autotldr Bot , to Firefox in Mozilla Firefox Blocks Add-Ons to Circumvent Russia Censorship

This is the best summary I could come up with:

Stanislav Shakirov, the chief technical officer of Roskomsvoboda, a Russian open internet group, said he hoped it was a rash decision by Mozilla that will be more carefully examined.

“It’s a kind of unpleasant surprise because we thought the values of this corporation were very clear in terms of access to information, and its policy was somewhat different,” Shakirov said.

Developers of digital tools designed to get around censorship began noticing recently that their Firefox add-ons were no longer available in Russia.

Roskomnadzor is responsible for “control and supervision in telecommunications, information technology, and mass communications,” according to the Russia’s federal censorship agency’s English-language page.

In March, the New York Times reported that Roskomnadzor was increasing its operations to restrict access to censorship circumvention technologies such as VPNs.

“For the last few months, Roskomnadzor (after the adoption of the law in Russia that prohibits the promotion of tools for bypassing blockings) has been sending such complaints about content to everyone.”

The original article contains 703 words, the summary contains 160 words. Saved 77%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Fern , avatar

The beginning made it just a little clearer

The add-ons were blocked at the request of Russia’s federal censorship agency, Roskomnadzor — the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology, and Mass Media — according to a statement by Mozilla to The Intercept.

“Following recent regulatory changes in Russia, we received persistent requests from Roskomnadzor demanding that five add-ons be removed from the Mozilla add-on store,” a Mozilla spokesperson told The Intercept in response to a request for comment. “After careful consideration, we’ve temporarily restricted their availability within Russia. Recognizing the implications of these actions, we are closely evaluating our next steps while keeping in mind our local community.”

some_guy , to U.S. News in Columbia Suspends Ilhan Omar’s Daughter One Day After Omar Grilled School Administrators

It was a complete coincidence. /s

al4s , to U.S. News in Biden Is Bankrolling Israel’s War Amid Growing Financial Hardship at Home

I don’t think money is the real issue here. It’s already budgeted for the military anyways - if it’s used to help other countries that’s a good thing in my book. Well unless it’s “helping” by funding the bombing of civilians, but what do I know.

gitgud OP ,

I partially agree with you, in that if that money could be used to help other countries that would at least be providing value to the world. Unfortunately I don’t believe it’s being used that way in this case. Money going to Israel is being used to massacre Palestinian civilians en masse (culminating in what is very likely, and I consider, a genocide), and money going to Ukraine is going to prolong a conflict that the USA has been explicitly preventing from reaching any potential diplomatic resolution. Yes, it would be ideal if Russia pulled out of Ukraine and left them alone but Russia won’t do that when it holds the best cards and the best chance for that was earlier in the war when Ukraine had lots of military funding that wasn’t being diverted to the Gaza Genocide and most of its troops and fighting-age population weren’t crippled or dead.

furrowsofar , (edited )

Frankly do not agree with your assessment especially about Ukraine. Russia still retains maximal aims. Ukraine still retains the ability to militarily defeat Russia but the west has been a day late and a dollar short. Manpower. That is a Ukranian political decision. Ukrainian losses have been not that large compared to their population. Similar in ratio to Russian losses to their population.

Gaza is harder. No good solution. The residents of Gaza choose this by choosing Hamas as their government and starting a war with Israel. Iran is similarly responsible.

Edit: The amount of money the US has put into either conflicts is minimal, had been spend largely in the US, and has no relation to social funding.

Rascabin ,

I think you need to research the history of Palestine before you shit nonsense out of your mouth.

admin , avatar

…shit nonsense out of your mouth.

Your words aren’t nice. Please, remember to be(e) nice when using Beehaw. Thanks.

gitgud OP ,

Ukraine still retains the ability to militarily defeat Russia but the west has been a day late and a dollar short.

I think that may have been the case at one point, but if you look up Ukraine and prosthetics, and compare to the population and military strength you’ll see that it’s more than a day late at this point. Even if you’re of the opinion that deaths aren’t that high, prostheses need paints a grim picture for the future of that conflict. Countries like France were trying to negotiate settlements and ceasefires earlier in the war but the US kept blocking them and hinging financial and military support on not negotiating, which is how we got where we are there.

The residents of Gaza choose this by choosing Hamas as their government and starting a war with Israel. Iran is similarly responsible.

First, I disagree. Hamas was elected decades ago and there have been no elections since, and more than 50% of Gaza was children before Oct 7th. The majority of people who live in Gaza did not elect Hamas.

