
Bazzite is a SteamOS Clone That Supports Gaming PCs and the Steam Deck ( )

Bazzite isn't an exact clone of SteamOS 3, but its functionality is virtually identical to Valve's operating system. On the surface, Bazzite features an identical desktop experience to SteamOS 3. Thanks to the integration of KDE Plasma — a customizable Linux desktop environment, and Valve's KDE themes from SteamOS, Bazzite...

[SomeOrdinaryGamers installs Arch] I Installed The Hardest System Known To Man... ( )

Hello guys and gals, it's me Mutahar again! This time I deleted and destroyed my system just to rebuild it from the ground up and to teach you how to install what many fedora-tippers call the "hardest system" known as Arch Linux. Check out the install guide here and have a great day! Thanks for watching!

November Plasma 6 update ( )

Probably the big news is that we released the Plasma 6 Alpha today! What does that mean? Well, go read this blog post by David Edmundson to find out! In a nutshell, you should try out the Plasma 6 Alpha out using one of these distros (or by building it yourself using kdesrc-build) if you’re an adventurous person who has a...

X-post from reddit, Sharing media headaches: Samba won't show "new?" media, and can't figure out multiple user auth in NFS. SFTP on Windows? Help... ( )

EDIT: This has been solved!! This link has the full post, but basically you need to ensure SELinux flags are set for every file, and this won't happen to new files added. I have appended the SELinux option as a context entry to my fstab and now every file shows!...

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