Not sure of the sentence order in this scentence

I’m not sure of the grammatical order in this scentence

I have learned about" Sentence topic, Time, Location, Subject, Indirect object, Direct object, Verb"


Is “家へ手紙を” describing a direct object or is it something else ?"

I haven’t learned all the kanji yet in the scentence and only know some of them

This scentence is from the sakubi grammer guide:

Umechan , (edited )

手紙 is the direct object. 家 is the place it was sent to, so I suppose that counts as an indirect object. Sentence order for Japanese is very flexible (although the verb must always come last), so I wouldn’t worry too much about memorizing any particular order beyond Subject-Object-Verb.

Edit: I took a look at the source you gave, and I think you should probably disregard this sentence pattern. It’s clear from the purpose of the lesson that they were purposefully trying to shoehorn から, へ, and に into single sentence. I don’t think it sounds particularly natural.

LanternEverywhere ,

Fyi its spelled "sentence"

x4740N OP ,

I didn’t even realise I made that typo

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