
arstechnica , to Random avatar

Arm tweaks AMD’s FSR to bring battery-saving GPU upscaling to phones and tablets

Arm "Accuracy Super Resolution" is optimized for power use and integrated GPUs.

erikcats , avatar

@arstechnica wait that acronymises to 'ASS' hurrdurr

morten_skaaning , avatar

@arstechnica "nice ass"?

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Can you do better than top-level AI models on these basic vision tests?

Abstract analysis that is trivial for humans often stymies GPT-4o, Gemini, and Sonnet.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Frozen mammoth skin retained its chromosome structure

Features as small as 50 nanometers preserved in a 50,000-year-old sample.

arstechnica , to Random avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , (edited ) avatar

@arstechnica I had to check the date on this post.


Are you sure you don't mean blurays or something at least? People seem to be so silly about resolution even in things that don't need it (I, for one, care more about the quality of the story than about whether I can see how open the actor's pores are that day) that it's hard to imagine most of them watching 480i all that much these days. In fact, interlacing was meant for analog CRTs and looks horrible on digital displays.

deane , avatar

@arstechnica Physical media might be appealing again, but DVDs are absolutely NOT appealing. Stupid, brittle, delicate recording format that gets damaged way too easily.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Giant salamander species found in what was thought to be an icy ecosystem

Found after its kind were thought extinct, and where it was thought to be too cold.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Exim vulnerability affecting 1.5 million servers lets attackers attach malicious files

Based on past attacks, It wouldn’t be surprising to see active targeting this time too.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Shady company relaunches popular old tech blogs, steals writers’ identities

This doesn't just threaten writers' work—it has a corrosive effect on the web.

arstechnica , to Random avatar

Elon Musk calls for “criminal prosecution” of X ad boycott perpetrators

Congress accused advertisers group of colluding to tank X's revenue.

uberprutser , avatar

@arstechnica I'm also boycotting twitter, I hope musk won't suit me :)

nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@arstechnica Can we PLEASE stop putting malignant narcissists in charge of things?

arstechnica , to Random avatar

First “Miss AI” contest sparks ire for pushing unrealistic beauty standards

Influencer platform's controversial contest awarded prizes to three nonexistent people.

MrLee , avatar

Yeh. If fashion magazines didn't already make it hard enough for women.
Time to end the and women can feel valued for more than their appearance.

erikcats , avatar

@arstechnica side effect: polydactyly becomes 8th classical beauty standard overnight

arstechnica , to Random avatar

These African lions swam a record-breaking 1.5 km to find a mate

Brothers Jacob and Tibu braved hungry hippos and crocodiles to make the crossing.

Codhisattva , avatar

@arstechnica Lion King: Generations

geillescas , avatar


georgetakei , to Random avatar
JudyOlo , avatar

Watched her sister, Sally Ann Roberts, for so many years on WWL. The HEART of New Orleans. 💞💞 (and before her, Andre Trevigne 👏👏👏🥇)

Maxentius , avatar

@georgetakei Really, she doesn't anyone any explanation. People grow up within a culture, and they have to make the best decisions they can within that culture. We shouldn't second guess them

georgetakei , to Random avatar
Island_Martha , avatar

Too many of your video clips are from the dead bird. I don't go there

georgetakei , to Random avatar

Have a heart!

thesequesterednook , avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei I need this on the front of my car. Not sure why, but around here people think the acceleration lane is for not accelerating. They insist on getting on going 40 in a 70 where other traffic goes 80+. And of course if you're the one behind them that means the trailer truck that can't change lanes is now on your bumper downshifting like mad, engine screaming, just a grill in your rear view mirror.

georgetakei , to Random avatar
mannysprattle , avatar

@georgetakei The vision of her dancing should last for years. I know this because I don't dance much but it creeps up on me every once in a while. Rest now, you deserve it.

geos , avatar

Um, okay. Bye...

georgetakei , to Random avatar
nazokiyoubinbou , avatar

@georgetakei I love how we only have to do one simple thing to at least keep the pandemic from wrecking all our lives and it's the one thing you have to fight tooth and nail for against ever more resistance by the day.

Whole generations are going to be disabled by long covid and not even know what's going on as the brain fog hits while their disrupted immune systems fall victim to simple diseases over and over.

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