Iraq is considering the death penalty for LGBTQ+ people - and you can thank the British for that ( )

edited: to put entire article in body of post, instead of just beginning & end.

A law amendment in Iraq has proposed capital punishment for homosexual relationships. Campaigners have called it a “dangerous” escalation in the country where people already face frequent attacks and discrimination. However, life for queer Iraqis hasn’t always been this way. As with so many stains on worldwide human rights, the worsening homophobia and transphobia in Iraq can be traced back to the British empire.

Iraq: debating the death penalty for LGBTQ+ people

The amendment to a 1988 anti-prostitution law passed a first reading in parliament last week. It would enable courts to issue “the death penalty or life imprisonment” sentences for “homosexual relations”. This is according to a document seen by Agence France-Press (AFP). The amendment would also set a minimum seven-year prison term for “promoting homosexuality”.

Currently, no existing laws explicitly punish homosexual relations. However, the state has prosecuted LGBTQ+ people for sodomy, or under vague morality and anti-prostitution clauses in Iraq’s penal code. This also comes at a time when the state and the media are also cracking-down on open discussion about LGBTQ+ issues.

The national media and communications commission is considering banning Iraq-based publications from using the term “homosexuality”. Instead, it would advise media outlets to use the derogatory term “sexual deviance”. It also wants to ban the term “gender”.

‘Abnormal social phenomena’, apparently

The law change appears to have broad support in the Islamist-majority assembly. Saud al-Saadi is member of Shiite Muslim party Huquq, the political wing of the powerful Iran-aligned Hezbollah Brigades and part of the ruling coalition. He said the amendment was “still under discussion and subject to exchanges of viewpoints”. Saadi said a second reading had yet to be scheduled, and argued that parliament aims to “fill a legal vacuum”.

Lawmaker Sharif Suleiman of the Kurdistan Democratic Party said the proposed legislation reflects:

our moral and human values and our fights against abnormal social phenomena… We need deterrent laws.

‘My life will end’

A 2022 report by Human Rights Watch (HRW) and non-governmental organisation IraQueer found that people often target LGBTQ+ Iraqis with “kidnappings, rapes, torture and murders”. The state fails to punish the perpetrators. LGBTQ+ rights researcher at HRW Rasha Younes called the new proposed legislation as a “dangerous step”. She told AFP:

That means that Iraqi individuals’ life and constant fear of being hunted down and killed by armed groups with impunity is now going to translate into the law itself.

The Iraqi government (is) using the rights of LGBT people to distract the public from its lack of delivery.

The surge in anti-LGBTQ sentiment has stoked further fear among members of the community. Iraqi gay man Abdallah told AFP:

The situation has become too complicated because we are not protected by the authorities. If someone finds out that I’m gay and has a problem with me, they can send my name or photo to armed groups. My life will end.

It is likely Iraqi politicians will pass the law – and it can be directly linked back to Britain’s colonial influence.

Colonialism: bringing homophobia to Iraq and the Middle East

Historically, Iraq and other countries in the Middle East were not as homophobic as they are today. Rather, the Ottoman empire – part of which would later become present-day Iraq – was relatively permissive of homosexuality, particularly if it was kept out of the public eye.

Then, as History wrote:

Britain seized Iraq from Ottoman Turkey during World War I and was granted a mandate by the League of Nations to govern the nation in 1920. A Hashemite monarchy was organized under British protection in 1921, and on October 3, 1932, the kingdom of Iraq was granted independence.

But the damage was already done. The Economist explained that:

In 1885 the British government introduced new penal codes that punished all homosexual behaviour. Of the more than 70 countries that criminalise homosexual acts today, over half are former British colonies. France introduced similar laws around the same time. After independence, only Jordan and Bahrain did away with such penalties.

Britain forced its anti-LGBTQ+ laws onto Iraq (as it did most of its colonies). Negative societal attitudes and state criminalisation have remained ever since.

Now, it’s LGBTQ+ Iraqis feeling the full effects of the legacy of British colonialism.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

How is centuries old colonialism at fault for the clearly bigoted and anti-LGBTQ theocracy of fundamentalist Islamic radicals that took over the country and are currently implementing and enforcing authoritarian restrictions on the population LIKE WE KNEW THEY WOULD?!?

