This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

ono ,

Qt is a wonderful GUI toolkit, but new language bindings are notoriously difficult, since it depends not only on C++ (which itself is tricky to bind into other languages) but also the Qt meta-object compiler. Even so, some interesting projects have emerged on that front. For example:


This (header-only) library can be used to create an application using Qt, without the need of the moc (MetaObject Compiler). It uses a different set of macro than Qt and templated constexpr code to generate the QMetaObject at compile-time. It is entirely binary compatible with Qt.


DQt contains experimental bindings for using a subset of Qt with the D Programming Language. Qt is a library for writing cross-platform graphical user interfaces. Currently bindings exist for the Qt modules core, gui, widgets and webenginewidgets.

ono , (edited )

Yes, exactly. So a standard compiler can be used, making language bindings much cleaner, while the runtime functionality and library compatibility are preserved.

And then there’s DQt, which uses DLang’s compile-time function execution instead of the meta-object compiler.

ono , (edited )

It’s an interesting project, but as a fork, I would be concerned about its compatibility with standard Qt & KDE libraries, widgets, and styles. Can you comment on that?

Also, what language bindings does it offer?

ono ,

I think you’re talking about migration from Qt to CopperSpipce, though, yes? I’m talking about integration with existing desktop environments. Making use of the themes that are already installed. Communicating with existing libraries via the existing interfaces. Are there any hitches to be aware of on that front?

And language bindings, for those of us who are trying to get away from writing in C++?

ono , (edited )

That’s as I expected; Thanks for confirming.

Unfortunately, that leaves out the kind of integration I was asking about (and the kind implied in this post), through existing Qt & KDE shared libraries and such.

CopperSpice might still be interesting for stand-alone projects written in C++, though, and I appreciate that you’re here engaging with the community.

ono ,

It would be nice to see the current trend of ever-increasing software bloat turn around in favor of better efficiency. Reducing our power consumption and replacing our hardware less frequently would definitely help the environment.

Alper_Celik , to KDE avatar

yeah i reported my first bug to


ono ,

Next step: Submit your first patch. :)

Dieinahole , to Fediverse

Why is kbin so broken?

404's everywhere, "we're working on it" signs everywhere else.

Like sure, not being able to find my response in the pile of thread sounds like Linux problems, but how is this not loading faster and better than reddit?

ono ,

My understanding is that it got a big surge of users at a time when it wasn’t really intended for the public, and is now having growing pains.

ono ,

I’ve seen an argument that defederation would just hurt the fediverse, and that even an exploitative giant like Meta should therefore be welcomed.

I think that’s like arguing that we should get rid of antitrust laws, which we have for good reason. We need to be able to stop bad actors and the damage they do. Especially large ones.

ono ,

Kate’s icon is the one that bothers me most. It doesn’t represent a text editor in any way at all. Looks more like the common style for a web browser icon. It’s as though someone was trying to be the opposite of intuitive.

ono ,

I’m a fan of static site generators, but unless I’m missing something, this won’t replace the most important part of Bandcamp: a platform for selling music.

kde , to KDE avatar

Krita 🖌️ is now available on the macOS store.

If you are an user, you can now install KDE's powerful program @Krita directly to your -powered machine.

Read why it took so long and how to avoid scammy knock-offs (of which there are quite few) here:


ono , (edited )

That’s nice, but inserting emoji into titles is annoying.

Edit: To elaborate, inserting emoji (especially color emoji) into a title draws the reader’s attention away from the other posts in their feed. It’s distracting and selfish, much like WRITING TITLES IN ALL CAPS. When linking an article, it’s also a form of editorializing, which (outside of a few specific cases) is such bad practice that some communities ban it explicitly.

ono ,

Seems like a relay that converts toots to posts ought to respect the conventions of the target platform.

And if the tooter knows there is a relay, it would be considerate of them to compose their first line accordingly.

I guess this is an opportunity for refinement as the fediverse expands and develops.

ono OP ,

Yes, it was. I’ve added a link to my local instance’s copy, for reference.

ono OP ,

just with (and of course other badly moderated instances) specifically.

