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mutant , avatar

this is hilarious because most of the people here and on are entitled reddit protesters

CileTheSane , avatar

Entitled in what way? They no longer liked how the service was being offered to them and stopped using it?

Chozo ,

Don't bother, you won't get an answer. The dude's a Spez meat-rider.

Detry , (edited ) avatar


FaceDeer , avatar

Heh, that guy again. I wonder if he's conducting some kind of experiment to see what happens when he gets his reputation score as low as possible?

Nepenthe , avatar

I just assume drunken beatings were the only love he experienced as a child. Negative attention is still attention, and it's the most likely explanation for choosing negative as your default.

On the plus side, it always makes me stop and appreciate my own life. I could be that guy, but the only salty nuts I'm gargling are pistachios

HopeOfTheGunblade , avatar

Hey, so, real question for you:

Why are you bothering with all this?

There are a lot of people I don't agree with, some I find downright obnoxious, and the last thing I'd choose to spend my limited time on this earth doing is finding them and telling them why I dislike them. Is there truly nothing better for you, no positivity you can bring to people or things that you do like, that would be a better use of your time than... This?

You aren't punishing your hated foes. You are sticking it to them, you aren't, in fact accomplishing anything. Is reddit truly so pristine and flawless that there is no possible use of your time that could make it better, rather than the shouting into the void you are meaninglessly doing here?

Because, if not... That's awfully sad. Kid with progeria breaking his ribs catching a nerf football sad. Your dad ran over your cat level sad. I am begging you, for the sake of what I am going to call your soul without intending any supernatural implications: find something actually worthwhile to do with your life.

0xtero ,

Why are you bothering with all this?

Most of the time, they're looking for replies like yours. Or people who get outraged and upset and want to "defend" their favourite thing. They're after reactions. It makes their day.

Better way to engage is to hover your cursor over their name and click the "block" icon in the pop-up.

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