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e_t_ Admin ,

Stars have a lot of mass. The Sun loses almost 5 billion tons of mass every second and has enough fuel to last another 4-5 billion years. Adding a single ton of anything would make no appreciable difference. If you were to drop Jupiter into the Sun, it would have an effect, but Jupiter is only 0.09% the Sun's mass, so the effect would be small.

foofiepie ,

Is it true that Jupiter itself is close to being a star if you were to add more mass? Would smooshing two Jupiters together make a star?

e_t_ Admin ,

You'd need to smoosh seventy five Jupiters together to make a star.

foofiepie ,

Thanks. Wow. That’s insane. Stars have a lot of mass then.

HeckGazer ,

If you ever feel like feeling extremely insignificant:

Shardikprime ,

Seventy six if you relax

4z01235 ,…/ask-astro-could-jupiter-ever-beco…

Depending on how you define a star, you could smush ~13 Jupiters together and make something that is maybe a star. To make a definite star you need ~80 Jupiters. To make it the same size as our Sun you’d need almost 250 Jupiters.

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