FoundTheVegan , to Politics in Liz Cheney weighs third-party US presidential run, says Trump threatens democracy avatar

Do it Liz! It'd hurt Trump more than Biden, which is probably her thought process anyways. Idk, what's the downside?

TheOminousBulge , to Politics in Insight: Swing state Republicans bleed donors and cash over Trump's false election claims avatar

This is good news, but I worry that folks on the left might be lulled into a false sense of security. We won't be done fixing Trump and MAGA's mess for years to come and we'll need every last vote and any help that can be given. I really believe complacency got us here and it will destroy this country if we let it.

Hairyblue , avatar

Complacency is a real threat. Everyone needs to vote to remove republicans. They want to change the rules so they can always win. If enough Trump supporters were in the right places of power last election, we'd have lost our democracy.

Trump is a liar. But he is running a cult of fanatics. Ironically Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Ave and he wouldn't loose any voters. He was correct about that.

NotTheOnlyGamer , avatar

Everyone needs to vote. Period. Doesn't matter which side you're on. If everyone actually in the voter rolls votes in person with ID, there's no room for either side to claim it was stolen or manipulated.

snipgan OP , avatar

They still will claim fraud regardless. Voting by mail or other methods allowed are available and easier. Just remember to do it.

Hairyblue , avatar

Not everyone can vote in person. I vote by mail because of my job. Voting by mail is legitimate.

And Trump claimed the 2016 and 2020 elections were rigged and stolen before the elections or counting was done. It is a way to for criminals to try to steal elections and cast doubt on our voting process. It is evil.

Nougat ,

in person with ID

No, those kinds of restrictions only exist to disenfranchise voters.

(Not sure why the strikethrough markup isn't working.)

mrnotoriousman ,

There's no room for it to be claimed that 2020 was stolen. There never was, but 3 years later, there's overwhelming evidence it was fair. That hasn't stopped it being a major part of the GOP platform.

brianshatchet ,

Exaclty. In 2016, they kept going on and on about how the Trump operation was in shambles and poorly organized, etc., etc. They still won.

sirspate , to Politics in [News] US Supreme Court's Thomas flew on GOP donor's jet, cites security risks avatar

Clarence Thomas taking a private jet: "Look what you made me do"

Madison_rogue OP , to Politics in [News] Republicans reject own funding bill, US government shutdown imminent avatar

They rejected their own funding bill. That's leadership at its finest.

This will be great when the credit standing of the U.S. is downgraded yet again.

sim642 , to RedditMigration in Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says

Fine how? Does Reddit still have a Russian branch? If not, then there’s nobody to fine or no way to enforce it, other than an outright DNS block.

atlasraven31 , to RedditMigration in Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says

Are they going after /r/ukraine specifically?

Putin, point on the Snoo where the NAFO touched you.

Madison_rogue OP , avatar

I don't know; I don't go on Reddit any longer.

That said, r/worldnews was very pro-Ukraine. It could be that subreddit the Russians are referring to as well.

abff08f4813c , to RedditMigration in Russia fines Reddit for first time over 'banned content,' RIA says

Perhaps the one and only time I'd be rooting for reddit...

Introversion , to Politics in Insight: Swing state Republicans bleed donors and cash over Trump's false election claims

Not paying a high enough price, though.

HarkMahlberg , avatar

I can't think of a greater price to pay actually. Losing donors and cash is (hopefully) a precursor to losing voters and mindshare. There's no better punishment than being utterly forgotten, relegated to the dustbin of history.

I can dream, right?

admiralteal ,

No, we cannot allow the current rise of fascism to be forgotten. We must be vigilant against it, always. Reminded that a slow burn of low-grade shit suddenly becomes a wildfire if you ignore it.

I just hope there is an opportunity to remember this as a near loss of democracy in this country, instead of a time we actually lost it.

snipgan OP , to Politics in Insight: Swing state Republicans bleed donors and cash over Trump's false election claims avatar

Five other Republican donors to the Arizona or Michigan parties, who have each donated tens of thousands of dollars over the past six years, told Reuters they had also ceased giving money, citing state leaders' drives to overturn the 2020 election, their backing of losing candidates who support Trump's election conspiracy and what they view as extreme positions on issues like abortion.

Chickens have come home to roost.