Yes, there’s clearly a moderation problem, but it’s not just

To rephrase the question: why is it that practically all the insufficiently moderated sites are kbin instances?

kbin currently only supports one admin per instance

An overwhelmed admin could partially explain why a lot of spam comes from a particular instance. But it wouldn’t explain why most of the small instances generating spam have chosen kbin instead of lemmy.

An easier way to create custom keyboard layouts?

I use my own custom keyboard layout based on the US International layout that adds in all the symbols needed to write in all Latin script European languages, such as č, ħ, ð, ş, ł, l·l, ő, ů… Most are created via dead keys, others such as ø, æ, ə are added into the third and fourth levels (AltGr and Shift). I find...

ono ,

If you don’t find software that works well, you might consider a keyboard with QMK or TMK firmware, or an older AT or PS/2 keyboard with a Soarer’s converter. (I think I’ve even seen some hobbyist Soarer’s converter variants that handle USB keyboards.)

One advantage of these is that, since they operate at the hardware level, they work in all OS and application environments.

ono ,

I’ve also noticed fewer corporate apologists and shills here than on reddit. Let’s hope it lasts.

So let’s talk about this Wayland thing ( )

Wayland. It comes up a lot: “Bug X fixed in the Plasma Wayland session.” “The Plasma Wayland session has now gained support for feature Y.” And it’s in the news quite a bit lately with the announcement that Fedora KDE is proposing to drop the Plasma X11 session for version 40 and only ship the Plasma Wayland session....

ono ,

One problem that has long plagued X11 is that any app can snoop on any other app, including things like keystrokes and displayed information, even from within containers like Flatpak. (This is understandable, since it was designed at a time when spyware was rare, so there was no need for isolation more fine-grained than the user level.)

IIRC, Wayland didn’t address that problem in its early days, but in these modern times of surveillance capitalism, I suspect it has been getting more attention. It would be nice to see it solved.

ono , (edited )

The risk existed but did it plague X11?

Yes, and it still does. Practically every X11 installation is vulnerable.

(If you’re nitpicking my use of the word plagued, though, note that I am talking about the vulnerability, not the exploit.)

I never heard about any app logging keystrokes and sending theme somewhere.

That’s because of a variety of external factors, including:

  • X11 desktops aren’t common enough to be priority malware targets, yet.
  • People who run only open-source software typically get it from trustworthy channels, like their OS distro’s package repository.
  • Devices likely to attract malware, such as game consoles and mobile phones, have avoided X11. (Android phones and Steam Deck are examples.) This is no accident; lack of app isolation was a factor in that decision.

I don’t think normal uses had to worry about it.

We’ve been lucky so far, in that our circumstances have kept us mostly safe. However: Linux malware is on the rise. Commercial games, both on their own and through anti-cheat systems, are making opaque software more common on our desktops. Flathub is working on paid apps, which could likewise create malware opportunities that weren’t there before. The Epic Game Store has already been caught collecting data from other apps, so the intent is clearly present already.

It’s generally just a matter of time before exploitable systems become exploited systems. We would do well to close the door on unauthorized key logging, clipboard snooping, screen scraping, and input injection.

ono , (edited )

You have misunderstood me. I don’t use or promote Wayland, mainly for the very reasons you just listed. But I do recognize that it has the potential to solve real problems that are deeply embedded in X11. If/when it gets there, and fixes various deficiencies that it has today, I expect I will have a good reason to switch.

But it’s never “it has essential features that people need”. Because it doesn’t. If it did people would use it.

Actually, I believe it does have such features for people with certain hardware setups. I just don’t happen to have such a setup.

ono ,

Do plasmoids need QT 6 porting?

Some might. They also need KDE framework & components porting.

ono ,

You could restructure your network, but it’s probably not necessary. My phone is always behind NAT on the secondary router’s wi-fi. I got it working by:

  • Reserving a static IP address for my phone in the secondary router’s DHCP server.
  • Forwarding incoming ports 1714-1764 on that router to the phone’s IP address.
  • Allowing outgoing traffic from that router’s network to ports 1714-1764 on my workstation’s IP address (on the primary network).
  • Adding a device by IP address (my workstation) in my phone’s KDE Connect app.