Secondly, even if this was the case, what were Gazans going to do about their situation, protest? Israel controls and controlled flow of trade (via a blockade), water, and electricity into Gaza before this conflict. A huge percentage of the Gaza population had injuries from IDF soldiers deliberately shooting them in the kneecaps from earlier protests or getting too close to the fences they erected. On top of that, Israel helped fund Hamas and got them into power, so Oct 7 was just Israel reaping what it sowed. Gaza was an open air prison hosting a slow genocide before this conflict, all that’s happened now is Israel moving up the timetable.

Nomecks ,

All that money is used to buy American weapons and products. That’s how it works. That money is paid back to American companies.

ArcaneSlime ,

Well the CEOs of Raytheon, Haliburton, and Lockheed-Martin are doing fine, fwiw. I think though that the issue is rather than funnel money to those dudes, people would like to keep their money to spend it on things they need, like food or bills.

sonori , avatar

I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that the money would be spent on food aid. After the fall of the Soviet Union for instance, congress explicitly passed a law preventing spending on defense from being redirected toward domestic issues. A large deficit also wasn’t seen as much of an issue when we halved the corporate tax rate in 2017.

ArcaneSlime ,

Well because if they don’t take my money for bomb building, I will spend it on food, to aid my living.

I wasn’t saying the government would, they prefer to spend it on military, instead of letting me spend it on my food, that’s actually kinda the whole thing.

sonori , avatar

Except we’ve already cut taxes to half to a third of what they were in the 60s, and most people made more than enough to spend on food then.

ArcaneSlime ,

Yet people are spending 11% of their income on food due to rising prices and inflation and wages haven’t really balanced out like in the 60s where my stepmom could pay for college with her summer job as a grocery bagger.

All I know is, if I had more money in my acct, it would get spent on food and bills.

sonori , avatar

But the extra dollar less in taxes won’t do anything about shrinking wages or raising housing costs and you’ll just be back to where you were when your employer pays you less because after all, taxes are so much lower now.

sonori , avatar

I don’t see how the US could possibly be the one precenting a diplomatic solution in Ukraine? Russia continues to presue maximum war aims, including having officially amexed whole regions into the the Russian Federation that has not at any point in the conflict been held by Russia, and maintaining that any peace not only mandates that Ukraine can not at any point in the future join any defensive alliance or pact but also that Ukraine stops holding elections in favor of its leaders being appointed solely by Moscow.

The territory thing is important because the Ukrainian constitution specifically requires that any change in the nations borders be approved by a public referendum in which all citizens can vote. Given that current polling shows about 2 to 4 percent support for such a referendum, such a deal is unlikely to be approved anytime soon.

Militarily, it is important to note that the Russian government is not and has never been the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union’s was an alliance of dozens of nations where the majority of its military production were in nations like Ukraine, Germany, and Poland. Russia has large reserves of Soviet equipment in fields that it has been rebuilding, but a limited ability to produce fully new equipment. Hence why for instance they are buying up large portions of the North Korean ammunition stockpiles to make up for a lack of domestic supply.

On the other hand, Ukraine’s production is in the other hundred and ninty some odd nations that make up the gobal economy. Supporting it has made up a relatively small percentage of that economy, which is why in 2023 for instance the US provided over twice as many old tanks to Romania alone than it did to Ukraine. More importantly, the US can build thouse new tanks without starting by pulling a rusted shell out of a field first.

Given that at the current rate of Russian advancement it will take them decades to get back to where they were a few years ago, and over a century to fully concur all of Ukraine, the general strategy has been to let the dictator burn though his stockpiles and foreign exchange reserves while training the Ukrainians on stuff like tanks and air defense that entered production after the fall of Soviet Union.

Zworf , (edited )

The territory thing is important because the Ukrainian constitution specifically requires that any change in the nations borders be approved by a public referendum in which all citizens can vote. Given that current polling shows about 2 to 4 percent support for such a referendum, such a deal is unlikely to be approved anytime soon.

That number seems a bit unbelievably low to me.

If such a deal could be reached and Russia would get the Donbass and some other areas they already have now, why would 96-98% Ukrainians really not want that if it finally brings this terrible war to an end? After all those regions like the Donbass were already nothing but war-torn cesspools (think MH17!) where most of their remaining inhabitants actually prefer to be under the Russian regime for whatever reason. I don’t think a normal Ukrainian that just wants to live without war will actually care whether they get these regions back. There’s nothing left standing there anyway.

