Modva ,

No, the time for proving things already happened in the multitude of court appearances where proof was required and nothing materialized. This is just another deflection.

Roundcat , avatar
McBinary , avatar

I thought that was what we were talking about to begin with? It's him, he tried to do the rigging.

remotedev ,

So he definitely has the proof!

holland ,

Hahaha… The funny thing is he’s right. The election was rigged, but the dumbass doesn’t realize that it was rigged in his favor and he still lost.

(And by rigged, I mean we’re still using the electoral college that over-weights typically GOP states).

emanon458 ,

Not that I believe it, but my favorite counter conspiracy is that the GOP tried to actually cheat the results in their favor and still somehow lost. They can’t believe it and that’s why they insist the Dems must have cheated. Remember, every accusation is a confession.

Synthead ,

Remember that time when USPS leadership ordered the removal and dismantling of mail sorting machines in an attempt to make mail-in votes late?

lateraltwo ,

What a DeJoy that was

ZombiFrancis ,

He is still in his position, incidentally.

Chunk ,

I read this article about him from 3 days ago. Apparently he’s doing well

Louis DeJoy’s ambitious plans for America’s postal service from TheEconomist…/louis-dejoys-ambitious-plans-for-…

spaceghoti OP ,

Unfortunately, we can’t read what his plans are thanks to the paywall.

Pagliacci ,

Genuine belief in fraud, ignoring that it’s obviously bs for a moment, does not give you a right to usurp power through illegal means.

graves ,

“Two more weeks!”

Anticorp ,

Mmhm. That’s nice, dear

skellener , avatar

LOL! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

pastabatman ,

The last line of that trump tweet in the article was super risky coming from the guy that once tweeted “covfefe.”

They only went after those that fought to find the RIGGERS!

cedarmesa , (edited ) avatar


hogunner ,

I’m sure he’ll deliver the goods this time, right guys? Right?

Anticorp ,

Right after JFK comes back from the dead to declare him the 14th president, or whatever the fuck number they think it is.

hogunner , (edited )

Lmao there’s been so much craziness I’d actually forgotten about this one. Man the history books that eventually come out about the last 8 years are going to be nuts.

bitsplease ,

Honestly I think a lot of it is just going to get glossed over specifically because it’s so messy. Sure there will be loads of nonfiction books about this BS - but I doubt that kids in school will learn about Q-Anon and shit lol

givesomefucks ,

Jordan Klepper went to Dallas like a month after, and there were still idiots standing around saying JFK would be back any second.

Not many, but there were still some.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

This was before my time explain pls.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Qanon got it into their tiny little heads that JFK Jr was alive, or risen from the dead, and would lead them to their promised white Christian ethnostate or something.

I maintain, as my personal unfounded theory, some rot-brain heard RFK Jr was on their team and assumed it was a typo, then decided to start writing a fan fic.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Okay this is... interesting, and not in a good way.

Teon , avatar

He and the MyPillow guy are gonna show us libs up! They will PWN us.
We should all be terrified!!1!11!!!! /s

Delphia ,

I mean, I think the guy is absolutely nuttier than squirrel shit and a complete fuckstain.

But just imagine the absolute shitstorm if he did actually have proof that the election was rigged against him.


donuts , avatar

I wish he would instead prove that he can shut his damn mouth, but I guess I'll take further counts of undermining democracy instead.

Entropywins , avatar

He is doing this to try and discredit that he knew the election was fairly lost... its not going to work but I imagine that is his lawyers gameplan...

darth_tiktaalik , avatar

If he had evidence of that we wouldn’t have had that circus with Spyder and Terpsichore the first time around

Davel23 ,

It'll just be a piece of lined notepad paper filled with "covfefe" at all angles and not following any of the lines.

e_t_ Admin ,

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Teon , avatar

Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.
Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.
Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor.

Zelet ,

Man. Woman. Camera. Person. TV. Man. Woman. Camera. Person. Traitor. Man. Woman. Camera. Prison. Traitor. Man. Woman. Convict. Prison. Traitor. Man. Warrant. Convict. Prison. Traitor. Con. Warrant. Convict. Prison. Traitor. … uh. Inmate, I think you have dementia…

givesomefucks ,

It’ll be like MacGruber’s notebook

Arotrios , avatar

Hmm... seems a bit late to bring this report forward.... makes me wonder if it was stored in the same place as the GOP replacement plan for Obamacare and their policy platform, which has been missing for the last 7 years.

theforkofdamocles ,

I can’t believe he didn’t say this one would be coming out in two weeks.

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