
KyoStarr , in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?
@KyoStarr@kbin.social avatar
bedrooms , in [News] Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival

Worried House Republicans are looking to Johnson for plans for keeping their majority after record-low productivity for this Congress. Instead, he is offering thoughts and prayers.

The one time a Republican politician sent serious thoughts and prayers lmao

style99 , in [News] Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival
@style99@kbin.social avatar

This is a satire site, right? Right?

sonori , in [News] Republicans Furious as Speaker Johnson Turns GOP Leadership Meeting Into Religious Revival
@sonori@beehaw.org avatar

Why do I get the feeling that the God of universal love and compassion probably isn’t too happy with them, even before we get to Matthew 6:5-8.

And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.

But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

flta OP , in Florida election bill targets drop boxes again, brings back primary runoffs

The Republican-controlled Florida Legislature has unveiled another election bill that would further restrict where voters can drop off mail-in ballots and also force party primary candidates into runoffs if they don’t get more than 50% of the vote.


State Rep. Anna Eskamani, D-Orlando, called the continued attempt at culling drop boxes “unnecessary and politically motivated.”

“Republicans continue to feed into its rhetoric that elections are stolen and are not legitimate,” Eskamani said. “… When you limit the options for folks, it is intentionally designed to just make it harder to vote.”

But Eskamani said the other major proposal in the new bill, a return to primary runoffs for state and federal races, was “worthy of exploration,” even if she couldn’t support the overall bill.
Currently, party primaries are held the third week of August. Whoever gets the most votes in their respective primaries, even if just a plurality, face off in the November election.

The new bill would change the primary date to the third week of June. Any primary race in which the winner doesn’t receive more than 50% of the vote would move to a runoff between the top two candidates in August, with the winner of that primary securing his or her party’s nomination.

Despite the unneeded restrictions on the ballot drop boxes the changing of the primaries would be really good.

sonori ,
@sonori@beehaw.org avatar

Surely they could just use a voting system with instant runoffs and avoid the need for everyone to vote again?

style99 , in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?
@style99@kbin.social avatar

The same way he "pays" all his bills: by ignoring them.

atzanteol , in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?

“Thank you for coming to my campaign event. Let me tell you why I’m the right choice for America and why a reverse mortgate may be right for you…”

DarkGamer , in The king of dark money effectively controls the US supreme court now | Joel Warner
@DarkGamer@kbin.social avatar

Earl Warren is spinning so fast in his grave they could use him to power the east coast

Quetzlcoatl , in Trump faces some half a billion dollars in legal penalties. How will he pay them?
@Quetzlcoatl@sh.itjust.works avatar

Selling golden shoes apparently… No, really.

not_that_guy05 , in Alabama Supreme Court rules frozen embryos are 'children' under state law

I highly recommend people freezing as many embryos and doing s tax credit on them at a state level. Also, federal should not provide any more to the state for said children. And build a wall around the state.

admiralteal , in Wisconsin Picks New Legislative Maps That Would End Years of GOP Gerrymandering

I would say they ameliorated it. They definitely did not end it. The maps still likely advantageous overall to the GOP, and even if they weren't... partisan gerrymandering will ALWAYS be a part of the system there until they modify the laws around it to, at minimum, establish an independent nonpartisan commission to handle future maps.

There is no such thing as an objectively fair election map. Everything is a tradeoff. If you could truly design a flawlessly optimal map, then the technique you used to do so almost by definition replaces the need to even bother with having the election -- just use your algorithm to pick the representatives.

And no, there's no future technology that will fix this issue. When you chose one place and not another to draw a line, either way it influences results. It is a value judgement which outcome is preferable -- one the computer is simply not capable of making.

You can only try to be reasonable and fair. So long as the process is fundamentally political, it cant be. Dems might be way better than the GOP when it comes to supporting fair democracy, but the Dems also have a long history of partisan gerrymandering when they have power. And even when the gerrymandering isn't to achieve political goals, it will still do other unfair things like entrenching incumbency in a partisan system.

Press the advantage and enshrine into law an independent and nonpartisan districting organization. Even this cannot possibly fix all issues with districting, but at least it can disincentivize the worst behavior.

bedrooms , in How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide

Why do you let unelected judges decide your policies?

Disclaimer: I know.

e_t_ Admin , in How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide

City efforts to manage growing tent encampments usually take the form of punishing people for sleeping outside.

Will the right-wing court side with the cities because right-wingers love punishing people (especially the poor), or will they side with the homeless to stick it to liberal cities?

jordanlund , in In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

“Trump’s overall rating was 10.92, easily the worst showing, while Biden’s 62.66 had him tied with John Adams. Some of Biden’s appeal could be due to the person he followed in the Oval Office.”

Biden’s biggest achievements have been fixing the cluster-fuck Trump left him (cough - Covid - cough). If Trump hadn’t come before him, Biden would be seen largely as a placeholder President. Someone keeping the seat warm until the next Democrat can come in.

NightGaunts OP ,

Also worth crediting him on the infrastructure deal. This piece of legislation had a lot of needed stuff in it.
For instance
Money to replace lead service pipes
Money for bridges, etc
A HUGE sorely needed investment in public transportation including passenger rail
Various green initiatives (ev charger network, solar and power efficiency incentives)

It has been a really long time since the federal government has delivered anything (besides tax cuts that lean towards the wealthy) so it's a big deal that this was pushed through.

jordanlund ,
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

The infrastructure deal is largely invisible. The value behind it won’t be seen for decades and there will be years of fraud and abuse it will have to overcome.



NightGaunts OP ,

Fair enough, it was watered down in the name of compromise. The last piece of major legislation that I was enthusiastic about was the ACA, and look what that ended being after negotiation/compromise - better than nothing I guess, but, in my opinion, a lost opportunity due to poor leadership. Biden has been fairly effective in that context.

morphballganon , in In historians' Presidents Day survey, Biden vs. Trump is not a close call

If Reagan is in the top half, how am I supposed to take the list seriously? Or are you telling me ~28 presidents were actually worse?

Pronell ,

Reagan was loved by the country at the time and was extremely effective at implementing his agenda.

All of it is monstrous to me as well, but to compare him to Trump, who didn’t even try to implement much of an agenda and literally had ZERO party platform for his second term… it makes a little more sense in that context.

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