Personally if I were a Ukrainian from Kiev I would definitely not want to risk dying over some distant area full of rebel farmers. Just give them to Putin and see how they like being under his regime (I imagine, not very much). I would just want to live my life again and I wouldn’t care about my country’s borders being a little smaller. It’s just some lines on a map. A matter of ‘national pride’ is not worth dying over. And life in Ukraine is basically at a standstill. People can’t plan for the future, build a career, buy a home etc. That can’t continue forever.

The question of course is whether Putin would actually stop forever or if it would just offer him a respite to build up his forces again for round 2. I would assume it would be most likely. But of course, so could Ukraine. Besides, Putin is getting old. We never thought that after Beria and Cruchev someone like Gorbachev would come but he did. Someone else could stand up after Putin and peace might well last.

But anyway, if they want this to continue, so be it. I just think it’s unlikely Russia will ever be completely beaten back even if NATO did get involved (and it won’t because it would lead to terrible escalation) and who wants another 10 years of war? Yes, Russia was wrong for attacking Ukraine and has committed terrible war crimes but at this point I think a compromise should be reached to stop further loss of life. Ukraine has fought very well to push them back but whatever little Russia has now is not important enough to die over IMO. Lately the victories have been very hard-fought with very nasty losses. Even if the war ended with the current status quo, Ukraine should be really proud of what they have achieved. They would have beaten back the lion.

PS: This might sound harsh sure but I really don’t see what they have to gain by fighting to the bitter end to get that Donbass back.

sonori , avatar

It’s about the level of support most civilian populations tend to show towards an invading force that’s actively bombing them. How many civlians during the German Blitz do you think would have supported trading Dover to the Nazi’s in exchange for a temporary ceasefire? How about for a second time after the first ceasefire was broken by another ground invasion?

A lot of Ukrainians lived in the occupied regions before been being forced from their homes. Plenty more currently live in the areas that Russia has officially declared as part of its territory but which are currently held by Ukraine. Far from some lines on a map, a very large part of the population have at least one family member who didn’t flee faster than the Russians during the initial attack and who either have been living in fear, had their children taken, or were shot in the street. In both of the first two situations, people tend to be very dedicated to the idea of getting their family currently being held by the Russians back.

None of this is likely to convince people to give the people who did it land it has never held on the promise that in a few years the exact same thing will happen again.

They know that Russia is just another nation with a military about equal to theirs, and that ultimately there are dozens of nations with more powerful militaries on their side.

They also know that Russia cannot do this forever. That the weapons Russia now uses were built in nations that are firmly on Ukraine’s side in this conflict. That Russia’s war chest of foreign extange reserves, pool of manpower that have yet to be conscripted, and fields of stockpiled vehicles continue to get smaller every day. That the Russian military is useing older and older vehicles at the same time that the Ukrainian military is using newer and newer ones.

Russia has been forced to cut its losses on the battlefield before after all, it is neither impossible nor unlikely that it will again.

Zworf , (edited )

It’s about the level of support most civilian populations tend to show towards an invading force that’s actively bombing them. How many civlians during the German Blitz do you think would have supported trading Dover to the Nazi’s in exchange for a temporary ceasefire? How about for a second time after the first ceasefire was broken by another ground invasion?

That 2-4% would not be support for Russia, but for a negotiated treaty that involves giving up some territory (how much to be determined of course). It can’t be stated that those 2-4% would just want Russia to win because if that is the case no referendum is needed because the constitution would no longer apply.

And I was thinking of an actual resolution to the conflict with UN support and backed by an international coalition (after all, if Russia is at the negotiating table a security council resolution becomes a possibility too!). Not just a temporary ceasefire.

A lot of Ukrainians lived in the occupied regions before been being forced from their homes. Plenty more currently live in the areas that Russia has officially declared as part of its territory but which are currently held by Ukraine. Far from some lines on a map, a very large part of the population have at least one family member who didn’t flee faster than the Russians during the initial attack and who either have been living in fear, had their children taken, or were shot in the street. In both of the first two situations, people tend to be very dedicated to the idea of getting their family currently being held by the Russians back.

I know it’s terrible, but would you risk your remaining children serving in the army just for some payback? I wouldn’t. It will only lead to more death and it won’t bring those murdered back. I would just want it to be over and for court proceedings and inquiries to start. And for all the abducted children it’s also better for all of this to end sooner rather than later so they can be brought back before they’re brainwashed.

Don’t forget WWII was one of very few that ended in a very decisive victory. Many other wars end up in a stalemate. Like the Korean war. Even the mighty US could not hold on to Afghanistan and things are now as bad as they were before the war. Despite being a massively overpowered force (it was clearly an asymmetric war).

