Conservatives have already written a climate plan for Trump’s second term ( )

Conservative groups have crafted a plan for demolishing the federal government’s efforts to counter climate change — and it wouldn’t stop with President Joe Biden’s policies.

The 920-page blueprint, whose hundreds of authors include former Trump administration officials, would go far beyond past GOP efforts to slash environmental agencies’ budgets or oust “deep state” employees.

Called Project 2025, it would block the expansion of the electrical grid for wind and solar energy; slash funding for the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental justice office; shutter the Energy Department’s renewable energy offices; prevent states from adopting California’s car pollution standards; and delegate more regulation of polluting industries to Republican state officials.

exohuman , avatar

How will we ever get out of the climate crisis with people like this in charge? Vote them out!

PeepinGoodArgs , (edited )

They’ll make it worse and praise the US for being energy independent.

Haibane ,

That’s worked until now because we’ve been in the warning stage for the past 30 years. We are actively moving into the consequences stage. They can put out bullshit studies and cry “fake news” but that’s not a winning strategy when the yearly heatwaves and longer, harder hurricane seasons are smacking their idiot constituents in the face.

qprimed ,

I would suggest that, to your average conservative, “consequence” is (and will remain) simply a big word that they can not spell.

krolden , avatar

These people aren’t elected officials (well, some of them are) its a think tank that doesn’t pay taxes and lobbies in favor of whatever ‘elected’ asshole will take their money to destroy the ecosystem and fuck poor people in the ass.

How do you propose you vote against that?

exohuman , avatar

I guess we can only beat them by voting for candidates that don’t take their money.

krolden , avatar

lmao yeah thats worked great so far.

Chinzon ,

So… What do these dumbasses think is happening with the weather and the eventual outcome of all of this? Are these clowns really that delusional thattheey think oil and gas is just going to be in definetly available??

buwho ,

catastrophe is good for business. if the climate would do it instead they’ll save some money on bombs.

qprimed ,

disaster capitalism on a global scale.

billiam0202 ,

Uh, the capitalists don’t give a fuck what happens next quarter; what makes you think they’ll care about what happens next quarter-century? Profit is the god we’re forced to worship, and we have bound and trussed earth’s biosphere for that altar.

Durotar , avatar

Who are these capitalists you’re referring to? I understand, that conservative politicians and their sponsors are among them. However, there are many regular people with no personal interest in business. They will suffer and their children will suffer. Yet they are still willing to elect someone like Trump.

Cabrio ,
adespoton ,

But it’s all Obama’s Biden’s fault!

As long as there’s someone to blame, it doesn’t matter that things continue to get worse.

VubDapple ,

Some of them know and just don’t care because they’re getting paid now and who cares about tomorrow? That’s someone else’s problem. The evangelicals among them think that 1) god gave them explicit permission to have “dominion” (do whatever the fuck they want to) and 2) it doesn’t matter anyway because they’re going to be in heaven when the shit hits the fan.

Dubious_Fart ,

They don’t care. They’ll be sucking their benefactors dicks in the doomsday bunkers the obscenely rich have been building in secret, safe from the consequences of their actions.

Default_Defect , avatar

They want to bring about the apocalypse so they can get raptured up to heaven, they don’t give a shit about anything other than that.

orangeNgreen , avatar

The whole world is on fire. We should address this by doing even less than we already are!

Naja_Kaouthia , avatar
PwnTra1n ,

the worst part about them is they arent even neds parents. at least his parents were concerned. they arent even conservatives at this point theyre regressives. they want to encourage the bad behavior.

Cabrio ,
Nurgle ,

We need to start holding elections in July instead of November.

elliothtz ,

Voters would die in line of heat stroke for 12 hours while people wouldn’t be able to provide them with water legally. We’ve already seen it in some states where they’ve outlawed handing out food/water to people in line.

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