@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar


@[email protected]

I aim to be more human. I aim to be less apathetic as a human. Apathy grows, like a tree, and I aim to prune my own.

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ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

6 months savings is still at risk tho.

If you don’t find a new job within 6 months, then what?

I have literally 3 years worth of minimum living savings, but that isn’t actually a lot of money and I only have it because I live well below my means because I’ve spent my whole life in poverty.

I’m not owner class even tho I can go 3 years without working. Because eventually I do need more income to survive. Owners don’t. They can use passive income and never ever have to work again. That’s the difference.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Is it wrong that I could go for a vigilante at this point? A Robin Hood of sorts but more violent?

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I feel your pain. 140 year old house with 3 additions and several remodels over the years. Still had a coal cistern when I moved in!

The middle bedroom has a partial window where the addition was tied in but they couldn’t be bothered to seal up the hole fully… it’s about 8 inches wide and made of a custom storm window and nothing else (currently sealed up well with insulation until I can re-do siding).

Fireplace hearth (way overbuilt thing for a pellet stove -previous owner was a mason) was installed over a layer of hardwood flooring, which they didn’t realize wasn’t subfloor because there were 2 layers of hardwood flooring, old kind that was thick - the house sighed with relief when I ripped it all out and I gained 4 inches to my ceiling height.

Had to drill through a 4-inch thick cement wall to install my dishwasher. Someone moved the entry from one side to the other at some point, probably when they added the driveway and garage, and the walkway is still under my lawn. And my cabinets are different internal heights for some reason?

Weird stuff. Every project becomes 5-15 projects to do right.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

What’s crazy to me (I didn’t watch your thing, I’m sorry; maybe they discuss it maybe they don’t) is that when you provide the basic needs of many species, they are also able to move into cooperative social structures. Even when we can’t understand how that would evolve for them.

Think about all the videos we’ve seen where an animal takes on care of another species’ young. Or forms a friendship bond that transcends predator/prey relationships. That really shouldn’t happen in the wild, and it probably doesn’t, but the artificial post-scarcity but non-enriching environment we give them makes it possible.

Turns out those basic needs are really vital, but once met, open a lots of species up to communalism and cooperation.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So what you want is an apartment with community gardens, maybe rooftop gardens and/or a multi-tier greenhouse interior for an apartment block. (Doesn’t help with living in the woods, but I think we were all born a bit late for that to be practical for most, tho we could rebuild community gardens and rewild our spaces if we condensed housing)

That’s what I want too. I hate owning property and needing to upkeep it and shit, all so I can have growing space and privacy. And I don’t even have much of either.

We can do those things, we just choose not to for… reasons.

ApathyTree , (edited )
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

That sounds ok until you realize how many people have kids at least half time, but no adult partner. And a lot of those people don’t make much above min wage.

Even if they make slightly more than minimum now, a rising tide lifts all ships.

Plus minimum wage was intended to be the lowest single wage a family could be supported on. Just requiring it cover a 2br apartment is a far cry from the original intent

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Why should the government support bad businesses? Serious question, because we socialize losses (tax-paid anssistance) and privatize profits (they keep it, regardless how many employees are on assistance).

We do that already with welfare for people working a surprising number of places (Walmart and McDonald’s are prime examples, where they have published budgets assuming you will get government assistance)

Why is that ok, but requiring living wages isn’t?

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

So? Who cares if people have a financial incentive to not have kids. That have that advantage now, too.

Why is it a bad thing to pay people enough for two kids even if they choose not to have them? And why should taxes be paying for this shit when companies make plenty of money to cover the lot of it? That’s just silly.

ApathyTree , (edited )
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The statement from them is rich.

“We, as business owners, do not feel that we are the ones exploiting people. We pay huge taxes, fees, licenses, inspections, Workman’s Comp, insurance, you name it. We do this for the right to work really hard, and to create jobs. Yet…we are being told that WE are the reason why people can’t afford their rent. We are told we should pay everyone more, while we work harder, and for less. Employers are unprotected. We have no rights. We don’t get overtime or breaks. The only thing we get is what’s left over after everyone else takes their cut. At some point, the risk outweighs the reward.

For us, we cannot accept more liability and expense. We have to pay our rent, too. So we are reducing our costs. Reducing our liability. We are concentrating our efforts on the area that is most successful. Tanya and I, as most other business owners, are tired of hearing how it’s our fault people can’t afford their lives; tired of being told we need to work harder so other people can have more; tired of being told we should be happy with having less, working more, being liable and responsible for everyone and everything, so other people can have a better life.”

Boo-fucking-hoo. Just do it and don’t grandstand about it, nobody fucking cares how hard you think it is to be upper middle class.

