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Top Republican says party base "infected" by Russian propaganda ( www.newsweek.com )

Russian propaganda pushed by the Kremlin has “infected” part of the Republican base, a senior GOP congressman has said, as indications grow that a vital U.S. military package for Ukraine will come up for a vote with U.S. lawmakers this month....

Hyperreality ,

I wonder if it's dawning on some of them that supporting Russia, a country with an economy the size of the Netherlands and Belgium, is probably less profitable than supporting the US defense industry and selling weapons to markets which make Russia look like Burkino Faso with nukes.

I mean, ignoring the morality or right and wrong of it all, since that's less relevant to some of these ghouls.

Hyperreality ,

Next year will be a bit dicey, but after that they're done. Europe alone can outspend Russia 100 times without breaking a sweat. They'll bankrupt themselves, again.


Hyperreality , (edited )

You'd be surprised how many homeless people have hard science degrees or previously ran succesful businesses. Bad luck, ill health, medical bills, a family member who needs to be taken care of, (government) corruption, fraud, theft, builders didn't fix your roof right and you're stuck with the bill and negative equity, etc.

It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life.

The idea that hard work will set you free, a slogan that historically featured above many a concentration camp gate, is a comforting lie but a lie none the less.

Hyperreality ,


Homelessness is heavily correlated with mental health issues, childhood (sexual) abuse, and/or childhood deprivation. A lot of these people were fucked before they even got a start in life, through no fault of their own.

It's easy to think they're in the position they're in because of some kind of moral failing. It's comforting, it allows us to pretend it couldn't happen to us. It's good for our egos, we get to pretend our relative success is a result of how great we are.

But the sad reality is that for a lot of people, especially outside the western world, life is fundamentally unfair and no amount of talent or drudgery will do much to significantly improve their situation in life. Realistically the most they can hope to improve their children's chances, and it's still a long shot.

Hell, it is almost certain that there are cleaners working at Tesla, who are both more intelligent and hardworking than Elon Musk. But they were born in the wrong place, to the wrong parents, and with the wrong skin colour and/or genitals.

Hyperreality ,

A common beauty hack is to match your lipstick colour to the colour of your nipple, so yeah.

This being said, maybe the Romulans or Vulcans in question have a fetish for humans.

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  • Hyperreality ,

    Someone should design a gun that allows you to easily terminate a pregnancy.

    Hyperreality ,

    It's what Jesus would have wanted. Read the bible.

    Hyperreality ,

    Favourites Star Trek: Birth of the Federation (Master of Orion, but it's Star Trek) and Klingon Honour Guard.

    I used to play a lot of Star Trek Online, but honestly that really felt like a job once you reached the end game, a joyless experience that made me feel like I was wasting my life.

    [Solved] Trees supposedly take 30 years *before* they absorb CO₂. Why?

    I often hear science-adjacent folks stating that a tree needs to be 30 years old before it starts absorbing CO₂, usually paired with the statement that it’s therefore pointless to start planting tons of trees now for slowing climate change....

    Hyperreality ,

    Not your fault, but that is the most annoying calculator I've ever encountered, as someone who uses the metric system.

    I mean, what kind of maniac describes the amount of oxygen produced in pounds?

    Also are those US gallons or UK gallons?

    The increments used for the circumference of the tree is also incredibly weird, 7 and 3/4 inches? Really? Clearly converted metric to imperial. Why not include a slider to switch to metric, if that's what you've based your numbers on?

    Hyperreality , (edited )

    7 and 3/4 inches is (roughly) 20 centimetres.

    Why not use 10 inch increments or even 6 inch increments if you're making a site for an American audience?

    It's like car sites and manufacturers which list the 0-60 time, but it's actually the 0-62.14 time.

    If you're going to use imperial, use imperial. Don't do a half assed conversion from metric.

    I am also available if anyone wants to listen to a rant about ecoflush toilets.

