SpaceNoodle ,

I like to joke that I moved from the SF Bay Area to Seattle for the affordable housing, but it’s funny because it’s true.

pixxelkick ,

median price home

So I nice mid life house…

Median price homes aren’t affordable, start home and median price home are mutually exclusive.

Median price home literally is going to be about the halfway point between a starter home and a fucking mansion

It boils my blood everytime I see these info dumps starting off with average or medium house prices.

That’s not a fucking starter home price.

It’s like looking at the median price of a car and then trying to say that cars aren’t affordable for your first car.

You don’t spend 20k to 30k in your first car, you buy near the bottom percentile as your starter. Your first car is like a fraction of the cost of the median.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Exactly. The median purchase price for new cars is ~$45k or something, yet I’d never spend that much despite making more than median salary. Things don’t scale like that.

xChronoZerox ,

But what should be a starter home is also increased…unless you like manufactured homes…which is also expensive >.>

pixxelkick ,

Not sure what you are talking about. Starter homes are still the same. Basic features, unfinished basement, no garage, 2-3 beds, 1-2 baths, likely 20-30 years old and requires some repairs.

Typically will be farther out of the city. It will be a longer commute but still within city limits. It will have some amenities nearby but not exactly on main street, but enough to suffice.

For most large cities I have looked at, usually is in the range of 150k to 250k. Totally affordable for someone making a decent wage of 50k+ to save up the down payment of 7.5k to 12.5k over the course of 1-2 years.

xChronoZerox ,

Where I’m at even manufactured homes are being built and starting at 100-200k. Shoot, my 50yo house was 400 and is now estimated to go for 500k which is wild to me after living here for a while.

I wish I was closer to where you’re at 😂

Edit: my house isn’t too crazy either. 1 car garage, 1 1/2 bath, 1300sq ft

sturmblast ,

why the hell is Pittsburgh Pennsylvania so cheap?

lntl ,

shh! don’t talk about it

skyspydude1 ,

Because we tell everyone the Midwest is terrible to keep it that way.

sturmblast ,

I might have to come check that place out to be honest

lntl ,

the Midwest is so bad! stay out at the coast, def don’t move there. it’s so dangerous and stuff.

gun violence, hard drugs, etc…

CmdrShepard ,

It’s funny because living on the West Coast, we tell people the same thing to scare them away, but when you say it about the Midwest, I suspect you’re actually being truthful.

motor_spirit ,

bro fuck those goofy ass roads over there. wonky ass hilly ass city

USSEthernet ,

Probably because per the 2021 census stats, 20% of residents are below the poverty line and the median household income was only 54k.…/PST045222

I’m sure the high rate of hard drug usage doesn’t help everyone’s situation there either.

lntl ,

yes this AND crime. definitely don’t move there. is really bad, you’ll hate it until you’re killed by random violence.

GenesisJones ,

You should go there and see lol tell us what you find.

sturmblast ,

If it was easier for me to do I would

BigDaddySlim , avatar

My dumbass had a nice 3 bed 2 bath home in NM that I was paying a measley $600 a month as a first time buyer. I then sold it and moved to the Boston area.

I regret everything.

elbarto777 ,

Where in NM, though?

BigDaddySlim , avatar


AlecSadler ,

The median household income in Portland, OR is $78k and the salary needed to afford a house is $136k?

Yup, sounds about right.

edit: Looks like I should consider moving to Pittsburgh…

pingveno ,

My husband and I recently bought a house here in Portland. We’re on two software engineers’ salaries with no kids so we can very much afford it, but it would have been a squeeze without an inheritance from my grandparents. It’s times like these where I truly appreciate the ubiquity of privilege. If they had been your average Black citizen, they would not have been given the opportunities to accumulate the wealth that I then inherited.

AlecSadler ,

Welcome to Portland! Software engineer myself. If you two ever want to grab a drink and commiserate, let me know.

pingveno ,

I’d love to! To be clear, we’ve both lived in Portland our whole lives. This is just the first time we’ve owned a home.

Treczoks ,

Now that insurances against natural disasters start costing a fortune in places like Florida, and you probably have to have such an insurance to get a mortgage there, it, the costs for housing down there will probably skyrocket soon.

ThanksObama5223 ,

At current interest rates, 5% down, and an 800 credit score, you’re monthly piti is still like 2,700. Assuming you make that 92k/yr, and are traded at 22%, you’re monthly take home is 5900. That’s 45 percent of your monthly income. “Affordability” is for dinner heavy lifting here

GreatWhiteNope ,

This is just not realistic.

Using the median home price is severely underestimating the cost of a decent home in an okay neighborhood.

With these salaries, you can afford a house that needs severe repairs or in either an unsafe or really inconvenient area.

I bought a house in one of these cities in 2017 with slightly more than what they say is the required salary. It was 195k with 4.5%. The school district reassessed the house from the sale, my taxes skyrocketed, and my mortgage increased $600 a month. I ended up selling the house after 3 years to move in my parents with 25k in credit card debt.

Today, that house would cost at least 300k and interest rates are around 8%. I’ve almost tripled my salary since then and my budget is probably max 330k.

GarfieldYaoi , avatar

The sadistic choice of the US:

Barely scrape by in “luxury cities” where non-millionaires are an afterthought. But at least you’ll have an easier time meeting fellow “undesirables”.

Have slightly more money that will mostly just go to paying for a car to traverse car-dependent hell…but you have to have vapid neo-nazis for neighbors.

SamboT ,

Hey are you like 15?

Feathercrown ,

Ah yes, New England is perfectly readable on this graph

Anticorp ,

Good luck buying a house in Seattle on a $170,000 salary. It’s going to be a beat-down, tiny thing, with no yard, in a questionable area.

hahattpro ,

required salary for fucking 30 years

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