
November Plasma 6 update ( )

Probably the big news is that we released the Plasma 6 Alpha today! What does that mean? Well, go read this blog post by David Edmundson to find out! In a nutshell, you should try out the Plasma 6 Alpha out using one of these distros (or by building it yourself using kdesrc-build) if you’re an adventurous person who has a...

X-post from reddit, Sharing media headaches: Samba won't show "new?" media, and can't figure out multiple user auth in NFS. SFTP on Windows? Help... ( )

EDIT: This has been solved!! This link has the full post, but basically you need to ensure SELinux flags are set for every file, and this won't happen to new files added. I have appended the SELinux option as a context entry to my fstab and now every file shows!...

The Maintainer Of The NVIDIA Open-Source "Nouveau" Linux Kernel Driver Resigns ( )

Hours after posting a large patch series for enabling the Nouveau kernel driver to use NVIDIA's GSP for improving the support for RTX 20/30 series hardware and finally enabling accelerated graphics support on RTX 40 'Ada Lovelace' GPUs, the Red Hat maintainer has resigned from his duties.

Is there any media cataloging software in linux that automatically shows which files don't have 2 or more copies? ( )

I lost 2-3 hdd's due to old age and lost all data on them. Some other 2-3 hdd's make a lot of noise while in operation and probably failing. I use VVV to catalog the stuff and to see which files have 2-3 copies, i need to manually search each file name. It's really tedious. I was wondering if there is another program that does...

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