What the hell is this shit? Instead of pushing for the return to traditional pensions, capitalism is celebrating the idea that Millennials and Gen Z may simply never be able to stop working. ( www.cnbc.com )

Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations....

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Like “quiet quitting”, which is, in reality, just doing your job and not going above and beyond because it doesn’t benefit you…

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You joke, but really, it probably is exactly that. They want desperate people who won’t complain about being treated poorly.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I’m about 12k/ yr shy, and since my state is on the lower end of cost of living, that’s a sizable gap.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Kids aren’t in the picture for me for largely this reason. Got my tubes tied years ago cuz I just can’t.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

My favorite bit of the article is this (also not a professional)

“The engineer then tapped a third party specializing in Microsoft cloud security to act as an intermediary. The intermediary relayed a response from Microsoft recommending STS be turned off when the server receives reliable timekeeping through the Network Time Protocol.”

Microsoft is bad enough that they know it’s an issue and basically said “we aren’t going to fix it, and we won’t tell you directly or make the issue known to avoid problems, but just turn it off”

Honestly should be their official motto. They did the same thing with a vulnerability installaware addressed for them last year.

If windows doesn’t work the way it should, just turn it off (forever, and install Linux).

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Are you telling me fucking Texas got some form of legal weed before Wisconsin??? What??? And it was in 2021???

Man, my state fucking sucks. We’ll probably be one of the last, and they already missed the boat for that tax money. States bordering have mostly had it long enough that their markets are getting flooded with cheap product, so when we do finally legalize, we aren’t going to be able to charge much. Hell the last time I went I hit the legal per-transaction max and spent about half the cash I had planned (previously I’d run out of money well before hitting the max).

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Unfortunately the people who typically get sent to shitty prisons don’t tend to have a lot of familial money to fight a legal battle with. And when they do, it tends to be used up by fighting false imprisonment on the first place.

The system is rigged such that only those with funds have legitimately air-able grievances. Which doesn’t apply to most of us.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Probably true, and I hope they are approaching people for it, but I also can’t blame people who are grieving if they choose not to go through with it, even pro-bono. The trauma is it’s own price, and being forced to relive it for years is a huge price to pay for some money.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s really gross, but not at all surprising, that we, as a country, don’t have official reporting or tracking of this shit. I mean I know this country gives less than no fucks about women or minorities, but come the fuck on, even with that horseshit piecemeal reporting we -still have- absurdly high maternal mortality stats for a developed country???

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Tons of people don’t have HDR yet. It takes a while for tech to spread, especially when it’s not something many people are gunna go replace a several hundred dollar device for, nor is it necessarily a selling point when shopping for new TVs.

I thought my 4k smart tv was new enough to have it by default since I bought it in 2019, but it doesn’t.

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Yes, really.

Maybe you are spending more than I am on your TVs, but even after it became more common it still wasn’t standard apparently. It wasn’t something I looked for or knew to look for, being one of those things that isn’t really a selling point for most people and all.

The only reason I even know mine doesn’t have it is video games, I just found out a few months back, and frankly I just set the gama high within the game and call it good. Been doing that for many many years. The whites are more blinding than they used to be but that’s about it. Frankly I assumed the problem was with the backlighting.

I just assumed the media issue was, in fact, a media issue (which it -abso-fucking-lutely is-! If you need a special [even if common] TV device format to correct for your shit production quality by default, ya dun fucked up your production, that’s on you, not the people watching it) and went about my day oblivious as always. :)

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Or highly highly personable. But also usually both.

I was a workhorse and could solo Saturday rush for a restaurant with an hour wait, but I’d have made way more if I could flirt and bs with people when it’s slow.

Would there be an easy way to remove paint from this wall? ( i.imgur.com )

I live in a rental property that has a tiny yard out back. I’d love to paint it just to brighten it up a little more for sitting out in the 3 days of UK sun, but don’t want the landlord to take a hissy fit and steal my deposit. So if I did paint it, is there a (easy) way to strip it before I leave? Up close shot attached

ApathyTree ,
@ApathyTree@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Idk how well this would work for this use, but you could look into using 3M VHB tape (vhb stands for very heavily bonding).

It works similar to those pull release command hooks - same type of tape, but there’s a foam layer to account for uneven surfaces. So when you are ready to unmount it, you pull the tape to stretch it out and it loses adhesion.

It’s used a lot for mounting signs to buildings/glass (often with silicone as well, because that’s more permanent).

If you want to try it, I would suggest testing an area near the bottom and let the tape sit in and set up for at least a week before you pull to remove and see what happens with it.

I’ve used it on interior walls with no issues (great for hanging mirrors and stuff) my only concern would be the texture on the wall preventing a proper pull.

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