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NuPNuA ,

This seems like one of the most bizarrely misjudged crossover promotions I think I’ve ever seen.

NuPNuA ,

Played about an hour and a half last night. It seems essentially a glorified Trek themed Stellaris expansion. Which given it was only £25 quid I don’t mind too much.

NuPNuA ,

It’s only £25 and if it’s successful then it shows Paramount there’s a market for Trek games beyond the mobile pap we got for years. Same with Resurgence earlier in the year.

NuPNuA ,

The best Star Trek song is First Contact by Swamp Thing, I doubt Cudi will be able to pack as many references into his bars as they managed in that track.

NuPNuA ,

Same here, I was there day one watching legally when it was on Amazon, then they pulled the rug out from under me at the last moment, so now it gets torrented. Sorry Mike, blame your managers mate.

NuPNuA ,

Yeah, that’s the irritating thing about P+, they think they’re worth the same as D+ a month with only one big franchise to their name. D+ brought together Disney, Marvel, Star Wars and Fox content before launching.

NuPNuA ,

It’s like someone made a Star Trek parody for Adult Swim in the mid 2000s and it somehow got left on the shelf for seventeen years before being recently discovered. That whole, take old cartoon footage and redub it was huge back then.

NuPNuA ,

Yeah, but at the end of each one it proudly announces that Animated Trek only consists of LD and TAS.

Star Trek and The Orville, which is better/worse?

I asked this question sometime ago on The Orville’s subreddit, and surprisingly got mixed responses. I assume most here however, are going to prefer Star Trek, specifically TNG that its aping from. For the record I do prefer TNG as well, but rewatching The Orville, after you get past its kinda sucky first season, I really...

NuPNuA ,

They’re both great and serve different purposes. The Orville is a more light hearted tribute to 90s TV sci-fi, albeit one that’s become more serious and built up it’s own universe and tone as it’s three series went on. Trek, as it exists today, is taking various Trek tropes and styles and trying to update them to modern times, be that via deconstruction in Lower Decks, nostalgic big-budget adventures in Picard, or introducing more modern character development and serialisation in Dis and SNW. Some times it succeeds, sometimes is doesn’t.

NuPNuA ,

It was never as mean spirited as Family Guy. That type of edge-lord humour doesn’t play anymore. Even Rick and Morty has to temper it with some emotional moments.

NuPNuA ,

That time travel episode was great, it explored the concept of the “temporal prime directive” and how hard it must be to adhere to it better than any Trek show ever has.

I don’t think they said the Moclans are 50/50 did they? Just that more women are born than the government would like to admit. Which is still a fairly good trans analogy when you consider how many trans people in the past probably never lived their truth as either the science to transition Wasn’t there, or they didn’t think society would accept it.

NuPNuA ,

Rapist is a bit far, but I agree the morals would be different if he had met a random woman rather than one he lucked into knowing everything about in the future.

NuPNuA ,

I kind of feel like that’s how Seth had to get it past Fox and onto TV to begin with. He’s not known for making sci-fi, he’s known for making comedies.

NuPNuA ,

It’s the Scary Mirror now.

NuPNuA ,

I only watched the first of the two last night, but I’m so glad those of us who called Janeway a murderer for what she did to Tuvix are finally validated since most other Starfleet officers seem to agree.

NuPNuA ,

Bernie Sanders Champions 32-Hour Work Week With No Loss in Pay ( )

As part of his Labor Day message to workers in the United States, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday re-upped his call for the establishment of a 20% cut to the workweek with no loss in pay—an idea he said is “not radical” given the enormous productivity gains over recent decades that have resulted in massive profits for...

NuPNuA ,

I work 35 hours a week, have six weeks of holiday plus bank holidays and universal healthcare. It’s not impossible.

NuPNuA ,

It’s not really Foundation though is it. It’s one plot that has a passing resemblance to Foundation but misses a lot of the point and another plot that’s interesting but has nothing to do with any of the books about the Emperor. I didn’t find the first series enitely unenjoyable, but I’m annoyed they wasted the license to one of my favourite book series for a show that could have been anything.

NuPNuA ,

If the books were too short for a series, why not make a film or a series of films rather than stretching it out?

NuPNuA ,

Then don’t. Not everything needs to be adapted and watered down, sometimes stories just belong in their original medium.

NuPNuA ,

I’ve read all five of the original Foundation books and most of the Robot series and Edge of Eternity. Why do you think I haven’t read him?

billmason , to Star Trek avatar

Early Review: ‘Star Trek: Lower Decks’ Season 4 Levels Up But Keeps The Laughs

Light spoilers within.


NuPNuA ,

I look forward to torrenting these as they’ve pulled the rug out from under us in the UK again by removing them from Amazon.

NuPNuA ,

You know what, if they had P+ ready to go in the UK in 2015 when Dis began I’d have probably signed up and still been so. But since then they’ve pissed us about so much. Dis was on Netflix, when Picard went to Amazon, then Lower Decks went to Amazon six months odd after it finished in the US so I’d already had to torrent it, then Dis got pulled from Netflix at the eleventh hour just before series 3 began, a week after they had told people it would be on there at a London Trek Con, but as P+ still hadn’t launched the only way to watch it was on an obscure Freeview digital channel. Now this with Lower Decks.

Not to mention times are much harder now financially for everyone so adding another monthly cost is a much bigger burden. Especially for one franchise, as least Disney brought Marvel, Star Wars and Fox to fill out D+ before it launched.