Stupid as absolute fuck. Blame Sharia law and those that uphold it.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , (edited ) avatar

I mean that’s pretty much how all modern cultural views happened. The British came in and changed shit and when they left not everything changed back and a lot of cultural norms remained.

Edit: Idk anything about middle eastern history (thanks American education system!) I just thought it made sense since Britain has impacted cultures all over the world due to its violent colonialism.

sizeoftheuniverse ,

Can you give us some examples of Iraqi social norms that are left from the Brits?

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

Nope because I don’t know any lmao

I was only bringing it up because it made sense in my head 😅

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

The British have nothing to do with the takeover of religious authoritarianism in the area and the obvious implications of what people would be oppressed when said religion becomes law.

This trying to shift the blame onto anyone except the actual problem, the modern religious extremists that control the country.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

I’m not tryna shift blame I just thought it made sense 😅

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Not you personally, but the overarching narrative you’re espousing is intended to take the pressure off of the current oppressors which are the religious authorities of the middle east.

Sorry if it seemed like I was specifically targeting you, it’s more about the articles perspective being used as a tool.

ThatWeirdGuy1001 , avatar

Hey that’s fair. I’m not a big fan of religious doctrine personally so I understand. I just thought that it might’ve been a remnant of British culture at the time.

But like I said I’m ignorant af about it all and I’ll accept that

usernamesaredifficul ,

that doesn’t really make sense Iraq is it’s own country independence means that they are now responsible for their own laws. Also what do you want britain to do at this point everyone old enough to have been involved in the 1920 colonisation of Iraq is dead now

blaming everything about iraq now on a 10 year period 100 years ago is ridiculous

420blazeit69 ,

The status quo is hard to change. The British are responsible for changing the status quo from “don’t really care” to “illegal.” That also has effects on how people grow up thinking about LGBT rights, which is how you get support for a law that’s ratcheting up the oppression.

I don’t think this article should be read as “the Brits are fully responsible, period,” but as an example of how the many harms of colonialism still leave marks today.

paysrenttobirds ,

The status quo is hard to change…the Brits changed the status quo

I agree, though. The British share the blame, but it’s hard to argue that any particular law they made persists due to some special factor other than that it is as useful to the insecure government of today as it was to the insecure colonial government of the time.

aeronauty ,

“You can blame the British for that [modern day enforcement of backward laws that the rest of the world has since corrected]”

Horrendous state of affairs but the tying it “the British” is mind boggling. Pull your head out of yer arse.

cloaker ,

Most brain-dead take I've heard. Apparently the UK managed to change Iraqi culture in well less than 20 years to become homophobic. ???

DJGlowworm ,

Kind of brain dead not to realize Iraq was a British mandate after World War I, 100 years ago. They did upend the bureaucratic systems following the fall of the Ottoman Empire and instituted sweeping new laws.

ZodiacSF1969 ,

I think they are referring to the fact that Britain had control of Iraq for only around a decade.

sukhmel ,

I’m not well versed to speak about the UK and Iraq, but there are indeed examples in the contemporary world where some 8–14 years would be enough to change the public opinion quite a lot

cloaker ,

I realise this, my issue is that this is blamed on Britian despite administration being for well less than 20 years before independence. Iraqi opinions to homosexuality have over history been more influenced by the teachings of Islam than Britain.

archiotterpup ,

British Law was exported to all of its colonies. Homosexuality was not taboo in Pre-Anglo Ottoman Iraq. After the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the British land grabs you start to see these kinds of changes in the penal code.

NotAViciousCyborg ,

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  • DJGlowworm ,

    Bro don’t be obtuse. It was illegal to be gay in Britain as recently as 1981 in some parts. British colonial rule had a profound effect on the countries it held dominion over particularly in introducing laws which often held harsher punishments than at home in order to “civilize” the local people there. As other commenters have mentioned, homosexuality was not nearly as taboo in the Middle East during the days of the Ottoman Empire as it is today. Many countries which were under British rule still maintain harsh anti homosexuality laws today, the harshness of which can be traced back to the introduction of British law codes.