I see this kinda going the same way into a gruelling meatgrinder. I don’t see many human conflicts resolved with one side being the 100% winner. And there is no guarantee that Ukraine will win if it continues. Especially when it comes to meatgrinding wars, Russia has the population and strict regime to keep throwing people into it. It’s basically their MO, it’s how they beat the Germans as well. Ukraine loses less but there are much fewer people to replace them with and also less motivated than at the start (the people really willing to fight already are).

And don’t forget, Russia still has nukes and Ukraine doesn’t. That will always hang over this conflict like a dark cloud. I wouldn’t put it past Putin to use them even if he lost just out of spite. Not saying we should give in to Putin just because of that but we shouldn’t put him in a situation where he has nothing left to lose.

I’m sure many people are more patriottic than me (especially in the US people seem to be very patriottic). Just 2-4% sounds low, that’s all. But anyway, if that is their wish, ok, fair enough. I do hope they will be victorious. I just don’t think the human price will be worth it, and talks should at least start.

None of this is likely to convince people to give the people who did it land it has never held on the promise that in a few years the exact same thing will happen again.

By the way this is of course all part of the negotiation. Right now there is no talk whatsoever, and Ukraine is in a very good position, I could imagine this ending up with Russia walking away with only to the land they control (which is all pretty devastated). Ukraine is starting to withdraw from places now and they might not have such a good negotiating position later. Especially if Trump wins, don’t forget! Nothing can be taken for granted then. NATO could even fall apart as he has suggested.

millie ,

How is this perspective different during an invasion of a hostile, genocidal force than simply copping to cowardice and collaboration?

JeffKerman1999 , to U.S. News in Palestinians Sue Biden for Failing to Prevent Genocide in Gaza

Oh ok, thought it was something between Hamas and the IDF

somethingclever , to U.S. News in Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Sues The Intercept Over Russian Mercenary Report

FYI, this article is almost two years old. The case was dismissed with prejudice this July. Here’s some more info if you don’t mind a PDF.

JasSmith , to Work Reform in Automaker CEO Elon Musk Strips UAW Twitter Verification as Union Strikes Against Big Three

I must say it is amusing watching the same people who cheered Twitter censorship the last few years suddenly realise why giving companies the power to sensor is a bad idea. Eventually the gun gets turned on you.

dmonzel , avatar
  1. “Free speech” refers to the government, not private companies.
  2. There is some speech that has no place in the public square. Hate speech, threats, and harmful conspiracies, as examples.
glad_cat , (edited )

That’s the “American and legal” version of free speech. Was there no free speech before they wrote the constitution?

SheeEttin ,

Correct, there was not. For example, see the case of Zenger and the New York Weekly Journal.

Even today, the UK does not have the same freedom of speech as the US. For example:…/abolish-the-monarchy-proteste…

JasSmith , (edited )

You’re confusing the U.S. Constitution with free speech. The Constitution only protects some kinds of speech, and only for American citizens. I’m not American. Most people are not American. Surely you realise there are many others countries out there, and other kinds of speech?

You say “harmful” speech has no place in the public square. Who adjudicates that? Right now it’s Elon Musk. Are you really happy with that?

dmonzel , (edited ) avatar

Again, “free speech” doesn’t apply to what companies allow on their platforms.

I listed examples of harmful speech.

thisisawayoflife ,

What government purchased X? Surely you’re mistaking that with a private entity purchasing it. No part of X is public, it is and has always been a private site with membership requirements.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

The constitution is there to protect us from the government. Other laws are there to protect us from each other.

DarkGamer , (edited ) avatar

I think exceptions need to be made for obvious propaganda, disinformation, gaslighting, and hate speech. Dangerous lies and calls for violence do not need a platform, that's quite different from silencing people for merely having a different opinion.

TheGoodKall ,

I agree with the spirit of what you’re saying, but it seems too easy for those definitions to get spun off into just “things the majority dislikes” which isn’t great. I would hope that dangerous lies could be countered in the comments, and the platforms are then setup to always include this conversation rather than letting the first poster hog the megaphone

DarkGamer , (edited ) avatar

I used to believe the free marketplace of ideas worked this way, then the Trump years and the pandemic happened. It became clear that many people cannot and/or do not care to know the difference between evidence-based conclusions & obvious and dangerous lies.