    Hyperreality , (edited )


    Your welcome. /s

    Hyperreality ,

    The split may be larger than the vote appears to suggest. Those worried about re-election will avoid publicly opposing an ally of Trump and the base, especially if they know that colleagues in safer districts will prevent him gaining a majority anyway.

    Hyperreality ,

    the only real way to get ahead isn’t by working harder or out-competing your co-workers

    That's a lie.

    The best way to get ahead is to inherit.

    Hyperreality , (edited )

    Ah. This is a simple mistake.

    You seem to think that corporate owners of commercial properties switch off the lights, heating and/or AC when they're empty.

    In reality they leave them on even in empty properties, then lecture the rest of us about how it's our fault the climate is fucked because we forgot to unplug a 12 volt phone charger or flushed the toilet twice.

    On a related note, remember that time you put the lid of a cola bottle in the wrong recycling bin? Clearly you're a hypocrite and in no position to suggest a factory dumping 12 tonnes of microplastics in a river is bad.

    Hyperreality , (edited )

    Always resist censorship.

    Can I follow you around with a siren that I turn on every time you attempt to speak?

    Hyperreality , (edited )

    You telling me to silence my siren is censorship. I'm using it to voice my opinion.

    I thought you were opposed to all censorship!

    Hyperreality , (edited )

    “When she carried on her whoring so openly and flaunted her nakedness, I turned in disgust from her, as I had turned in disgust from her sister. Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.”

    Ezekiel 23:18-21

    “So they got their father to drink wine that night also, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. Again he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she got up. So both of Lot’s daughters became pregnant by their father.”

    Genesis 19:35

    Prostitution, horse sized dicks, breast fondling, incest and rape.

    Should Americans under the age of 18 be banned from reading the bible because it is arguably pornographic?

    Or is it important that we define what constitutes pornography and what constitutes a child, so that banning the bible isn't possible?

    And don't think this is me simply being funny. The bible has been been banned in some schools and for some ages, thanks to these kinds of overly broad and poorly written laws.

    New Trump poll proves Obama and Clinton were right: The GOP base are deplorable, bitter clingers ( www.salon.com )

    “Hurt dogs sure do holler.” That was the saying that came to mind in 2008 when then-candidate for president Barack Obama drew outrage from Republicans because he described their voters as “bitter” people who “cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.” The phrase came to mind again...

    Hyperreality ,

    Racists don't just exist in the south. They exist everywhere.

    In fact, the ones who aren't openly racist are the most dangerous of all.

    Hyperreality ,

    What I find fascinating about this episode, is that it illustrates how cultural misunderstanding is a huge driver for continued tensions between the Empire and Federation.

    The Federation and humans especially try to be pacifists and explorers and are ashamed of their ability to be fearsome warriors. Ashamed of the barbarity they are capable of. The Klingons misunderstand this, and think the federation are either weak or duplicitous. That the federation is pretending to be peace loving so they can stab the Empire in the back, or wants to avoid war because it is weak.

    Meanwhile, humans think diplomacy is always the answer. When dealing with Klingons, being honest about humanity and the federation's capacity towards violence would go a long way to easing tensions. If the doctor was known as the butcher of J'Gal, this would have helped the federation seem more like a worthy opponent and therefore potential ally. Instead he allows a Klingon to take the credit, and the federation ends up being represented by the worst kind of Klingon, a coward who ran from battle. What the doctor did was arguably very honourable in Klingon eyes. He killed a coward, who killed children, but ran when faced with a real warrior.

    It's also politically relevant today, where pacifism is seen as a weakness, while others underestimate how strength and the threat of violence often prevents wars or the fact that sometimes extreme violence ends wars and potentially prevents further suffering.

    Hyperreality ,

    The sentiment that ex post facto laws are against natural right is so strong in the United States, that few, if any, of the State constitutions have failed to proscribe them. ...The federal constitution indeed interdicts them in criminal cases only; but they are equally unjust in civil as in criminal cases, and the omission of a caution which would have been right, does not justify the doing what is wrong. Nor ought it to be presumed that the legislature meant to use a phrase in an unjustifiable sense, if by rules of construction it can be ever strained to what is just.

    Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, August 13, 1813

    Hyperreality ,

    After making the floor/walls flush with the existing shower, I'd either:

    • use pvc glue to construct a pvc cover/box out of (relatively thick) white pvc sheet and corner profiles. Bolt cover to wall/floor. Use a rubber seal(thick white PTFE tape?)on all edges of the box to make it water tight once you clamp it down. (this is assuming you don't have a vacuum former, access to a 3d printer or are unable to find something to cannibalise)
    • tiled/grouted corner box with a little door. Tile door, thick white rubber tape and bolts to ensure it's a tight seal.
    • leave the pipe exposed, but replace the ugly industrial valve with a nice chromed (and therefore largely rust resistant) one like this.

    To be honest, I'd go with the last option, but pop some extra silicone around where the pipe comes out of the wall/floor. That's another likely weakspot for rust.

    The tiled concrete solution isn't bad, but I don't get whoever made it cheaped out on the valve.

    e: oh and if there's the option to install the valve in the basement or somewhere else, I'd 100% go that way and remove this valve entirely.

    Hyperreality ,

    Free speech ladies and gentlemen.

    The pastor gets to voice his opinion.

    Anyone who disagrees with his viewpoint, should think twice about voicing their opinion, or they'll kill ya.

    Hyperreality ,

    Kbin is basically still in alpha. They're fixing stuff like this. It'll be fixed soon.

    Unlike previous attempts at trying reddit alternatives (like Voat), kbin and much of the lemmyverse doesn’t seem to be plagued with extreme far right buffoonery. ( kbin.social )

    It’s one thing to have differing views, but I’ve seen enough attempted reddit migrations to be relieved that the popular communities in the fediverse so far haven’t been about crazy racist stuff or other extreme right bullshit....

    Hyperreality ,

    I'm a big fan of free speech.

    Nazis scare minorities into not being able to fully exercise their right to free speech.

    So censoring the far right actually results in a net gain in free speech for society and communities as a whole.

    Hyperreality ,

    The reality is that creeps harassing pregnant women is the least of reddit's problems.

    I mean, not so long ago reddit hired a paedophile apologist and IRC diaper play furry fetishist as an admin. They claim they forgot to vet them, but this is the site that tolerated a subreddit with pictures of underage girls for years and gave the mod a custom award.

    Expecting reddit to be a safe space for this kind of thing, is like worrying about Epstein stealing beer from the fridge, after you've asked him to baby sit.

    Honestly, you might as well burn the whole thing down to the ground. That's the only way to make that site safe for women.

    Further reading for those who weren't around or didn't get to hear about it because of censorship on reddit:



    Hyperreality ,

    From what I've heard, a big issue is condoms. Length isn't an issue, girth is. Too large or too small and it rolls up and/or is more likely to tear. Like a too small latex glove, except a dick there's nothing to stop the condom rolling up. Cleaning a toilet and the glove tears? Shit happens. Condom tears? Baby or STD happens. Not funny.

    But from what I can tell, a lot of people who post in forums like that are roleplaying having a large dick or gay guys who want to creep on guys with large dicks. People are weird.

    Hyperreality ,

    It's kinda funny in a dystopian way.

    A lonely guy playing a creepy hentai game gets some sexual gratification from his time spent interacting with a piece of software and is at least somewhat self-aware. He knows it's just software, even if he 'married' his bodypillow.

    Meanwhile there are increasing numbers of people unaware they're regularly interacting with bots online, not realising one of the reasons social media is making them sadder is because they've atttempting to fulfill their need for social interaction with a facsimile thereof.

    It's not unlike Idiocracy, where they give the plants Brawndo instead of water, then wonder why the plants are dying. Vast swathes of the world are feeding their social needs with social media brawndo.

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