Jaysyn , to Politics in Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign bankrolled by Republican mega-donor avatar

Obvious shill is a shill, news at eleven.

Rodsterlings_cig ,

Frankly, I am shocked!

nkat2112 OP , to Politics in Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign bankrolled by Republican mega-donor avatar

I think this is hardly surprising, but important to be aware of nonetheless.

reddig33 , to Texas in [The Guardian] ‘People are dying’: Texas prisoners say heatwave turns cells into ovens

If someone died from the heat, the family should sue the prison owner, and the state. All these people listen to is money, so it has to be cheaper for them to install air conditioning than deal with lawsuits.

ApathyTree , avatar

Unfortunately the people who typically get sent to shitty prisons don’t tend to have a lot of familial money to fight a legal battle with. And when they do, it tends to be used up by fighting false imprisonment on the first place.

The system is rigged such that only those with funds have legitimately air-able grievances. Which doesn’t apply to most of us.

reddig33 ,

I wouldn’t be surprised if the ACLU or a similar organization would be salivating to take the case for free.

ApathyTree , avatar

Probably true, and I hope they are approaching people for it, but I also can’t blame people who are grieving if they choose not to go through with it, even pro-bono. The trauma is it’s own price, and being forced to relive it for years is a huge price to pay for some money.

Aux , to Work Reform in Our generation was told liberal economics would make us free. Look at us now. We were misled

What an utter lunacy…

alex , to Literature in ‘It’s exciting, it’s powerful’: how translated fiction captured a new generation of readers

In a slighly sarcastic but mostly happy way, I love when English speakers find out about translation - better late than never to discover what everyone else in the world has been up to these past centuries!

tetris11 , to Literature in ‘It’s exciting, it’s powerful’: how translated fiction captured a new generation of readers avatar

Isn’t this just a pay-to-win exercise now, given the fame and the reknown of the Booker prize?

The optimist in me wants to believe that this prize will maintain its integrity and promote books by their merit alone.

The realist in me thinks that publishers will dump large sums of money at the judges of this prize in order to promote their latest flag product

All this article has established is marketable demographics that future publishers can prey upon

LDPanda , to Politics in ‘Project 2025’: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican president avatar

I mean at this point they have to be doing/saying these things just to get a rise out of people.

Doesnotexist , to Politics in ‘Project 2025’: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican president

The planet is clearly on fire. Who are these idiots? Why can’t they see objective reality? Do they think 100° ocean water in Florida is ok?
We are living the “don’t look up” story line.
What kind of moron can see this…

Sanctus , avatar

Its going to get to the point where these things have to be forcefully dismantled. Everyone is waiting for these greed-laden Momon worshippers to change their tune, they won’t. They’ll ride this death coaster until terminal velocity rips their limbs from their sockets and their wealth flies out of their pockets like a damaged Sonic.

scaredoftrumpwinning ,

They are the party of greed hate and power. They think if they make enough they will be okay and couldn’t care about others once they have theirs.

The only thing we can do is boycott their donors and vote them out at every level of government.

Since most are brainwashed reasoning with them will fail. They need to be deprogrammed first which means removed from the influence of hate. I don’t see that happening in our current environment with all the media hate platforms.

blendedracer , to Politics in ‘Project 2025’: plan to dismantle US climate policy for next Republican president avatar

Those clowns want a return to the dark ages. Theocracy with indentured workers and total control over people’s thoughts and actions.

NaibofTabr ,

Complete with child labor.

Amid a nationwide surge in child labor violations, Republican lawmakers in states such as Arkansas and Iowa passed legislation earlier this year to scale back child labor laws, expanding the scope of work and hours of work 14- and 15-year-olds can perform.

Republicans have jumped off the deep end of comically evil.

floofloof OP ,

Comically evil is at least funny. But it’s not at all funny how these people just look at every single issue and choose the malign option.

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in Republicans target abortion pill access as government shutdown threat looms

Hi @darthfabulous42069, please take a look at our sidebar (or if you can't see that, the pinned comment at the top of our magazine) for submission rules around titles. We'd appreciate it if you would put those rules into practice for future submissions.

Other than that, it's very cash money of you to post the entire article in your submission. Thank you!!

darthfabulous42069 OP ,

F. My bad. Fixed now

HandsHurtLoL ,


Aidan , to Politics in News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders

The Disney thing is what did him in. It was such a stupid fight to pick. Even if he had, in any form, won that fight, he still would’ve lost, because he would’ve harmed his state’s largest employer, and therefore Florida’s economy (and a major donor to his campaign).

It was a stupid, completely bad political move. It undercuts his “Trump, but competent” image. Donald Trump, or more importantly, a competent version of Donald Trump, would’ve moved the goalposts to somehow declare victory and give up on that fight.

He only built the “competent” image because his party controls the state legislature. It’s easy to pass stuff when you control the whole government. It’s not an impressive political accomplishment.

originalucifer , to Politics in News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders avatar

he had to see this coming, or he wouldnt have had them obliterate the rules so he could run and not give up his current job. theres no win here... hes just going to go back to leading florida down fascist way

Itty53 , avatar

He's a bellwether for the party. "How far can we push the message". That's not ironically the exact purposes of primaries when you get down to it - consolidating a party message. You use different politicians to highlight different aspects, send them out and get the feedback. They'll do it for healthcare platforms the same way they will for fascist ones. Same game rules apply.

Might seem kind of snarky to generalize actual states and actual people and their actual lives as game theory, but that's exactly what they do. Because it works. Every major party engages in that kind of thing worldwide.

Kill_joy , to Politics in News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders avatar

If you can't run a campaign successfully and you can't run a state successfully 🤔

HandsHurtLoL , to Politics in News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders

Hi @stopthatgirl7, please take a look at our sidebar (or if you can't see that, the pinned comment at the top of our magazine) for submission rules around titles. We'd appreciate it if you would put those rules into practice for future submissions. Thank you!

carl_dungeon , to Politics in News: Ron DeSantis slashes more than a third of staff as campaign flounders

Nothing makes me happier than seeing this monster fall on his face.

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