graphito , in KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release
@graphito@beehaw.org avatar

In the future, if you plan to add sync, consider reimplementing Joplin sync algorithm

That would give you tens of thousands of passionate users, dedicated FOSS server as well as webdav/s3/dropbox/onedrive client sync ability, webclipper and a lot of support to navigate future issues/roadmap

If you ever decide to do that, there's even a plan to repackage the algorithm as a standalone library

louis_sch OP ,

My first plan is to add NextCloud Note sync

But if the two are compatible let's go for it ! Thanks for sharing this

ChaoticNeutralCzech ,

Yeah, I'm using Joplin over Nextcloud and it would absolutely be compatible, the Markdown syntax is the same after all.

louis_sch OP ,

I'm not to much worried about the syntax, KleverNotes follows Common Mark, so as long as the other app follows it too (which it should) this part is okay

I'm more worried about directory structure and things like that, but I'll have to read more about both API before I can really say anything concrete on this subject

By the way, if you have something in Joplin that you really can't live without, let me know, I'm always looking for pottential features :)

Rustmilian , in KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Is this why Kate dropped Markdown previews?

edinbruh , in KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release

Does it support KaTeX math, git integration, and spell checking? I'm using vscode for note taking but it's slow and power hungry

louis_sch OP ,

Math integration is something I want, hesitant between Katex and ASCIIMATH, but there's no such thing currently

Technicaly no git integration, as in, there's no way to "git add/commit/Push" directly from the app, but you can style do it. Your notes are saved inside a folder, you can see the path directly from the settings, so you can technicaly use git on it. I personnaly use syncthing

No spell checking, never thought about it, could be a cool feature, thanks for the idea

edinbruh ,

Well, I'm biased because KaTeX is load bearing to my use case. But I would argue that it:

  • Is more powerful
  • Is an introduction to LaTeX (which is an industry standard)
  • It's ubiquitous

You could consider using mathjax instead of KaTeX which should render both latex math and asciimath, (and should be better in general).
If you had unlimited resources (which I guess you don't) it would be cool if you made the math language into a setting.

For git, other than the add and commit buttons, it would be useful to have a "git gutter" which shows changes from the last commit. Which is the only git integration feature that you can't get away with external tools.

For spell checking, even just pulling in some dictionary, like the ones in vscode's cspell extension and having a basic dictionary check is much better than nothing.

louis_sch OP ,

You make a good case for it!
But one thing that I also have to consider is the ease of implementing this into my C++ parser...

Right now I don't see how that would fit into the app to be honest, I'm not fully against the idea, but it would have to be nicelly integrated and I don't see how it would be (mostly in terms of UI/UX)

There's also KDE sonnet, I will have to look further into this, but that will most certainly be a future addition to the project!

minecraftchest1 ,
@minecraftchest1@social.opendesktop.org avatar

Aspell should work for spellcheck.

louis_sch OP ,

Will have to check it out, thanks

DmMacniel , in KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release

Does it support inline editing?

louis_sch OP ,

Can you be more precise ?

DmMacniel ,

Sure. I would like to know if this app allows to edit inside the rendered view. E.g. you click on a table cell and you get a caret to manipulate tect inside that cell. Something akin to a richtext editor.

louis_sch OP ,

No, there's currently nothing similar to richtext editing.

You edit your text inside the editor and it is renderer in the preview. You can toggle on/off one or the other.

I tried to make things easier with the editor toolbar. You can easily create table from it through a dialog similar to the one from richtext editor such as LibreOffice writter

Linus_Torvalds ,

To add on to that: Obsidian is the only program that currently has this (to my knowledge) and it is a huge gamechanger. It just feels so much more usable than anything with a source and preview view. [I'm not demanding or anything, this is the stuff you do in your freetime, but you might want to go down that road.]

louis_sch OP ,

A "WYSIWYG like" editor is currently in progress (next big update)

I don't want to go full richtext mode a la LibreOffice writter, it will be something similar as Marktext instead

