@Chozo@kbin.social cover

Hail Satan.


This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Chozo ,

Does anybody happen to have contact with Ernest outside of Kbin? It's a little concerning that his last update over a month ago was that he was going in for a medical procedure and that he'd only be gone for a few days. I hope he's doing alright.

Chozo ,

Maybe you should think of non-awful words to use, instead.

Chozo ,

I understand the idea of reclaiming a slur. But general audiences might not recognize what you're saying for what it is. And nothing stops a bad actor from making the same claims and using the terms in bad faith, hence why it's generally easier from all sides to use different verbiage.

Chozo ,

Well ain't this just unfortunate timing.

Chozo ,

Therein lies the problem. They're self-employed. Unless Atlanta is specifically different, rideshare drivers are almost always considered independent contractors, so they don't actually work for Uber/Lyft/whoever. It's hard to make demands for better pay when your boss is you.

I imagine this is an intentional design choice by gig employers, as well.

Chozo ,

Is there more context to this? I'm really not sure what to make of these posts.

[My San Antonio] Texas residents with fake service dogs will be fined $1k under HB 4164 ( www.mysanantonio.com )

HB 4164, which passed both chambers and took effect on September 1, makes the false representation of animals as service animals a crime punishable by $1,000 and up to 30 hours of community service. Both locals and legislators alike are saying the misrepresentation of service dogs has increased challenges for those really in...

Chozo OP ,

Agreed, 100%. There needs to be some sort of system in place for this, because just letting people get away with such egregious violations does nothing but hurt people who actually need service animals.

asunaspersonalasst , to Fediverse
@asunaspersonalasst@kbin.social avatar

This has got to be the vaguest kind. The guys running this corner of the fediverse have better internet access than me, may have 5x better PCs than me and have the power to check my account several times, and still ban me for this.

I hope they review this a hundred times again. I mean, look at the gap of my comments'/posts' date there...I only sparingly use the upvote and downvote there, based off my feelings on certain posts or comments. (And here I thought they will not copycat the orange app's voting system...)

If they have decided to keep this decision forever, I hope will be kind to me...

Chozo ,

@asunaspersonalasst Are you using a shared connection with any other users, or perhaps a VPN? I'd wager that they found an IP match with another account that was upvoting/downvoting content, as that usually throws up red flags in most moderator tools (though I don't know what kind of tools LW has in this regard).

Chozo ,

Another day, another LemmyWorld outage.

Chozo ,

Wow, that's so "small government" of them.

Chozo ,

Honestly, this feels like an even worse name, in my opinion. I really disliked the trend of removing the "e" from "er" at the end of website names during the Web 2.0 days, and it feels just as goofy today.

I can't complain too much, though. I'm mostly just using it for cat pictures and silly memes, and the Tiff app works just the same as it did before.

Chozo , to Fediverse

Does anyone happen to know how claims or processes are handled with ? I'd imagine that each instance must have their own policies, based on the locale they're hosted in, but curious to know if there's any standard in place for this.

Chozo , (edited ) to Fediverse

I feel like the reason , and the at large, aren't taking off has to do with the fact that they're actually social networks. People don't seem to want a social network, they want content platforms. People aren't using or or to keep up with their friends these days, they're using these apps to entertain themselves. And since and every other platform that used to be a social network began pivoting toward content promotion, I think society has forgotten what a social network is supposed to actually be anymore.

(E: Grammar.)

Chozo OP ,

@Jerry Thanks! What prompted this for me was seeing how much is blowing up in Japan right now, and I couldn't figure out what was making Misskey different from the rest of the Fediverse. And after taking a look around at how that instance is being used by its community, it seems like it's being used mostly for content promotion. Most people are using it to share artwork and videos, and there's more focus on reactions than actual, meaningful replies. There's definitely people still using it as an actual blogging platform, but looking at the global feed, you'll see that 99% of the activity is coming from shared media. Its use-case is being catered more similarly toward the mainstream, media-sharing-based platforms.

Just kinda interesting to see that what people say they want and what they actually end up using tend to be different, sometimes.

Chozo OP ,


Personally speaking, I have no interest in socialization. I’m only on the fediverse for content and more importantly discussion on that content (though not in a social manner)

Yeah, I feel like I'm very much in the same boat, these days. If I want to socialize with somebody, I'd rather just do it in private than publicly in front of the whole world. I've begun to appreciate the more genuine connections these days after I quit traditional social media and went back to just texting people directly if I wanna say something to them.

Chozo OP ,

Very well said, thank you. Too many people see this and think "Tough, but them's the rules" without consideration to the damage this family suffered, and that others in this state will also suffer unless things change.

[Chron] Ted Cruz says 'Barbie' movie pushes Chinese propaganda on young girls ( www.chron.com )

U.S. Senator and documented Princess Bride superfan Ted Cruz is back with a new movie take. In an interview with the conservative media website the Daily Signal, Cruz asserted that the upcoming Barbie movie, which releases this weekend, pushes Chinese Communist Party Propaganda on young women.

Chozo OP ,

This man is such an insufferable dipshit and an embarrassment to this state.

Chozo OP ,

He's a Texas-sized dumbass.