    ZodiacSF1969 , (edited )

    But instead of blaming a period of time that lasted only around a decade (British control of Iraq), why not blame the massive rise in fundamentalist Islamic views since the mid-20th century? That seems to be the much more important factor.

    archiotterpup ,

    Hey, where do you think financialist Islam came from? Hint hint, it wasn’t under Ottoman occupation. It was post British colonial rule under a system set up by the British.

    RickyRigatoni , avatar

    Pretty sure the Ottoman Empire had a pretty good economy without any help from Britain.

    archiotterpup ,

    You mean the “Sick Old Man of Europe”?

    RickyRigatoni , avatar

    I’m making fun of you for accidentally typing financialist Islam instead of fundamentalist.

    ZodiacSF1969 ,

    It’s more complicated than that. Governments established by Britain are a factor, but Salafi ideology fostered a hatred of Western ideals separate from colonial issues. Trying to say it’s Britain’s fault is oversimplifying to the point of absurdity.

    NuPNuA ,

    What’s stopping them repealing these laws in the century odd that the UK hasn’t controlled their countries? Yeah, colonialism was a bit naff, but blaming us for issues that persist that long after we left seems silly.

    Alto , avatar don't blame literally everything on the west challenge

    RickyRigatoni , avatar

    OP is from and that’s the title of the article.

    Duamerthrax ,

    You might as well blame current UK issues on the Romans.

    BettyWhiteInHD ,

    Blaming Britain for a 150 year old law instead of a clearly bigoted and distinctively intolerant religion and theocracy is an insane take.

    This is actually pants on head stupid.

    Mr_Blott ,

    I had to click through a few things to find out where this remarkable piece of journalism came from, figuring it must be a former colony with a chip on their shoulder. is a British publication lol

    AcidOctopus ,

    The truth is no one can hate us like we hate ourselves 😅

    alcoholicorn ,

    Truely nobody is as oppressed as straight cis pink brits.

    NuPNuA ,

    They were big Corbyn cheerleaders they’re British but they will take any opportunity to slate us.

    Fuckass ,

    And it’s fully deserved walking-dead

    Waldoz53 ,

    good fuck the brits

    borlax , avatar

    Yeah, there are a lot of things we can blame on imperialism/colonialism, but an independent country choosing to hate people for no reason is on them.

    ShimmeringKoi , avatar

    pants on head stupid

    You want to say the original Yahtzee line so bad lmao

    eatmyass , avatar

    distinctively intolerant religion

    the islam understander has logged on

    Goddamn it’s like you libs never left 2003. “The issues in the middle east are due to Islam.” Just say you hate muslims dawg, I’m sure you’ll find plenty of liberals here who share your backwards views.

    BelieveRevolt ,

    29 updoots

    eatmyass , avatar

    Redditors would never miss the chance to applaud “enlightened” racism

    Duamerthrax ,

    Passing the blame of current laws onto British from 150 years ago is also inherently racist because it requires the current people of Iraq to be without free will. They are their own people and make their own decisions.

    eatmyass , avatar

    bruh what “ackshually when you complain about colonialism it’s racism” do they grow you people in a lab somewhere

    I guess they do and it’s called reddit

    Duamerthrax ,

    Can the Iraqi people make their own decisions or not?

    eatmyass , avatar

    TIL history doesn’t matter because we’re all self-contained individuals who make decisions free from the influence of any wider “society” (which doesn’t exist btw)

    BelieveRevolt ,

    I thought Iraq was supposed to be a Free Democracy after the war, which was necessary because those pesky Iraqis couldn’t make the decision to overthrow Saddam even after 500,000 children died due to sanctions? Whatever happened with that thinking-about-it

    Waldoz53 ,

    scratch a lib and a fascist bleeds example

    NuPNuA , (edited )

    So the point is we should have held onto our colonies so their laws could have changed with ours right?

    Edit - I didn’t think this would need an /s but clearly it does.

    Grimble , (edited )

    Little weasely quietist fuck. You know exactly why you came here.

