Lulu , to fountainpens in NPD/NID Vanishing Point and Sailor 762 avatar

I’ve had my pilot vp for 2 weeks now and I love it so much! great choice😁👍

fallenpixel OP ,

What did you go with for the nib size? I was lucky to be in a store that would swap out the nib for me.

Lulu , avatar

I went with the fine nib cause I wanted it small but was afraid extra fine would feel a little scratchy. after trying it and it felt like writing with butter I kinda wanna try a extra fine sometime 😅 ordered mine online so i couldn’t try them out but i am very happy with it! kinda feel bad my other pens get so little use now 😁

UnfortunateTwist , to fountainpens in NPD/NID Vanishing Point and Sailor 762

Nice, are you finding it comfortable to hold, or do you fall in the camp of wanting to remove the clip?

fallenpixel OP ,

It’s comfortable for me to hold. The clip controversy is why I wanted to hold one in my hands first before I got one.

UnfortunateTwist ,

Oh it’s all coming together now. Work trip = an actual FP store nearby to try in person. How was that experience? I’ve only ever shopped online :(

fallenpixel OP ,

Went to Fahrney’s in DC. It was amazing. So many pens to look and and hold. Highly recommend the in person experience.

freamon , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

I literally did this yesterday.

I’ve since found chats with Bing are surprisingly informative.

IndefiniteBen , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git avatar

This is helpful when you get errors:

Pilon23 ,

As someone new to using git… Thank you!!

Thorry84 ,

I’ve been using git for 10+ years and still sometimes do this. I know I could fix it, I also pretty much know what to do to fix it. However nuking the thing from orbit and restarting takes like 30 secs, so it’s never worth fixing.

koorool , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

I’m using Mercurial for the last 2 years at current company, before that it was 5-7 years of Git on various jobs. It’s so much better if you use it correctly (no long-living or big branches). I forgot what hell Git was sometimes.

floofloof ,

I have used Mercurial at work for years, and Git for side projects. I screw up far less often in Mercurial, and its tools are easy to use. It’s strange how thoroughly Git took over.

shastaxc ,

It’s not that strange. Microsoft owns GitHub.

mamotromico ,

GitHub acquisition was fairly recent compared to how long git seems to be the standard

key , avatar

I miss mercurial so much. Such a better UX.

JoYo , avatar

I used hg until python switched to git.

if python isn’t going to bother them the battle is lost.

Gxost , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

A good GUI can solve most problems.

floofloof ,

Is there a really good free Git GUI for Linux? I have tried a bunch of them but all the good ones seem to be closed source and paid.

Muehe ,

Guess it’s a bit subjective what would be considered good, but personally I like gitk. It’s good enough for me at least.

aliceblossom ,

I like SourceTree and it’s free. I don’t use it all the time, but if I’ve made a bunch of changes debugging something and I want to easily discard all of the debugging-only changes, the UI makes it really easy to commit or discard individual lines from the changeset.

Additionally, I set up an alias to open it from the command line (stree) and have it show whatever git directory I opened it from.

floofloof ,

Will it run on Linux? I use Sourcetree on Windows but didn’t think it was available for Linux.

fury ,

Gittyup, a fork of GitAhead, is my favorite.

floofloof ,

Thanks. I’ll check it out.

Magnetar ,

If my colleagues mess something up in their fancy GUIs, they come to me to fix it in the terminal.

Gxost ,

My experience is the opposite. A colleague who uses SourceTree and git console (for use cases not covered by SourceTree) asked me a few times to fix his branches when something went wrong (after using git console). I easily fixed it using SmartGit (paid software).

Bilbo , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

Git is something that is very comfortable to use after a year or two, but when you initially start using it, it is just so easy to mess things up in ways that are unrecoverable. I remember the silly days when I’d back up all my changes first before using git since I would so regularly lose everything through a combination of git commands.

It’s easy for me now, but the initial stages punish mistakes severely. It’s the dark souls of source control, except it’s not really fun. It’s just a very beginner unfriendly tool.

1050053 , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

It’s all fun and games until your colleague has to pull a PR branch… using fast-forward.

kameecoding ,

just rebase your fucking PR so I don’t have to deal with it, thank you.

ArbitraryValue , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

SVN gang rise up.

whoisearth , avatar

There’s dozens of us! Dozens!

Woozy ,

SCCS represent!

Shardikprime , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

Git --gud

Brickhead92 ,

Wrekted 'em!

luckybipedal , to xkcd in xkcd #1597: Git

IME, to use git effectively, and make sense of the man-pages, you have to know a lot of the internals of how git works. I found it helpful to read “Git from the bottom up” when I had to start using it professionally:

clay_pidgin ,

That looks helpful, thank you.

Drusas , to aww in Kids!

My first thought: These kids better be goats.

Gsus4 , (edited ) to aww in Kids! avatar

How do you do, fellow kids?


Mhm, quite.

moonsnotreal , to aww in A brief break from the >100°F heat avatar

I love goats so much. At work I have to take care of two of them and one keeps bleating until I pet it. They’re like big dogs that like food even more.

originalfrozenbanana , to Home Improvement in Called Bugout for a bug inpection, and the guy said i have mice in my attic. Told me this is a mouse pee stain. Is that right?

Not an expert but I would expect more droppings.

tst123 , avatar

Yup you should be seeing small pill shaped droppings. Mice leave them everywhere (if you have them).

A cheap solution is to ask a neighbor with cats for some leftover litter (urine litter not cat poop). Fill up a small disposable tray or bowl with the urine soaked litter and put it up in your attic for a few days. I’ve had mice clear out the day of and never return. Also consider just getting a cat for long term pest control.

usualsuspect191 ,

That kitty litter solution wouldn’t work for mice with toxoplasmosis, plus cat pee doesn’t smell particularly nice…

I agree there would be droppings if there are mice.

McScience ,

Fun fact, cats aren’t actually very effective at killing all the rodents. They’ve done studies and basically the cats just make them really skiddish and they hide so you never see them. They kill one here or there but the real benefit is getting them out of sight.

Chickenstalker ,

You never met my cat. She was the Terror of Rodents. Like Roman conquerers of old, she used to line up decapitated rats on the welcome mat as her Triumph. Stepping on a whole family of five dead rats while leaving for work is a good start to the day.

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