Chozo OP ,

Video: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/epudwYyyii4

Boebert is a fucking disgrace.

Chozo OP ,

Hopefully that doesn't last for long. A LOT of attitudes changed overnight in Uvalde after the shooting happened. I've never seen a community turn on their police force with such unity before. I really hope they carry that momentum to the ballot boxes.

Chozo ,

Someone pointed out that in the original Reddit thread, that there were a large number of shadowbanned users in the comments.

Reddit is lying about transparency.

Chozo ,

That looks like a really uncomfortable bench.

Chozo ,

It looks like they're wanting to do a full rebrand as more of an actual social network, I think. Monetizing every single aspect of the platform sounds like a terrible way to go about it.

happyspark , to Fediverse
@happyspark@kbin.social avatar

So glad that stupid meme-of-the-week trends are finding their way over here from Reddit, too. I just love reading 50+ instances of the same unfunny joke in a row.

Chozo ,

@happyspark I had to just block a handful of the top communities because they were just overwhelming my feed.

Hopefully there'll be some optimizations to the sorting algo soon. I'd love to see the content from those communities, but not only that content. They're just so active that they snuff out anything else, unfortunately.

Chozo ,

Pretty sure that's exactly what they want. Those are way more neutral/marketable qualities to advertisers than "Sometimes your ad will be shown next to a 10-page, expletive-ridden tirade about poop-knives, and no, they won't explain what it is".

Chozo ,

It's rumored that Reddit is about to launch a new "creator program" that will pay Redditors for high-karma activity on the site. This change is probably meant to accommodate this new feature.

Chozo ,

how could they even have the cashflow to support that?

I'm guessing new deals with advertisers. These changes will incentivize more neutral, advertiser-friendly comments on their platform. I imagine that's going to make them more lucrative to advertisers going forward, so that their ads are shown next to harmless memes instead of bad-faith political arguments in cat pic subreddits.

kspatlas , to /kbin
@kspatlas@fedia.io avatar

If anyone here is working on a mobile KBin app, how are you managing microblogging?

Chozo ,

@kspatlas You should check out Artemis. They're looking very promising so far. https://kbin.social/m/ArtemisApp

Chozo ,

Just tested it on your comment, from Kbin. My upvote syncs over to OP's linked instance, but not the downvote. Not sure if that's specific to that instance, though.

Defederation, Threads and You ( kbin.social )

A lot of us are pretty new to the fediverse and we've arrived just in time to grapple with what is easily the biggest federation/defederation controversy ever to hit it. I've put this thread together to hopefully help communicate some of the more complex ideas that we're trying to get our heads around....

Chozo ,

On some level, it's probably not that important that people understand all this stuff

Maybe not the average user. But the ones who are very vocal with their outrage should definitely have an understanding of what these processes actually entail. Thanks for taking the time to write this, I hope people actually take the time to read and understand!

Lemmy.World is back online, admin posts details of recent hack and measures taken ( lemmy.world )

Notes: The vulnerability appears to be with Lemmy software, and other instances are possibly vulnerable until the Lemmy devs resolve it, however Lemmy.World has implemented their own fix in the meantime. It has not yet been ruled out if non-admin users have had their tokens compromised, but all accounts should be forced to...

Chozo ,

Don't bother, you won't get an answer. The dude's a Spez meat-rider.

Chozo ,

It's like being able to use your Twitter account to log into Instagram. But the Fediverse version.

It is not Lemmy or kbin, it is the fediverse. ( kbin.social )

I don't think many people understand that if they use Lemmy or kbin, they are posting to the fediverse. There are other platforms and will be more to come. Referring to a post on "Lemmy" or "kbin" is like saying you saw a post on your Windows or Mac computer....

Chozo ,

My understanding is that most instances are currently being either self-funded (sort of as passion projects), or accepting donations to cover hosting/maintenance costs.

Buy your local admin a coffee!

Chozo ,

I think at this point a shorter list would be the data it doesn't collect.

Chozo ,

Reddit forgets just how well this move went for Tumblr.

Chozo ,

Yeah, that doesn't actually work that way at all.

Chozo ,

TalkLittle is making a Tildes app. Not sure if he's going to split his attention across multiple projects right now.

Chozo ,

I used Reddit Is Fun for over a decade. It made Reddit usable on mobile for me. The UI for the mobile site and the official app make poor use of screen real-estate, IMO, and are designed to force you to continue scrolling and scrolling and scrolling. They're attention vampires.

RIF and other third-party apps had much cleaner UIs, that made it easier to find the content I was actually interested in, hide content that I didn't care to see, and interact with comments in a way that made sense for me. It was also easier to customize my notifications so that I would only be alerted by things I cared to be distracted by.

Without the third-party apps, I've reduced my Reddit usage tremendously. I used to spend probably a few hours a day just reading through Reddit, but now that I can't do that from my phone in a way that works for my use-case, I just simply don't use Reddit as much anymore. I only ever access it from my laptop now, and I only ever use my laptop while I'm on the toilet.

My Reddit use has been reduced to literal shitposting. Fuck Spez.

Chozo ,

There's no hate like Christian love.

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