Personal Finance

Can you offer investment advice? I'm debt-free, about to start earning $2k more per month than I need to survive. Please offer any suggestions for optimal investment method(s).

48 years old, currently have no investments. My net worth is my car and the clothes on my back, and I don’t ever want to be in this situation again....

We shouldn't have to work 40 hours a week to afford a basic life. We do because our currency is constantly losing value. This is by design.

There's a lot of talk about inflation and its causes. Is it corporate greed? Supply chain issues? One clear base cause of inflation less talked about is having an inflationary currency supply. Any other inflation caused by supply chain issues, corporate greed, lack of market competition, etc is just added on top of that. Fiat...

should the US consider a currency redenomination?

Prices of things are becoming absolutely insane. $800+ rent, $30,000 cars, $10 sub sandwiches, etc. It would be nice to do a 3/1 split and cut everything by 2/3. Then we would have $266 rent, $10,000 cars, and $3.33 sub sandwiches. Wages, debts, everything would drop to 1/3 what they are now. It would also make coins useful...

[US] Consider a brokerage account for your main bank

Most people take a simple view of cash: they have a checking account for spending and a savings account for savings, and if they get fancy, they’ll have a CD for longer term savings goals. Power users will change to an online bank with better returns, and that’s about as far as it goes. That certainly works, but we can do a...

Recommendations for Budgeting App (that’s not Mint)

After years of Mint I’ve decided to look for other options. Im considering doing it myself in a spreadsheet but before I go that route (not ideal) I thought I’d see if anyone had recommendations on good basic family-budget apps. Would be great if it could link with bank accounts but I’m open to anything at this point.

Look Out Below: Recession Is Coming

The central banks of the world are guiding us to a perfect crash landing. Interest rates have remained elevated in an attempt to curb the inflation brought on by printing excessively during 2020 and 2021. This strategy has actually worked by reducing US inflation from over 9% at the beginning of the year to around 3.5% now,...

What does your cash flow process look like?

I’m talking about types of accounts, automatic transfers, etc. Feel free to mention specifics, but I’m more interested in higher level information like does your paycheck go to savings or checking, do you use automatic transfers, do you use a traditional bank account or something different, etc....

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