NuPNuA ,

Have we just got to the point where anyone with a decent relationship with their parents that means that they help them out sometimes is now a “nepo baby”.

My parents lent me money for my mortgage deposit but I paid it back to them in installments alongside the mortgage. They only did that as I’d shown over thirty years of life I can be trusted with money and wouldn’t flake on the repayments to them, not because we’re rich.

NuPNuA ,

I wonder what kind of world these people want, everyone thrown out to make their own way at 18?

Eminem tells Republican Vivek Ramaswamy to stop rapping his songs ( )

**Lawyers for Eminem have sent a letter to aspiring Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy asking that he stop rapping to his songs. ** The letter comes more than a week after the biotech entrepreneur delivered an impromptu performance of “Lose Yourself” at the Iowa State Fair....

NuPNuA ,

The very act of political candidates coming out on stage to populat music like wrestlers seems bizarre enough to my non-American brain. The fact that they don’t seem to realise they need permission to use licensed works when they’re trying to run a country is even more bizarre.

NuPNuA ,

Lol, imagine telling my 13 year old self listening to The Slim Shady LP that Eminem would be considered part of the establishment one day 😆

NuPNuA , (edited )

So the point is we should have held onto our colonies so their laws could have changed with ours right?

Edit - I didn’t think this would need an /s but clearly it does.

NuPNuA ,

It’s The Canary, they’re Corbynistas who will take any opportunity to shit on the UK.

NuPNuA ,

They were big Corbyn cheerleaders they’re British but they will take any opportunity to slate us.

NuPNuA ,

What’s stopping them repealing these laws in the century odd that the UK hasn’t controlled their countries? Yeah, colonialism was a bit naff, but blaming us for issues that persist that long after we left seems silly.

NuPNuA ,

I can’t see us getting that bad, I am concerned about the influence of people like her though, Starmer not standing up for LGBT rights has been disappointing.

NuPNuA ,

Ok, I’ve been critical of HBs emoticons, but that’s bizarre enough is made me laugh at the sight of it. I have no idea what if means, but well done.

NuPNuA ,

True, the very epitome bland modern safe politics.

NuPNuA ,

You put Into Darkness above '09? Madness.

NuPNuA ,

Thats probably because they don’t have the rights to use the actors likeness in those books, happens to comics a lot. Actors in the newer shows probably have rights to use their likeness in further material as part of the terms.

NuPNuA ,

I was just throwing it out as a suggestion, as I’ve seen it happen with other comics, no actual info.

NuPNuA ,

That’s always been the way Trek has done things, at least pre Discovery. A series of random of episodes maybe sometimes calling back to the ongoing plot, then big canon episodes for the finale and premier of the new series.

What's a faction/group/alien race in Star Trek most similar to the Tech Priests / Mechanicus in Warhammer 40,000?

By that I mean that the basic premise being: that the means of (re)creating new technology is lost, the current technology around is treated as sacred and the function marred in elaborate rituals or prayers because they don’t know how to otherwise operate it, and to a lesser extent that new ideas or (often xenophillic)...

NuPNuA ,

They really need to explore the Bynar a bit more in new stuff.

NuPNuA ,

Odd seeing Trekyards allowed here, they did not like them over on the Star Trek subreddit.

NuPNuA ,

That’s the first actually Scottish Scotty isn’t it?

NuPNuA ,

Why wouldn’t it be? Tik Tocks format is hardly set up for long form literature discussion and analysis.

Cover Reveal - Firewall - upcoming Seven of Nine novel by David Mack ( )

David Mack, a tie-in Treklit author well known for tense drama, sometimes darker but strong portrayals of legacy characters, will be bringing us the tale of Seven’s journey to the Fenris Rangers. Mack’s consistently been nominated for the award for best genre fiction tie-in novels, and has recently won. He seems to be...

NuPNuA ,

I can’t find myself getting any excitement up for the new books like I did for the novelverse stuff. I know some of that was a bit fan-wanky small universe stuff that connected things that didn’t need to be, but I liked how it could blaze its own trail and not have to skip between the new shows as supplementry material.

Enterprise era new trek show?

I’m not sure if this is the right community or not, but I’m curious what y’all would think if they came out with a new show set in the Enterprise era. Ent is one of my favorite shows, and I always felt like we got screwed out of some really compelling TV when they ended they stopped making Trek after ENT ended. That era of...

NuPNuA ,

I don’t know about a show, but a trilogy of films during the Romulan war picking up with the Enterprise cast a few years down the line wouldn’t go amiss. They can even canonise Trips fake death.

SNW Musical Episode: Klingons’ Boy Band Number Was Almost an Opera ( )

Arguably one of the best moments in the SNW Musical episode subspace rhapsody was Bruce Horak Cameo as the captain of the Klingon boy band. But there is a deleted scene of the opera version that while absolutly best scene won, would be fun to see released to fans

NuPNuA ,

Great, but this episode actually moved forward lots of character arcs via it’s songs. It was a cleaver way to do it as characters can just belt out their emotions in song under “musical rules” so they could pack the episode.

NuPNuA ,

It could well be all we ever see of this series so soak it in.

NuPNuA ,

When people talk about “Roddenberrys vision”, they just mean having the horn all the time right?

Episode Discussion | Star Trek: Strange New Worlds | 2x09 "Subspace Rhapsody"

LoglineAn accident with an experimental quantum probability field causes everyone on the USS Enterprise to break uncontrollably into song, but the real danger is that the field is expanding and beginning to impact other ships—allies and enemies alike....

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