Any advice for a large subreddit's (19 million subscribers) new lemmy instance?

I’m one of the r/futurology mods, and involved in setting up our new Lemmy instance -

While we don’t want to spam our user base, we’d still like the site to do well and promote it. We’ve 19 million subscribers, and by far the most traffic we get is the top posts that get on people’s front page or r/all. We’ve sometimes used stickied comments in these posts, but I’m wary of doing that, as many users might perceive it as spam.

Any advice for promoting our site, bearing in mind 95%+ of eyeballs go to these top posts.?

Here’s our onboarding announcement.…/rfuturology_is_now_in_the_fediverse_…

lemann ,

Yaaaay a new community to sub to 😍

There’s an instance admin community that should be able to help out with technical issues !lemmy_admin

There’s a matrix groupchat with most of the big instance admins as members, but I don’t know a lot about it tbh. Also would recommend letting people know your subreddit is trying lemmy at !reddit , and there’s another specifically for people announcing new communities but sadly can’t recall the name at the moment

I haven’t had a look at your sidebar yet, but add rules for bots and the such as you wish - here the frequently seen ones are autotldr and pipedvideobot. There is also communitylinkfixer but I haven’t seen it in a while.

No idea of the best way to promote it on Reddit, aside from popping a link in your sidebar over there? May be worth checking out the reddit communities for the three major instances that have migrated most of their users from reddit - (PrivacyGuides), (Programming), and (Piracy)

Lugh OP , avatar


Thanks for that info, it very useful. I’ve been wondering about bots, we’d talked about writing one to cross-post the subreddit’s content to the fediverse site.


Can a smart person hook it up with a link that’ll let me subscribe to this via kbin?

a-man-from-earth , avatar
possiblylinux127 , avatar

Even better: !futurology

a-man-from-earth , avatar

That's not what was asked for.

Very_Bad_Janet ,

Maybe at the end of each post add "Cross-posted at[email protected]" and the Lemmy equivalent?

Izzgo ,

subbed thanks

wjrii , avatar

Certainly something in your sidebar. Then, I know /r/askhistorians doesn't spam their podcast, but the mods are very quick to plug it when relevant, so keep an eye out for opportunities. Finally, just be sensible. Most people who are still on Reddit (I still lurk my niche communities) just want content. If there's a reasonable chance to tell them where else has content, some number will respond. I'd say y'all are fairly well equipped to draw in people if you think the Fediverse is THE FUTURE.

Lugh OP , avatar

keep an eye out for opportunities.

I’m hoping opportunities will happen organically, e.g. users will be cross-posting & cross-linking.

lenninscjay ,

Welcome, welcome, welcome from a lemmy user! Thanks for coming over here! A new sub from me!

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