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agent_nycto ,

Why tf would you associate with men who would punish you if you don't "live up to a masculine ideal"? You're not out of the "masculinity rat race" if you don't do something that some people see as not manly.

If you're a man, you get to define what masculinity is and means. If that means monster trucks and guns, cool. If that means baking cookies and taking care of a baby, cool. You're a man so by default everything you do is manly.

spaduf OP Mod , avatar

Why tf would you associate with men who would punish you if you don't "live up to a masculine ideal"?

It's not like men are ever given an explicit choice. Very frequently this means older male relatives.

agent_nycto ,

If someone is being a shithead, fuckem. You go your own way. Sometimes that's hard, sometimes you can't do it right away, but you leave them in the dust.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Pretty much!

Never understood why people put so much weight on this topic. Pick your own preferences.

In Italy, men kiss each other on the cheek. That's manly to them. You don't like it, don't do it. Easy fucking peasy.

Valmond ,

Work for example.

barsoap ,

You’re not out of the “masculinity rat race” if you don’t do something that some people see as not manly.

I wouldn't know whether I'm doing that because I don't care. Got more interesting things to consider.

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