Alright, you know what? I'll be switching. ( )

Hello there. I'm a beginner so keep that in mind. I have an old laptop (something like 10 yo). It has an HDD, 4 gigs of DDR3, an i3 4th gen 1.7 GHz and an NVidia Geforce 710M (Windows Game Ready Driver 391.35 WHQL which I think doesn't support Wayland). It also has CSM BIOS so yeah. It has the option of UEFI but the GeForce (I...

ono ,

KDE in 8GB RAM won’t leave you much room for applications. If you can’t get more memory, I suggest trying a lighter desktop environment, or maybe using ZRAM or ZSWAP.

ono , (edited )

I don’t know, but I find Gitea/Codeberg much more pleasant to use than Gitlab, and would support such a move.

Either way, I look forward to federated identities for this stuff.

ono ,

Akonadi is a pig. Nearly 20 processes, each one using 20-150MB resident set (20-40MB unique set), multiplied by the number of users logged in. And then there’s the other stuff it keeps resident, like mysqld.

That might be okay if I was getting something important from it, but I’m not. It provides zero value to me. It’s just wasting RAM that I would rather use for other things.

Unfortunately, it’s part of the Plasma dependency chain on my distro, so removing it would be problematic. When I find the time, I may build a custom metapackage to allow me to get rid of it without taking most of KDE with it.

ono ,

On old.reddit, ads were being inserted as regular posts when I last visited. It’s like they’re trying to drive people away.

ono ,

I use uBlock Origin, but I guess it’s possible that it malfunctioned that day.

ono ,

A unique ID doesn’t have to be long, opaque, and ugly like a UUID. All you need is a <locally-unique-number> + <originating-intance-domain>. Add a prefix to distinguish its type from other things at that domain, and you’ve got an ID that’s unique, readable, and easy to troubleshoot.

ono ,

We already have the IDs you mention in the URLs though, right? In the post I used as the example, the author’s home instance URL for the item is

Yes, the needed information is already present in those URLs, but as URLs, they instruct the browser to leave the current site and visit the origin instance, which is not what we want. To get the desired behavior, we would want:

  • Those two fields combined in a distinct format (not easily confused with a URL).
  • An obvious way for readers to get the global ID for any message they see (perhaps with the community/magazine name embedded, to make finding the source forum easy for humans who see it)
  • Apps (including the web interface) displaying each global ID as a link to the nearest copy of its message (local copy when available, origin instance copy as a fallback)
  • An easy way to manually navigate to any message by entering its global ID

a way that can be easily learned to transform the URL by copy/paste by hand

Yep. That’s the kind of ID we want. :)

ono ,

You’re assuming that the word federation means central governance over the component parts. It doesn’t. That’s just an element that happens to be present in well-known political federations, which are not the only kind.

ono ,

I think what we have here is more than just confederation, because the parts aren’t merely allied, but also operate as a unit.

This question might fuel some discussion over on !english .

HP BIOS Management/Configuration Driver Coming For Linux 6.6 ( )

I would love to see more hardware makers expose BIOS settings through the OS, either by developing the necessary open-source drivers themselves or by publishing the specs so the community can do it. The current situation of having to reboot into the UEFI setup makes it impossible to tune those settings for real workloads.

ono ,

Debian Stable + Backports, with a few customized flatpaks. I don’t care that my desktop apps are not bleeding edge. My system always works, and games run great.

ono OP ,

Ah! Yes, it’s hidden if I open the menu with the mouse, too.

A menu option that’s shown only if the menu is opened in a certain way. How confusing.

I just found out that not all of my Reddit comments had been deleted despite my profile page showing otherwise. ( )

TL;DR: even if your delete script confirms a full wipe and your Reddit profile page shows zero comment, there may still be comments left over (that you can find through a search engine and delete manually on Reddit)....

ono ,


Each of Reddit’s listings (top submissions, recent comments, etc.) is generated from a database index. Those indexes are limited to 1000 entries, by dropping older ones as new ones arrive, and they don’t re-index for deletions.

That means that once a listing goes over 1000 items, the oldest items can no longer be found through it. The messages are still in the database somewhere, but can only be reached from some other index (different sorting order) or a search or a direct link.

So, the messages are not being deleted and then restored; they’re not being deleted in the first place, because the tools have no way to find them.

This is why a formal data deletion request is often more effective than a deletion tool on Reddit.

ono ,

If by short form you mean something like Twitter, there is Mastodon. Did you mean something else?

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