StealthToad , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now

I wonder what other third party app features users loved will get locked behind the reddit premium paywall.

deegeese , avatar

Spez is copying Elon so I’m sure they’ll paywall DMs because those can’t be monetized by ads and have a high support load.

xc2215x , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Yes. Reddit should have.

ContentConsumer9999 , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now

Wait, do you actually have to pay for the original icon now? In what world do you make your actual logo a paid option? I hope this is only for the r/place event but with the recent changes I wouldn't be surprised if they made everyone pay to not have the shitty pixel icon.

Justice , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges avatar

In some mythological sane world unions would be mandated in every industry… but even in a less shitty world than ours this should result in firing and jailing of the person who directly decided to fire this person and the CEO. Maybe 10 years and seize all their assets and properties. Also fine the company 5% of its entire estimated value (calculated by some agency and not based on any bullshit accounting tricks. Just straight up add all their assets up, cut 5% off, fuck em).

And yes this IS intended to destroy companies who do this. Kind of being nice if anything since it effectively gives them multiple fuckups before they probably go under- for which all the executive officers would be personally financially responsible. Capitalists should have all their property and assets seized, but barring that, if the hypothetical leaders are too liberal, this would be an effective long term way of destroying them. Or letting them destroy themselves anyway since they’re all criminal scum who couldn’t resist the greed even if it meant their utter destruction.

Unfortunately in reality nothing will happen besides maybe a juicy civil suit but not nearly enough to actually correct for the firing nor enough to force the company to never even think about this again. The law is unenforceable basically if it doesn’t cause the destruction of the ones who break it and the dissolution of the company who allow it. It’s just a fee for them to pay to then be able to squash unions. Shithole country.

CoderKat ,

Yeah. Whoever gave the order to fire these people and those who actuated it (if different) should go to jail. Corporations for whatever batshit reason are constantly treated with kids gloves. They’ll only ever get fined most of the time. Yet, corporations are just groups of individuals. Some individual (or individuals) gave this order. They should be arrested.

This shouldn’t be civil, it should be criminal. If spray painting a statue can get people arrested, so too should illegally firing them (especially in a way like this, which is extremely bad for workers rights as a whole).

GlitzyArmrest , avatar

for whatever batshit reason

Money and greed.

Crankpork , to RedditMigration in Reddit’s only free iOS app icons are ugly now avatar

Doge icon… Spez really does want to be Musk, doesn’t he?

aruraios , avatar

Not to mention an r/wallstreetbets icon...

McBinary , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

It's either public feedback, or it can't be trusted.

BarterClub , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

Too late. The bridge has already collapsed from the fire you started.

Madison_rogue , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time avatar

What a stark difference between last year and this year. Last year there was the outpouring of support for Ukraine. This year it will be a "fuck u/spez" shit show.

mysoulishome , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

Feedback session? Sure just two things. Fire spez, apologize for spez and then ask me again.

aaron_griffin , to Work Reform in DoorDash fired an employee for trying to organize a union, NLRB alleges avatar

Oh damn, Doordash is gonna be found guilty and they’re gonna have to pay a $2000 fine, and everything will be fixed!

Chozo , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Someone pointed out that in the original Reddit thread, that there were a large number of shadowbanned users in the comments.

Reddit is lying about transparency.

Pandantic , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins avatar

And with Reddit opening up another r/Place experiment on Thursday, users may soon have a big new canvas to express their discontent.

Spez is either looking to quiet dissent accounts, or really really needs to lure people back…

AlligatorBlizzard ,

Hopefully they get a giant “fuck u/Spez” on there before it gets nuked for some bullshit reason.

niktemadur , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

Three or four months too late, wouldn’t you say?
At this point anything they do seems like a ploy done in bad faith. They have burned all trust to ashes.

VulcanSphere , avatar

They are panicking

IPO during this time will be a PR disaster (although the Lord of Snoo spez probably doesn't even care about this).

Bozicus ,

I think Huffman may have gotten rid of the “other people’s opinions matter” part of his worldview, due to decades of everyone in his life telling him that he sucks, and needs to get his shit together.

s_s , avatar

IPO will be boosted by a flood of bots, regardless.

PriorProject , to RedditMigration in Reddit is bringing back r/Place at perhaps the worst possible time

Josh Wardle, who would later go on to create and then sell Wordle, thought up the idea for r/Place, according to Newsweek

Wat? Apparently this dude keeps bottles of lightning in his desk drawer and just breaks one out whenever he feels like it.

Bishma OP , avatar

Yeah, that surprised me too.

monotremata , to RedditMigration in Reddit invites mods to “feedback” conversations with the admins

I mean, what this whole situation has shown us is the fragility that our reliance on that site creates. It would be a real mistake for us to go back at this point, because it means they (or their successors if they manage to actually sell the sinking platform) will eventually pull this stuff again. Trying to build a replacement community is a very difficult thing because of network effects, but this dramatic fracture has given us the opportunity to maybe pull it off.

So I see this as an attempt to create further disruption that prevents one of these alternate sites from solidifying as a true replacement, and little else.

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