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I mean, LinkedIn is social media and many people use it as such. Sure the intended theme is professional social media but many people blur that line a bit on there and use of Duolingo to learn additional languages does have business implications.

Hell I’m personally learning a second language in the interest of job opportunities in that country or an area nearby

Poiar ,

¿Donde está la biblioteca?

SpaceNoodle ,

Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca.

Denalduh ,

Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca, es el bigote grande, perro, manteca.

Molotov ,

¡Muy bien!

Poiar ,

Manteca, bigote, gigante, pequeño Cabeza es nieve, cerveza es bueno.

e_t_ Admin ,



Non, j’apprends français

sunoc , avatar

Kie estas la biblioteko?

zarkanian , avatar

Ni bovinoj ŝatas muĝi!

MudMan , avatar

LinkedIn was just as much of a destination for the Twitter exodus as Mastodon and they had been adjusting in that direction for a while beforehand.

LinkedIn is just Twitter for the most annoying people you know now. And that's saying a lot, because Twitter was already Twitter for the most annoying people you know before it became Twitter for the most annoying nazis you know.

grue ,

I think the real issue is that being in the promotion zone in sapphire league is just not that impressive (and having only 282 XP five days in to the weekly competition is even less so).

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