You will still see the Markdown tag (e.g: the "#" in your heading) but with the possibility to style them in a way that make them pretty much dissapear when your note editing that part, and some nice color and font size for the important part, that would pretty much mimic the preview style ;-)

Linus_Torvalds ,

Sounds cool, where do I best keep up with the project? Is there some RSS feed?

louis_sch OP ,

RSS feed looks good but to be honest I'm completly clueless about it, never used one

I'm posting detailled update on KDE Discuss (see the "last update" link in this post) when I've made enough progress in my opinion
I think you can search them using the "klevernotes" tag

And I make Lemmy and Reddit post linking to those each time

Edit: and if you want to ask question, my dm on those platform are always open, or there's a Matrix channel (not super active, but I check it every day), the link is in the Readme of the project

Linus_Torvalds ,

Thanks, will check it out :)

DmMacniel ,

Sounds pretty great, is there a way to support this project and or you?

louis_sch OP ,

Thanks !

What do you mean by support ? :-)

DmMacniel ,

Code Contributions, donations, testing, moral support. I dunno.

louis_sch OP ,

If you have a KDE dev account and want to contribute, feel free to do so
But, obviously, if you want to work on a new feature, it would be better to first talk to me to see if this align with the general idea of the project

Donation, no need for money, unless you really love the project and absolutely want to give something to me. I'm just a student who want to share it's work to make it better :-D

Yes please, test the app, I'm always looking for constructive criticism !

And moral, I'm good, but thanks for asking !

DmMacniel ,

Well, I hadn't had a KDE dev account until now :)

hinterlufer ,

Have you looked at how Obsidian handles it? I think their solution is pretty much perfect. You have the markdown, you write wysiwym, but you only ever see the source when your cursor is in that specific line/part. Also for equations.

louis_sch OP ,

Yes that's pretty much the plan ;-)

And math support is wanted, I just need to check what would be best to do it

guillem ,
@guillem@aussie.zone avatar

If I understood it well, zettlr and trilium haves this too: you start a line with pound signs and it changes its appearance to that of a header.

limitedduck ,

Nextcloud also has this

vintageballs , in KleverNotes Version 1.0 official release

Can I sync it with Nextcloud notes?

louis_sch OP ,

Sadly not right now.
I'm not against doing it, I just need to figure out the API

magikmw ,

Probably can open your notes directory in the nextcloud sync dir and it'd work.

louis_sch OP ,

I don't have a Next Cloud instance but I don't see why this would not work :-)

Just need to walk the folder hierachy to your note

magikmw ,

It's how I sync my obsidian vault right now. Works well enough.

greencactus , in Appreciation post for Plasma 6 - My current experience with the Fedora 40 beta

Thank you - I'll try it out again. I had exactly the same feeling about KDE5 - too fractured, too inconsistent, too many weird options. GNOME just was more polished in that regard. But your post makes me hopeful that KDE 6 fixes these things :)

Overall I'm just happy that Linux has multiple competing DEs which often inspire each other and give great new design ideas. As long as we have GNOME, KDE, Cinnamon, Budgie, Pantheon etc., I will be happy. I have learned lots of things in regards to my design preferences (and about quality of design in general), and I'm glad knowing that I can switch DEs anytime. RIP for Windows/Mac users who don't have thus luxury.

Muffi , (edited ) in 25 Years of Krita!

Whenever I get bummed out by the current state of the Internet, I just remind myself that software like Krita, Godot and Blender exist.

jlow , in 25 Years of Krita!
@jlow@beehaw.org avatar

Very nice write-up, I love reading abput stuff like this.

So awful to hear that the dev is affected by long Covid, hope they'll get better eventually. Wear masks, people!

jlow , in 25 Years of Krita!
@jlow@beehaw.org avatar

for some years our rallying call was “Make Krita usable for David Revoy!”


woelkchen , in KDE Apps Initiative
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

Want more exposure? Easy: Treat Steam Deck's game mode as first class citizen for Kirigami apps and release those on Steam, most notably the Angelfish web browser. Too bad whenever I inquired whether that's even under consideration, the replies I've got were along the lines of "just launch desktop mode".

leopold ,

The problem with gaming mode is how quickly it falls appart the moment you try to use it for something other than gaming. Something as simple as having more than one window is impossible under Gamescope. That's pretty problematic when a toolkit decides to implement something as a stealth window, like GTK context menus. Qt doesn't do this as much as GTK does so using Qt applications isn't as problematic, but it's still a pain. For instance, you're extracting a file with Dolphin and a pop up window shows up to report progress, making you completely unable to access the main Dolphin window until the operation has been completed.

