Bebo , to aww in This is my kitty. Meet Bella

Hi Bella. You are so cute!

TheMongoose , to aww in This is my kitty. Meet Bella

Looks gorgeous. Not a hint of malice in those eyes. No sir. Give her scritches from me.

DarthonTV OP , to Star Trek in Did the take Star Trek the next generation off of paramount+? avatar

Update: it’s back to normal but it still scared me 🤣 any idea why it wouldn’t let me watch for a certain amount of time?

interolivary , avatar

I’d wager it was just some sort of bug or glitch, I’ve seen similar things happen on other streaming services

Thisfox ,


I have only experienced disappearing-reappearing -ink- Programs on P+.

Donebrach , avatar

Paramount+ as a web app sucking all the things that are derogatorily sackable is likely the cause. It is an objectively horrible platform.

EmpathicVagrant ,

Can’t even binge a show without episodes randomly playing in another language, or the ad free version starts playing ads

livedeified , avatar

I recently cancelled my paramount account due to the ads. found a great alternative that’s 100% cheaper. put on the episode, “the measure of a man” and drifted off to sleep.

PutangInaMo ,

I haven’t seen ads run during a show, but every now and then they’ll shove whatever they’re movie or show they’re trying to push in a preview before a new episode runs. I just hit back and start it again and it goes away.

livedeified , avatar

that’s what I experienced as well. although it’s minor, I think it’s a PITA.

Blamemeta ,

Thats called an ad

PutangInaMo ,

Yeah sorta. But it’s like if YouTube advertised other channels instead of “products”. I still consider it an ad but I think if fits loosely.

VegaLyrae ,

It sucks and I canceled it and subscribed to it through YouTube which means paramount gets 30% less money.

moosepuggle ,

The app is objectively terrible. Barely useable.

AuroraBorealis , avatar

I think it just had issues yesterday, I was using it to watch episodes of CSI asy background noise show and last night it had no “episodes list” despite me being able to play the next episode

themusicgod1 ,

why do you let a corporation control whether or not you can watch something? don’t use paramount+ or any other DRM-locked service. Sooner or later they will take it away, and there’s no guarantee you’ll have access to it if you don’t have your own copy.

xusontha , to aww in This is my kitty. Meet Bella

She looks like a very pretty kitty

Stamets OP , avatar

She is very special and I love her. I mean I hate her and the fact she tries to kill me every morning by weaving in between my feet when i’m barely conscious but I love her.

xusontha ,

yeah my cat is like that too. It’s like she WANTS me to trip and fall down the stairs

Stamets OP , avatar

I’ve been trying to train her to get on the couch when I get up. Start heading to the kitchen and to have her run ahead and pop up on the couch next to the hallway. That way I can bend over and give her scritches without killing my fucking back and so she can get the hell out of my way. It actually has worked. If she sees me walking that way she will jump up on the couch and paw at me and meow.

xusontha ,

I think my cat has accidentally been trained to associate her food bowl with pets, since we would pet her when feeding her after first getting her. So now whenever she wants pets she runs up to her food bowl and just walks around it. If you give her food she doesn’t eat it lol

bmsok ,

Low key murder is why we love them so damn much 🥰

The_Picard_Maneuver , to aww in This is my kitty. Meet Bella avatar

Hi Bella!

Stamets OP , avatar

She says she will say hi back to you if you transfer 13 bars of gold-pressed latinum.

MisterMcBolt , to aww in This is my kitty. Meet Bella

Please tell Bella for me that she is a beautiful kitty!

Stamets OP , avatar

She has been told. She stared at me with a look of “That’s cool and all but treats?”

Imgonnatrythis , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume

That kid wins!

unreachable , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar
RIP_Cheems , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar

A devil outfit would have been more appropriate

PeachMan , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar

Here’s his insta:…

This pup shows up to dog costume contest in NYC every year, I saw him at the contest in Fort Greene.

UntouchedWagons , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar


ininewcrow , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar


Iamsqueegee , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume

We have such noms to show you…

NightLily , to aww in Warning: terrifying halloween costume avatar


The_Picard_Maneuver OP , avatar

Sorry, should have flagged NSFL

RHSJack ,

Too late. I already have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow. I am going to ask for an increased dosage to my medication. By the way, I can never pronounce complex pharmaceutical ingredients. What are “multivitamin flintstone chewables”? Why cant they ever just give it cool names like Nexium or Syphillis?

teamevil , to aww in What a hoot

One time years ago when my father worked for a Birds of Prey rehabilitation center he brought home Daisy the Barn Owl. (She had been imprinted at birth and was thus a resident of the center) It was after a meeting late at night so he took her out to show our dog. My dad being a goof let her stretch her wing and then she hooted at the dog.

His response (which let us know we’d definitely be safe from a home invasion) was to tear ass into my parents bedroom where my mother was sleeping and shit himself.

Dad got in trouble for that one…Daisy was cool but the screech owls he’d bring home on the weekends sometimes were the best.

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