K1nsey6 , to Texas in Texas Republican Furman to face Cuellar in November avatar

So a republican is running against another republican?

njm1314 OP , to Texas in Texas Republican Furman to face Cuellar in November

I tell you it didn't ever occur to me until I read this article that the Democrats will be running him again. They're just going to hand that seat to the Republicans.

Ensign_Crab ,

Why not? He's not a progressive and that's all that matters to Democrats.

K1nsey6 , avatar

I dont know why the downvotes its true. Pelosi and Clyburn stumped for him against a pro choice woman. Knowing he was under federal investigation.

Fiivemacs , to U.S. News in Biden's new China tariff wall faces leakage via Mexico, Vietnam | Reuters

So low quality builds and unreliable craftsmanship with a high change of drug smuggling and stolen parts. Even better.

e_t_ Admin , to U.S. News in Putin backs China's Ukraine peace plan, says Beijing understands the conflict | Reuters

How about the peace plan where Putin hangs from a gibbet for the sport of crows?

FenrirIII , to Texas in Summer power prices seen surging for Texas, falling in California | Reuters avatar

Seeing 14c prices when it was 10c like 3 years ago. Fucking ridiculous

cerement , to Texas in Summer power prices seen surging for Texas, falling in California | Reuters avatar

“Texas power grid” + “normal Texas summer heat” + “surge pricing” …

Zachariah , avatar

= re-elect Governor Abbott again, of course.

Amoxtli OP , (edited )

"With the growth of renewables, the retirement of base load fossil-fired generation and the dependence on renewables, on days renewables are not showing up, it's going to be very pricey," said Amperon CEO Kelly.

It is federal policies that are undermining industry growth. Wind and solar are not industrial scale energy. Texas does not need these renewables. California is benefitting because of the heavy rainstorms which power their electric dams. What you get with solar and wind is expensive energy because the backup energy will not have a fixed volume of supply, those power plants have to be in standby, not making profits, and when they do come online, it is spot market distribution. The problem is the Federal Government, that is pushing the market into malicious investment. I am not against wind and solar, but they are no replacement for base load energy. If you hear otherwise, then you are consuming propaganda. Base energy generates revenues by constant generation. Germany is an example of what renewables will do; renewables deindustrializes an economy. Considering the unpredictable nature, it is questionable whether building transmission lines just for these energy types is really all that worth it.

specialseaweed , (edited )

As someone who lived thru the Texas freeze, may I say with all due disrespect: go eff yourself.

Your post is so deeply stupid I don’t know where to begin. I can only hope you’re a bot and if not, may god have mercy on your ignorant soul.

sfbing ,

That might be a winter-time concern, but for summertime it is hogwash. The air conditioners need to run when the sun is out.

Amoxtli OP ,

Certainly, but Texas is mostly Cfa, humid subtropical; it isn't always clear skies in Texas. Texas does get a lot of cloudy skies. There is a reason why solar and wind have climate recommendations; that is for maximizing reliability. I just don't think that solar power from West Texas and wind from the Texas panel handle going all the way to the population centers and the population core of Texas is worth it. Activist claim solutions, but they are comprises, not solutions. I support regional grids that take advantage of their own strengths. Northwest Texas and the panhandle should take advantage of wind energy for their own consumption. It is costly to export the energy. This is true of exports in general consumer standard of living; it is better for Texans, and Americans to consume their own energy, than it is to export., because it is cheaper Especially, when you have a federal government that has economic sanctions on fungible commodity and now puts the responsibility on supplying more oil and natural gas due to artificial supply restrictions.

Telorand ,

Ew, no. For someone who invokes the concept of "listening to propaganda," this sure sounds an awful lot like fossil fuel industry claptrap.

Amoxtli OP ,

There are no omissions regarding fossil fuels; we all know they pollute. Omissions are in the renewable energy news media. They tell you all the positive sides of wind and solar, and none of the negatives. That is propaganda, the very definition of the word; typical of Western news media.

Telorand ,

It sounds like you're basically saying that because scientists talk about the negatives of fossil fuels a lot and not as much about renewables' negatives, there's some kind of cover-up effort. Is that what you're saying?

SpaceNoodle ,

Scientists are obviously covering up so the pollution we get from collecting sunlight.

Not_mikey ,

Renewables work, you just have to build batteries to store it, which California has been doing and is part of the reason energy is cheaper there. There is more hydro too, but solar into batteries has been overtaking it at peak recently.

Amoxtli OP ,

California electricity prices now second-highest in United States -

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