Personal Finance

2024 HSA partial year limits

Need help please. If I am enrolled in 2024 for 10 months of the year (March-December) in an HSA-elligible HDHP will I be able to max out my HSA to the individual contribution limit of $4,150 or will I get hit with a big tax penalty? Do I have to “pro-rate” my contributions and subtract the first two months since I was not... | A place to help discover funds that don't support the Fossil Fuel Industry, or to check how much your current funds are invested into fossil fuels. ( )

Climate Town recently did a fantastic video detailing how banks use our money just sitting around in our account to invest in fossil fuels. Wanting to avoid this, I figured it’d be better to direct my money in an investment that’s at least a little less planet destroying, which lead me down this ecological rabbit hole that I...

How to properly compare the true costs of employer health insurance plans

In an effort to get more activity in this community, I’d like to start a discussion on how you evaluate which insurance plans to choose. Now, it is much simpler to do so when none of the plans you’re offered have HSA. With HSA plans and employer HSA contributions I found it’s actually quiet difficult to do all the math to...

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