, tipping isn’t expected outside of restaurants/deliveries at all. The amount of jobs that seem to require tipping in the US is insane. Like guys, just put it in the bill and tell me the price.

qball , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

Recognizing that the act of asking for an unsolicited tip as a requisite part of buying a coffee is making both customers and himself uncomfortable, acknowledging that his take home pay is so abysmally low that he depends on tips to make a living, and then after all of that, blaming the customer as the primary problem for not being willing to tip in the current economy/environment, is like making a 95 yard run and then tripping over your own shoelaces at the endzone.

Frog-Brawler , avatar

Sometimes you need to burn some clock before getting the TD. I understand what you’re getting at with your analogy, but felt like being slightly ornery for my own amusement. 😏

golamas1999 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

I would feel less offended if on every bill they would just raise the price my 20% and give that to the workers.

Nemo ,

If they raised the prices 20%, most of that’s not going to the workers. You know it and I know it.

Devccoon , avatar

They effectively have, via tipping. And the employer pays less so ultimately the employee gets screwed no matter what.

The fact they look to us as the problem and not their employers just tells me the scheme is working. Count the money, twirl the moustache and pet the evil lap cat, villains of the world. You’ve won as always, and the downtrodden are still too busy infighting over scraps to realize whose boot they’re under.

darkseer ,

Try greater than 40%. A tip is for service provided directly to you. If the employer increases the servers wages by 20% then that’s every hour they work and there may not be any customers for some of the servers shift.

little_hoarse , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen avatar

Stop making the customers pay your workers. They’re not our responsibility

KombatWombat , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

People in the comments seem to think the barista likes supports tipping culture and resents customers who don’t tip, but that’s not the impression I get. He sympathizes with the awkwardness of the position and the tighter budgets people have, but nonetheless relies on tips for the meager amount they provide.

I hate tips as much as the next guy, but you should not protest by refusing to tip/undertipping in situations where there is a reasonable expectation of a tip. The only one who suffers in such a case is a low-wage worker. Rather, take your business somewhere without tips.

DrPop ,

A better way to protect would be to not use those services. It sucks for the employee but the only way to hurry the business is too not use it. Other is advocating for the minimum wage to go up but with our current Congress that’s important.

ChexMax ,

I think some of the issues people are having is that it’s not clear where there is a reasonable expectation to tip. Sit down restaurant, yes. Hair dresser, yes. Dunkin donuts? They just turned around and gave me something that was already made. Do I need to tip on that? A pickup order? It seems like yes, but when I get Uber eats, I’m only tipping the driver, and that’s still a pickup order. The convenience store where I bring everything I want up to the counter? Because the tipping prompt comes up there. I’m not sure where there is a reasonable expectation anymore and it’s making me feel less financially able to be generous overall.

Candybar121 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

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  • Eloise ,

    As is your right, still makes you an asshole though. Yeah, it’s fucked up workers aren’t paid enough but that IS the reality of the situation. Tipping at this point is like flushing the toilet - technically optional but not doing it is pretty shitty.

    Candybar121 , (edited )

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  • darkseer ,

    That’s not true. I’ve heard accounts of early servers who only made money off of tips and were expected to pay the restaurant a portion of their tips for the privilege of serving there. In fact the only way to get service was to tip them beforehand and how much you tipped determined the level of service you received. This tip for good service is just a myth that is an excuse to avoid tipping.

    darkseer ,

    As someone who used to live on tips that’s short sighted. The customer will always get the short end of the stick in this type of fight. If everyone refuses to give the employee 20% of the ticket then the business will charge the customer 40% of the ticket and give the employee 15%.

    yata ,

    Blaming the customer for not tipping is the short sighted take. A business which can’t afford to pay its employees a livable wage doesn’t deserve to exist.

    Scew , avatar

    Yes but the argument here seems to be that these businesses that shouldn’t exist still have patrons in this thread refusing to tip. Refusing to tip in an institution where it’s already the system AND using their services IS the customer giving a big middle-finger to the service staff. If you don’t agree with tipping in general don’t use those services where people’s livelihoods are already tied to the expectation of a tip. Otherwise you are the asshole.

    Crisps , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

    Tipping a barista while paying would almost always mean tipping BEFORE the service is rendered. This is not a tip, it is just an added fee.

    Chocrates ,

    True but other than sit down restaurants where do you tip after the service is rendered? I agree that it is just an added fee and we are just subsidizing capitalists.

    I don’t know how to fix it though. Not tipping does nothing but hurt the workers.

    wagesj45 , avatar

    At some point the responsibility falls on the workers to unionize. I'm aware that is painful. It is also the only true answer because if we wait on the corporate overlords to benevolently raise wages to an acceptable living standard and disband tipping, we'll be waiting forever.

    Crisps ,

    Barbers, taxis and full service restaurants. Aka the only places you tipped 10 years ago.

    Bazzatron ,

    Honestly - I can’t see any way but this.

    If those jobs no longer pay enough to survive, nobody will take them on, and the capitalist will have to adapt or die.

    This is something the government should be protecting workers against, but people are so scared to even unionise, it’s tragic.

    Eladarling ,

    Hair salons, nail salons, valet, dog grooming, any sort of contract work around your house like lawnmowing, bars…

    Chocrates ,

    Oof really good examples.

    Crisps ,

    Nobody tips lawn mowers and contractors!

    PlanetOfOrd ,

    When I was well off I’d try to tip everyone who did even a half-decent job. Gas station attendants, grocery store workers, doesn’t matter…unless they refused as part of their work rules (some are like that) I would try to tip them.

    yata ,

    Not tipping does nothing but hurt the workers.

