Personal Finance

Pay off student loan debt or invest?

Is there a general rule of thumb on student loan interest rates and whether or not it’s better to pay off ASAP vs invest in an index fund? Sold a lot of company stock from an ESPP and RSU program that happens to be the value of our household’s student loan debt that is just entering repayment after graduation. Can’t tell...

Newly-ish married. How to plan and save for home buying in NYC?

Newliyish married, but the new reality is partner finished law school so going back to the DINK lifestyle. We live in NYC and are lucky to be in a rent regulated apartment. On one hand we realize it’s cheaper to stay there forever, but it’s not the most well maintained building the the amenities aren’t the best… Anyways,...

What are "complicated" taxes that require a professional? (USA)

I always see advice about which software to use and there’s always the advice that FreeTaxUSA is the best bang for your buck and does everything you need for when your taxes are “simple.” I’ve used and thought it was great for years. But as my career has grown and no longer filed as a single I’ve begun to question when...

Best way to buy a house for another person? [USA]

I'm in an extremely fortunate position where my Mom, upon learning about current mortgage rates and why I haven't bought a house yet, wants to essentially be my bank to buy a house. As in, she wants to fund the house, put it in my name, and I pay her a reasonable down payment and pay a "mortgage" to her at 2-3%. So what would be...

Low Interest Loan Repayment or CD/HY Savings

Looking to pay off $15k of student loan debt of my partner. It’s something we could wipe out with cash on hand if we wanted to relatively quickly. But one of the loans is 4.5%. Am I better off just riding that out but keeping the cash in for that loan in a HY savings account or keep reinvesting it in short term CD’s that...

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