“A lie will fly around the whole world while the truth is getting its boots on.”—Mark Twain, (possibly apocryphal but still relevant)

chaogomu ,

The "censorship" from before Musk took over was mostly banning hate speech, death threats, and calls for violence. Sometimes all three were in the same tweet.

Now it's banning union organizing and people wanting to be paid a fair wage for a day's work. Totally the same.

JasSmith ,

Most people agree with censoring hate speech and death threats. The problem is they expanded well beyond that, all while people cheered. The chants of, “it’s a private company!” were deafening. So now they can lie in the bed they made.

chaogomu ,

Even before Musk, twitter amplified right-wing nonsense.

Now it's openly full of Nazis, because Musk unbanned them.

But you're right, it is a private company, and thus not subject to any definition of free speech.

Here's the thing. People do have free speech and can publicly say that they think the new twitter is a Nazi fulled dumpster fire run by a racist man-baby who got rich off of an Apartheid era emerald mine.

Hyperreality , (edited )

Always resist censorship.

Can I follow you around with a siren that I turn on every time you attempt to speak?

JasSmith ,

Using a siren to silence me is just another form of censorship.

dmonzel , avatar

Stopping someone from using a siren is just another form of censorship as well.

Hyperreality , (edited )

You telling me to silence my siren is censorship. I'm using it to voice my opinion.

I thought you were opposed to all censorship!

OwenEverbinde , avatar

Do you think it’s possible for a Twitter version of this drowning-out siren to exist? What would it look like?

alvvayson ,

Private companies moderating content != censorship.

And I think you have a wrapped few of how it went down.

Pre-musk moderation was a necessary evil to combat spam, fake news and hate speech. Nobody was cheering, except when some notorious idiots got the boot. Then we were just laughing at the idiots. Fine, call it cheering if you want.

Now, we are mostly just all laughing at Musk destroying his investment.

I don’t care if he censors the UAW or whatever. Go ahead and censor everyone except dogecoin evangelists.

And yeah, people can say stupid shit I disagree with. But I reserve the right to laugh.

skweetis ,

I'm not going to hang out in a bar that allows Nazis to hang out. You can if you like, but people are going to call you a Nazi supporter, and they will be right. If you don't allow Nazis in your bar, they can still stand outside and freeze peach as much as they want, you are not curtailing anyone's freedom. So, yes, I cheer businesses that don't allow Nazis and I am critical of businesses where the management trolls unions (and allows Nazis), and that's not hypocritical in any way because there's a difference between good things and bad things. Anyway, enjoy your Nazi bar, weirdo.

SatanicNotMessianic ,

First, twitter removing a post/banning a user/enforcing a policy is free speech. The government preventing it is anti-free speech. The government cannot tell the New York Times what to publish or not to publish, and it likewise cannot force twitter to do so. I cannot force the Washington Post to publish my op-ed on how bananas should be banned because they’re phallic and make me uncomfortable. Twitter has the right to suspend the UAW account, or delete all of its posts, or whatever it wants to do.

People are upset because Elmo uses his right to suspend and so on as personal vendettas. He’s erratic, unstable, and impulsive. Again, it’s his company and it’s his right. Hell, given that he’s destroyed between 70% and 90% of a $44B company’s value by indulging in his idiotic whims, I wouldn’t expect anything different. A literal dart-throwing chimp would be a better manager. It’s obvious why Jack Dorsey got a guaranteed buyout at $54.20 when he agreed to hold onto his $1B holdings during the transition. He could now technically shut down twitter by removing up to 25% of its remaining valuation. If the Saudis got a similar deal, that’s another $1.5B. So Elmo isn’t just paying $1B per year servicing the debt he took on to stupidly buy a company in an industry he knows less than nothing about, those guaranteed buybacks are like additional loans that can be called in at any time If he did end up tanking the value of the company down into the $4B range, it is closing in on being worth less than $0.

So this is to be expected, just like him fucking with the NYT and anyone else he disagrees with is to be expected. People can still call it out as indicative of who he is.

And you know this is nothing like censoring hate speech or dangerous disinformation. You’re just making a bad faith argument.

HeyThisIsntTheYMCA , avatar

That’s right. You should ban bananas because people are peeling them wrong

autotldr Bot , to U.S. News in Columbia Suspends Ilhan Omar’s Daughter One Day After Omar Grilled School Administrators

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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During a hearing premised on the idea that there is rampant antisemitism on Columbia’s campus, Omar also got Shafik to say that there had been no protests targeting specific ethnic or religious groups — Muslims, Arabs, Palestinians, or Jews.