    A business which can’t afford to pay their workers a livable wage doesn’t deserve to exist. If people stopped paying tips then that work no longer provides a livable wage and it becomes difficult for employers to find employees.

    In the end they may even decide to pay their employees a livable wage. Some businesses have already done so.

    darkseer ,

    They’re called tips because tips have certain legal protections, while fees are up to the discretion of the business to give to their employees. Trust me. That delivery fee that you pay Papa Johns goes toward liability insurance, software fees, and other incidentals. None of it goes to the driver. And always pre tip more than 5 dollars if you don’t want to be the last delivery of 3.

    sin_free_for_00_days , to Literature in Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer (NPR)

    I think I’ll add The Archive Undying by Emma Mieko Candon to my stack of to-be-read books. I think it was Michael Silverblatt (Host of Bookworm on NPR until 2022) who said,“There are so many great books. What is more rare is great readers.” I used to consider myself a great reader. Or at least good. I received a BA in English Lit from a top tier University and loved reading and analyzing heavy, dense, beautiful prose and stories. It seems the past half decade or so, I only want to read lighter stuff for pure entertainment and escape. Not Marvel movie levels of vapidness, but still. I’m not sure how I feel about this state of being.

    TimTheEnchanter OP , avatar

    I can relate to that. I’m pretty firmly in the “read what you want” camp, and I mostly try to adhere to that for myself. I try to strike a balance between escapist, light books, and books that are more challenging (and I enjoy both!). But it’s hard to shake that feeling of “I ought to be reading XYZ book instead of this,” no matter what I’m reading.

    gina , to Literature in Here are 19 books our critics are excited for this summer (NPR) avatar

    I am very, very excited for Ann Patchett’s Tom Lake. I don’t even know how to explain it but her novels are like some sort of mix of hypnosis and dopamine to my brain.

    TimTheEnchanter OP , avatar

    I read Bel Canto earlier this year and it was fantastic. I was hooked immediately and engrossed the whole way through! I’ll definitely have to pick up her new one!

    gina , avatar

    That was a very good one. I also loved her last novel Dutch House. I read it when it came out and then listened to the audio read by Tom Hanks a couple times during the early days of the pandemic when all I could really do was go for long walks. It’s not exactly a cheerful book, but I found it very comforting.

    jamie , avatar

    I loved the audiobook.

    gina , avatar

    Me, too. I have always been pretty neutral about Tom Hanks, but now I am wishing he read more audiobooks.

    DrTautology , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

    Unfucking believable. Not a single mention of the actual problem in that article. Not a single mention of who is to blame.

    Moghul ,

    Humans are dumb as fuck. Reddit was full of people mad at moderators for protesting Reddit’s api changes just a few weeks ago.

    Rakonat ,

    Dollars to donuts most of those were probably bots

    Moghul ,

    Nah, people are absolutely dumb enough to call the mods childish losers for standing up for themselves.

    PlanetOfOrd ,

    What is the actual problem that’s not mentioned?

    DrTautology , (edited )

    Billion dollar companies can pay their employees $2 an hour…

    PlanetOfOrd ,

    Why do you think they do this?

    DrTautology ,

    Because they’re greedy and it’s legal…

    SCB ,

    No it’s because customers are happier this way and the service staff makes more than they would otherwise, in a way that responds to inflationary pressures.

    DrTautology ,

    Not only is this untrue, but it is disingenuous. I suggest you do more research about tipping and service wages in general.

    SCB ,

    It is absolutely true and I worked as a server for a decade, and still have friends working tipped jobs.

    CoderKat ,

    I disagree that customers are happier. People constantly complain about tipping. Those people are clearly not happy. Much of the world doesn’t do the tipping model, so it doesn’t seem like it is worthwhile for quality of service.

    I do agree that staff are happier because they on average would make more (at least more than the paltry minimum wage most states have). But it comes at the cost of taking advantage of customers (basically trying to guilt trip them into paying more). I don’t support such business practices. Not to mention it’s not actually fair pay. You’re not actually being paid for quality of service. You’re paid for how much they like you, which leads to racial and gender pay disparities.

    And the real winner? The business that gets to pay pennies to wait staff. They could incorporate the average tip into their prices and maintain the same pay. But they don’t want to. They want to advertise low prices so that they can get the full value from low tippers. They often even outright push mandatory tipping with auto gratuities, which is peak sleazeball behavior.

    SCB ,

    People only complain about tipping online. In the real world, that doesn’t happen.

    Compactor9679 , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

    And why whould I take the slack? You made a deal on how much you will get paied… Is it too little? Negociate… Dont ask for charity

    reddit_sux , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

    Customer pays for the wages of the server when he pays the bill period.

    hahattpro , to Work Reform in Got tipping rage? This barista reveals what it's like to be behind the tip screen

    Tipping is a way customers sponsoring greedy capitalist ability to pay below minimum wage.

    In my country, people usually don’t tip. They only tip in some special service, such as sex workers.

    SCB ,

    Being tipped is a way to make vastly more than you would ordinarily make per hour.

    You can always tell the people who haven’t worked for tips lol

    SnowboardBum , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

    As much as Texans dislike ol' Cancun Cruz, I was surprised when he won last reelection.

    DadWagonDriver , to Politics in Democrats eye Sen. Ted Cruz's seat in Republican-dominated Texas as a possible flip

    What happens first: commercial fusion reactors or Texas' Senate seat turning blue? I've been hearing "in the next 5 years" since 1999.

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