
Stuck between distros right now. ( )

So, this sucks. On Mint, Firefox was running super sluggish to the point of being unusable. I reinstalled Ubuntucinnamon because I enjoyed using it when I had it installed, but between me last having it installed and now there seems to have been an update that has broken cinnamon's system tray. Which, for me, is a major...

[SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... ( )

Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time I deleted and destroyed my system just to rebuild it from the ground up and to teach you how to install what many fedora-tippers call the "hardest system" known as Arch Linux. Check out the install guide here and have a great day! Thanks for watching!

Inkscape launches version 1.3 with a focus on organizing work efficiently | Inkscape ( )

With version 1.3 of Inkscape, you’ll find improved performance, several new features, and a solid set of improvements to a few existing ones. This version is squarely focused on helping users get organized and work more efficiently with our free and open source vector-editing software.

I want to move to Linux but I need to be able to access my apps that are not supported ( )

Hey, I use the Adobe Suite for daily use to build and develop posts and videos for multiple people and can't have my workflow slow down by learning a new application, I've looked into Linux a few times and want to really move over in the future but due to it not having support for Adobe, I'm not sure what to do....

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