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Feathercrown ,

That's unusual. You shouldn't be "stressed and depressed" from that. Don't get me wrong, I love WFH, but being unable to enter an office at all is not common.

Feathercrown ,

They were serious. Who's illiterate now? /g

Feathercrown ,

Am I? I mean I wouldn't be able to tell, of course, but I find that hard to believe. I'm not particularly extroverted myself but it's fine for me. The only reason my team doesn't come in is because of the commute time. And we're IT, not like marketing or HR.

Also "depressed" and "don't feel good" are very different in scale.

Feathercrown ,

There are other reasons not to want to. I like being self-sufficient. I like knowing that I could keep myself and those around me more safe if there was a threat. Etc. My environment would probably be fine with me if I did not want those things-- or at least I've never considered whether they would, because it's not repercussions that make me want to be me.

Feathercrown ,

Please make an effort to understand the point someone is making before attacking it.

Feathercrown ,

Ok, but is that the case for this specific person? Or are you using the general trend to attack someone in particular who may not exhibit the negative traits you associate with their position? Condemning someone as a fake ally when they are not is not a good move for several reasons.

Feathercrown ,

Wow, talk about being childish.

Feathercrown ,

To address the least objectionable part of this comment (it bugs me and the rest has been covered already):

This is a term that has evolved into this place, not one person put it this way

How do you expect terms to evolve without people making arguments like this? You accept it as a fact that these terms evolve and are agreed upon somehow, but you're missing that this happens through individual people making points like this.

Feathercrown ,


Feathercrown ,

It is feminism you know what it is.

I mean, we do, but a surprising amount of people don't. This is precisely why the name should evolve. Well, that and the perspective that the movement's goals have changed significantly enough from individual liberation of women to comprehensive equality of everyone, which should come with a corresponding change in the name. These are related.

You are for all of it but the name, so you won’t support it?

It's more that if people are informally introduced to the movement, their preconceptions are formed by its name. This can turn them off from seeking or accepting the real nature of the movement once it's explained to them. As a reminder, most people put very little thought into this sort of thing, so making a good impression for the people who are potential allies is important. You can argue that that's stupid and shouldn't be necessary, but it won't stop it from working like that.

And don’t do what dummy above said and claim you support it but don’t use the label because it is gendered.

I don't think I've ever encountered a situation where it's useful to directly say "I am a feminist" because it's generally clear from my other opinions, but I would if the situation required it. I do agree that an alternative label would be better, though.

Feathercrown ,

Ok you're clearly just trolling. Let the record show that I tried anyway. Get well soon

Feathercrown ,

Took my eyes a long time too. He’s being sliced in half

Feathercrown ,

It already exists, we don’t need to “construct” it?

Feathercrown ,

Nobody said it was only conservatives that could be stupid, unfortunately.

Feathercrown ,

Being a low information voter in an environment designed to make you so isn’t a moral failing

Disagree tbh. It’s only acceptable if you don’t vote. If you’re actively voting without understanding what you’re voting for, that in itself is wrong and you’re also much more likely to vote for something immoral.

Feathercrown ,

Your stuff is reasonably well organized, you just need some more permanence if you’re going to be here for more than a month. Trash can is a must, then bedframs and shelves, and run the Ethernet cable more securely around the room rather than across the floor. Then add decorations if you feel like it.

Feathercrown ,

I mean you might have a point about the article (idk didn’t read) but “masculinity” is used in a lot of contexts, not just that one.

Feathercrown ,

No that’s constructive, it outlines a path for improvement

Feathercrown ,

Have OCD, occasionally counterspin to reverse one I’ve done but only single spins. This would drive me crazy lol

Also related: www.xkcd.com/2679/

Feathercrown ,

7 days is the cutoff where it goes from being a bug to being a feature

Is there an easy way to generate a list of CMYK color values that will appear identical to the human eye under 589nm light?

I picked up a low pressure sodium lamp and am working on a Halloween demonstration. I’m hoping to make a display that appears one way under normal light, but looks totally different under the monochromatic 589nm sodium vapor light....

Feathercrown ,

The Fediverse really needs to support standard markdown globally

Feathercrown ,

Ah yes, New England is perfectly readable on this graph

Feathercrown , (edited )

You’re part of the problem. That being said, I kind of understand why women feel it’s weird to be called “females” now, so thanks for that.

Feathercrown ,

Oh my god [edited to be civil and respectful] even if democrats got literally nothing done they’d still be infinitely better than the entirely corrupt party of intentionally backsliding morons. At this point the republicans and their supporters are a big enough threat to our democracy that enough trademarked democratic infighting could actually bring this whole system down, and not in the way you’d want.

Feathercrown ,

Jesus christ

Feathercrown ,

Our definition of the masculine and the feminine revolve around a dead sun

Damn that’s a raw line

Almost all remote-work news is negative now but was positive in the beginning of the pandemic. Have you noticed this or am I going crazy?

Earlier in the pandemic many news and magazine organizations would proudly write about how working from home always actually can lead to over working and being too “productive”. I am yet to collect some evidence on it but I think we remember a good amount about this....

Feathercrown ,

I’ve actually still been seeing positive news

Feathercrown ,

“So I’ve been thinking…”

“Well that’s dangerous!”

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