The best part is that SteamOS displays a little "Switch Windows" section under the "Exit game" button when you have multiple windows opened, which literally just doesn't work and as far as I can tell never has. The only thing that menu does is show you the names of the opened windows and let you close them by pressing X. Switching windows, the thing the section is literally named after, doesn't work and never has since I got a Steam Deck last year. You select a window, it gets highlighted in the menu and that's it. Nothing else happens. It doesn't switch focus or switch the window displayed by Gamescope, it does nothing.

Another thing that's often problematic is that you can't maximize windows. Say your app decides to open itself windowed, Gamescope is just going to blow that 480x360 window up to full screen and makes zero attempt to actually resize the window to fit the screen, so you're stuck with a very blurry and zoomed-in window. The maximize button in apps with CSD does nothing, but other built-in means of resizing windows or achieving full screen do often work. But these built-in means often don't exist, because applications expect to be running on a window manager that's actually capable of managing windows.

And then there's just all kinds of bugs. Say you open a game with a certain aspect ratio/resolution while also having apps with a different aspect ration/resolution open, you'll often find that when going back to your app you can't move your mouse outside the boundaries of the window for the game you just opened. Another thing I've seen with many games is that the view often gets shrunk to a tiny square in the center of the screen. There's a lot more, but I'm sick of ranting about gaming mode.

My personal take is that SteamOS's Big Picture/Gaming Mode shell sucks balls. It's impossible to make most desktop apps work well in Gaming mode without bending over backwards to work around the myriad of issues it has (for the ones that can even be worked around) and since it's closed source there's nothing you can do about it. Thus, the best solution would be to develop a new Gamepad-centric open source shell to replace it. I also think rather than repurposing Plasma Mobile applications like Angelfish it would be better to design new ones that are truly designed for gamepads. Perhaps Plasma Big Picture could be used as a starting point. But it would be a really big undertaking and there probably aren't enough devs interested right now.

woelkchen , (edited )
@woelkchen@lemmy.world avatar

The problem with gaming mode is how quickly it falls appart the moment you try to use it for something other than gaming. Something as simple as having more than one window is impossible under Gamescope. That’s pretty problematic when a toolkit decides to implement something as a stealth window, like GTK context menus.

So much text and yet you didn't read that I was explicitly writing about Kirigami apps.

I also think rather than repurposing Plasma Mobile applications like Angelfish it would be better to design new ones that are truly designed for gamepads. Perhaps Plasma Big Picture could be used as a starting point.

Steam Deck has a touch screen. At no point was I taking about docked use.

DmMacniel , in 25 Years of Krita!

Kiki, Kritas mascot, is just so adorable! That sure was a wild ride. KIMP?

Hugin , in 25 Years of Krita!

A solid tool. I've been using it at least once a week for about 4 years now.

Genom , in Plasma 6.1 Beta Review, Its Perfect.

I tried the beta out for a week, and overall it was fine. One super annoying thing I can into I couldnt figure out though was paste was borked. I could copy text, see it in the clipboard cache, but when trying to paste, the window I would try to paste into (several apps) would freeze for 30 seconds or so, and then not paste. Very odd.

redbr64 , in Does Plasma Browser Integration not work with Firefox flatpak?
@redbr64@lemmy.world avatar

I can swear I found a workaround for this, but I am no longer using the flat oak. I will dig through my notes and share a link if I can find it

Rustmilian , in Does Plasma Browser Integration not work with Firefox flatpak?
@Rustmilian@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. Because it comes in two parts. The
OS level package and the browser extension, if the extension can't communicate with the OS level package then it won't work.

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