Hirsi, who has been an active participant in campus protests over the war and said she hadn’t received any prior disciplinary warning, noted that other factors may have been at play too.

On Thursday morning, Barnard sent interim suspension notices to Hirsi, Maryam Iqbal, and Soph Dinu for participating in an on-campus encampment that has rallied hundreds of students for over 24 hours.

Hirsi noted that the university has been relatively quiet about that investigation, while it has quickly published information about unauthorized events held by students protesting the Gaza war.

One adjunct faculty member found the decision troubling, given that the school has its own public safety department ostensibly trained to help manage student and campus affairs.

“Shouldn’t the cops have been required to disarm before entering campus to avoid possibility of accidental discharge or some other horrible thing?”Update: April 18, 2024, 4:47 pm.

Saved 82% of original text.

BurningRiver , to U.S. News in Georgia GOP Proposes RICO Expansion for “Loitering” Protesters

Can’t wait for this to be applied to protestors outside of the court where Trump’s trial is being held.

GA GOP: “No, not like that”

eyy , to Work Reform in Confused Automakers Braced for Strike at the Wrong Plants

great work!

GuyDudeman , to U.S. News in Russian Militia Has Links to American Neo-Nazi and Anti-Trans Figures avatar

Of course it does. This isn’t new.

Also, the Intercept (Greenwald in particular), is a mouthpiece for the Kremlin, so take everything with a grain of salt.

Five OP , (edited ) avatar

Glenn Greenwald resigned as editor of the Intercept in 2020.

GuyDudeman , avatar

That’s good to hear.

rambaroo ,

What’s your source for your claim about the intercept?

GuyDudeman , avatar

Actually reading the intercept.

Thrashy , avatar

Regardless of the sourcing, it’s important to have open eyes about these things. While don’t think many outside of Lemmygrad would argue that there isn’t a clear moral difference between the defenders and aggressors in this war (and Prigozhin didn’t exactly name his organization the Wagner Group out of a deep artistic appreciation for German opera, either), Ukraine has also been willing to take help from unsavory groups, particularly in the original Azov Brigade and the RVC. I won’t condemn Ukrainian leadership for engaging in realpolitik while fighting for their nation’s right to exist, but they and their Western allies all need to be careful that fascist elements within Ukraine don’t get the opportunity to leverage the war for greater power and influence.

GuyDudeman , avatar

Totally agree.

Ghostsheetz , to Firefox in Mozilla Firefox Blocks Add-Ons to Circumvent Russia Censorship avatar

@sabreW4K3 that sounds counterproductive to Mozilla’s values. Wonder what russia threatened?

e_t_ Admin , (edited ) to Work Reform in Automaker CEO Elon Musk Strips UAW Twitter Verification as Union Strikes Against Big Three

Tom Nicholas referred to Musk as the "World's Oldest Teenager" and he's not wrong.

homesweethomeMrL , to Firefox in Mozilla Firefox Blocks Add-Ons to Circumvent Russia Censorship

The Intercept has an agenda, and it’s not always good.

sabreW4K3 OP , avatar

Elaborate please?

autotldr Bot , to U.S. News in October 7 Survivors Sue Campus Protesters, Say Students Are “Hamas’s Propaganda Division”

🤖 I'm a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

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Survivors of the October 7 attacks filed a lawsuit in U.S. federal court last week alleging links between Hamas and the pro-Palestinian student groups leading nationwide protests against Israel’s war on Gaza.

It was filed a day after police in New York City deployed militarized forces to remove students from campus encampments protesting the war on Gaza and arrested hundreds.

“Through NSJP, AMP uses propaganda to intimidate, convince, and recruit uninformed, misguided, and impressionable college students to serve as foot soldiers for Hamas on campus and beyond,” the October 7 survivors wrote in their suit.

At the time of their passage, members of Congress who pushed the anti-terror laws linked them directly to crackdowns on pro-Palestine activities, according to a recent white paper from the Center for Constitutional Rights and Palestine Legal.

In March, the same group of nine plus another October 7 survivor sued the U.S. committee of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency, or UNWRA, the largest humanitarian organization operating in Gaza.

Greg Abbott issued an executive order targeting campus activism, calling on all the state’s higher education institutions to “review and update free speech policies” to address antisemitism.

Saved 86% of original text.

some_guy , to U.S. News in Leaked NYT Gaza Memo Tells Journalists to Avoid Words “Genocide,” “Ethnic Cleansing,” and “Occupied Territory”

Fuck off, NYT. Bought and paid for. Sock puppets.

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