    You dont believe this, and are just doing a classic forum debate trick by mixing up viewpoints, so I assume you know already that LGBTQ people would be worse off still under colonialism. Nobody will buy this trick.

    I can tell you’re just itching to argue, which is the purpose of your whole account, so this is all you’ll get from me. You’ll keep replying anyway, and wasting your life. To anyone else, I challenge you to make this guy quit Lemmy as quick as possible.

    eatmyass , avatar

    you would’ve liked that huh?

    BelieveRevolt , (edited )

    At this rate, the UK’s laws will change to match Iraq’s. J.K. Rowling and her fascist buddies are probably already drooling at the opportunity to execute trans people.

    NuPNuA ,

    I can’t see us getting that bad, I am concerned about the influence of people like her though, Starmer not standing up for LGBT rights has been disappointing.

    usernamesaredifficul ,

    although to be fair to starmer he’s not homophobic he’s just useless.

    NuPNuA ,

    True, the very epitome bland modern safe politics.

    420blazeit69 ,

    Edit - I didn’t think this would need an /s but clearly it does.

    The fediverse leans left overall, but there are still plenty of reactionaries around.

    sizeoftheuniverse ,

    It’s not leaning on the left, it’s collapsing into the left, and once you pass the event horizon of leftism, you cannot entertain any kind of dialogue or what “normies” are calling sanity or common sense.

    apt_install_coffee ,

    Blaming the creation of a new law on anybody except the lawmakers is a pretty shit take, but blaming it on 150 year old colonialism is actually infantilistic.

    hexi ,

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  • silent_water , avatar

    this is ahistorical. as the article notes:

    Historically, Iraq and other countries in the Middle East were not as homophobic as they are today. Rather, the Ottoman empire – part of which would later become present-day Iraq – was relatively permissive of homosexuality, particularly if it was kept out of the public eye.

    hexi , (edited )

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  • Shinji_Ikari , avatar

    History doesn’t occur in a vacuum though.

    Why is it also present in Indonesia, a Muslim nation colonized by the Dutch

    Please read the Jakarta Method. Indonesia was trying to build up some kind of socialist system after Dutch rule. The democratically elected leader was a member of the Communist party but overall was not forcing a hard revolution. The US manufactured a right-wing military coup that would go on to execute nearly a Million members of the communist party, imprison over a million more, and lead the country down a right wing reactionary path. Indonesia pre-coup was is almost unrecognizable compared to modern Indonesia.

    Iran was never directly colonized

    The 1953 coup strengthened the shah and changed power to be far more pro-west interests, imperialism in a mask. The later Iranian revolution was again, a reaction to the more or less puppet regime. I don’t think anyone on the left has more than a critical support for Iran to self govern. Of course not all changes or revolutions are a blanket good.

    Generally the support for Islam on the left is a counteraction to Islamophobia in the west, where Muslims are written off as terrorists due to the multiple decades of war waged in the Middle East.

    I personally know non-muslim brown people called “Terrorist” in predominantly white school districts in the early 2010s. This racism didn’t go away, and it won’t go away by demanding people to surrender their religion in the name of anti-homophobia. Doing so, claiming they’re generally homophobic is the same as generalizing them all as terrorists.

    NuPNuA ,

    It’s The Canary, they’re Corbynistas who will take any opportunity to shit on the UK.

    CascadeOfLight ,



    Oh brother

    Not from around here are ya lenin-laugh

    Orcocracy , avatar
    NuPNuA ,

    Ok, I’ve been critical of HBs emoticons, but that’s bizarre enough is made me laugh at the sight of it. I have no idea what if means, but well done.

    Abracadaniel , avatar
    eatmyass , avatar

    Blaming the creation of a new law on anybody except the lawmakers is a pretty shit take, but blaming it on 150 year old colonialism is actually infantilistic I’m historically illiterate

    CascadeOfLight ,

    “How come all the anti-imperialists are so reactionary?”

    cloaker ,

    Funny joke.

    Alto , avatar

    Gonna be honest, I really doubt that non-existence of that law would stop them

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