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Calcharger , avatar

We boost here

BingGoose ,

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what's the difference between boosting and hitting the upvote/downvote looking buttons?

Nugget_in_biscuit ,

Boost is a kbin upvote, while upvote is a Lemmy upvote. So if you want promote some good content on kbin, you have to use boost

Brkdncr ,

This is awful. It’s confusing.

harmonea , avatar

This is from the various services trying to talk to each other in ways they weren't originally designed to do, really. Our "upvote" is a mastodon "favorite" (like) while our "boost" is functionally a retweet/reblog. Kbin tries to bridge the gap between threaded content and microblogging, and it gets about 90% of the way there; all it really needs to do is change it so that upvotes are the ones that contribute to reputation instead of boosts, which are functionally useless outside a fully microblog-style environment.

CurlyMoustache , avatar

I just gave you a Boost and a Favourite!

HappySerf ,

And an upvote?!

f_u_reddit_992 ,

What’s the conversion to Stanley nickels?

AnHairyCoo ,


Kill_joy , avatar

It is currently broken which is why it functions in such a terrible way. A fix has been made, but not yet pushed to live. Hold tight :)

DoucheAsaurus , avatar

Lol, the developer has acknowledged it doesn't make sense at the moment and it will be changed.

AnonymousLlama , avatar

From what I can see the upvote / downvote both work as you'd expect now (as in upvoting curates content). There was apparently a period of time where 'boost' was the upvote mechanic but that's been changed

Hyperreality ,

Kbin is basically still in alpha. They're fixing stuff like this. It'll be fixed soon.

Mostly_Harmless , avatar


There's definitely room for improvement, but I like what I see so far and don't have a problem learning a new paradigm. I'm sure that as the platform matures things will become more consistent.

melroy , avatar

@zcd @Calcharger @BingGoose Boost is 2x the reputation.

Calcharger , avatar

You're like, one week late on that buddy boy

melroy , avatar

@Calcharger better late than never.

Calcharger , avatar

oh haha my bad you're a dev, thank you for the info!

Sorry I just thought you were a rando haha

melroy , avatar

@Calcharger Even if I was not a kbin developer, I hope we can all respect each other :)

HelloWorld , avatar

thanks, very good info worded nicely!

TheDeadGuy , avatar

Boost is like retweeting something, you can have followers in the fediverse. Boosting makes something more visible to everyone, so you upvote/downvote things you personally like/dislike and boost things you think your followers/everyone would like

Think of this place as a cross between email, Twitter and reddit. All communities can interact with each other and are independent

AnonTwo ,

The upvote doesn't represent an upvote on Kbin, so if you get a normal flow of upvotes/downvotes and no boosts, you'll have a negative reputation.

reputation doesn't actually do anything, of course, but it is there.

atocci , avatar

It only doesn't count as an upvote as far as reputation is concerned, upvotes are still upvotes in determining post ranking.

MadCybertist , avatar

Not on kbin they aren’t. The only thing that drives the ranking currently is boost. I think they are working on fixing that though.

Prouvaire ,

@AnonTwo @ernest is aware of the issue:

Hopefully this will be changed soon, as the current system is confusing can be off-putting.

ernest , avatar
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