US Federal Reserve launches "FedNow" - the long-awaited instant payments service, modernizing the US banking system ( )

The “FedNow” service, which has been in the works since 2019, will seek to eliminate the several-day lag it commonly takes cash transfers to settle, bringing the U.S. in line with countries including the United Kingdom, India, Brazil, as well as the European Union, where similar services have existed for years....

Democrats urge US Supreme Court ethics reform as panel set to vote ( )

Democrats on Thursday sought to make the case for legislation to mandate a binding ethics code for the U.S. Supreme Court after revelations that some conservative justices failed to disclose luxury trips and real estate transactions, with a Senate panel set to vote on the measure.

Biden widens war on junk fees, says US consumers tired of being treated as 'suckers' ( )

The White House on Wednesday expanded its war on junk fees to the rental housing market, announced a crackdown on price-fixing in food and agricultural markets, and unveiled draft merger guidelines as part of an ongoing push to aid U.S. consumers.

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