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@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar


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c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Makes perfect sense, he’s the straight man who’s constantly surrounded on all sides by chaos and people he doesn’t really jive with. He’s caught between two worlds and struggles to find others that are on the same wavelength.

He’s not as snooty as the high society he wants for himself, but he’s also not as down to earth as most. His lifestyle and the people he’s got in his life push his buttons which causes the reactions that make the character so beloved.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

It wasn’t really always like this, in modern Trek they don’t have any ideals to aspire to, they just do what they have to. In DS9 you had Captain Sisko breaking his back trying to convince himself that letting Garak kill a Romulan diplomat to get them on the alpha quadrant’s side was worth it.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

It’s easy, go and watch the way Picard deals with Barcley and then go watch discovery and see how their COs deal with problem crew members.

Modern Star Trek is written by adult children and you can fucking tell.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

You mean the OSI and TCP/IP models? Or just specifically TCP/UDP ports?

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Even Picard broke the PD multiple times. If we are basing ethics on that then he’s no better.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, he was largely operating in safe space and still made some unethical decisions.

Janeway was willing to make the hard calls that would best serve her ship and it’s future, having your cook and your third in command get fused isn’t exactly going to result in a functioning chain of command.

Plus since the operation could be reversed, you could argue that Tuvok and Neelix aren’t actually dead, merely suspended animation like storing people in a transporter buffer. You’re still killing Tuvix, but sacrificing one to save two is “the needs of the many” in it’s most simplistic form even without the added weight of hundreds of lives depending on Tuvok’s leadership and tactical skills.

I never once considered Janeway to be out of line given her circumstances. The crew always comes first even at the cost of her own humanity and ethics. She’s a good captain, willing to make the call that ends lives and live with it so that others may not have to endure those decisions and consequences. She didn’t ask anyone else to do that for her.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Exactly, had they not reversed the malfunction Janeway could be considered to have killed two of her crew. That somehow never gets brought up in the philosophy discussions surrounding the episode. Refusal to act when a solution exists makes her complicit in dual homicide.

Plus! After that one episode in TNG where they de-age replacement Crusher, we have no reason to believe transporters can’t solve literally all of these issues including death. For those not in the know, since the transporter has the last time someone energized stored in their memory banks it can simply reconstruct them as they were. A literal backup snapshot of the person.

Once that episode airs, all bets are completely off. I mean seriously, you could fix someone getting their head blown off by just transporting them but altering the image to correct for their last time leaving the ship. Death? Fixed. Wounds? Fixed. You can literally pull their backups and reconstruct at any time you want.

It’s foolish to think this is even a conundrum given that slip up, just duplicate and separate, keep all three. If transporters are really making matter out of energy it shouldn’t matter if there’s three people’s worth of matter, just use more energy.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

Bajoran space was far away but not impossibly so from Federation resources, I’m not trying to say he’s a bad Captain, merely that the comparison to Janeway is a complete farce. If we are being fair they both fail to uphold the federation’s ideals.

If we are being reasonable, they both did what they had to do in order to save lives and get the job done.

My issue is the constant Trekky tendency to pretend Janeway is a shit bag and Sisko is somehow better, it’s just bias.

c0mbatbag3l ,
@c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

That’s my only real issue with her is her comment to the Nova class captain about it.

However, I give her the benefit of the doubt here because she’s clearly trying to encourage him that they don’t need to abandon their morality. If she tells him that she’s done it half a dozen times or so then he might be more likely to assume that’s the standard.

Now we all know in hindsight that he’d already committed an atrocity and wanted assurance from Janeway that he wasn’t alone in his decisions to prioritize crew over other sapient beings, but she was simply seeing the younger version of herself in him and attempting to assure him that he doesn’t have to give up hope and sink to those depths.

Voyager has more of a problem with character writing consistency than it does an issue with Janeway specifically, IMO.

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  • c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Well both of my parents are Christian nationalists and I’m a moderate-left (for lemmy at least) agnostic-atheist. So it’s not like they are 100% successful at indoctrinating their own kids and they don’t really recruit any other way. Especially when it comes to religion, selling your kids on it is 99% of the survival/growth rate. As much as they like to pretend, it’s almost impossible for them to convert adults who weren’t raised in the religion.

    So basically you’ll have the red states continually reduce the rights of the people socially-speaking while the economy enslaves them due to lax restrictions on capitalists. Once the places get shittier the people that see the reasons why will leave and the places will just get worse and worse until they’re reduced to an uneducated mass that only has modern technology when they can buy it. Companies will have a harder time staffing advanced industries due to the educated workforce not wanting to live in a christo-fascist state.

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  • c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Perfect, trade out one system where the 1% takes 80% of the production into another system where historically a ruling elite of military/government cronies took the top 80% of the production.

    Same problem different aristocracy.

    Go read Progress and Poverty, capitalism isn’t the issue. Capitalists pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes by making themselves the most important part of the puzzle, is. Giving themselves most of the credit for production and thereby most of the profits from said production.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I disagree, the fundamental issue with communism is in its design. You either let the government control your economy, in which case authoritarianism will leech those who toe the party line to the top and corrupt. Or, you design another system/group to handle economic concerns. In which case, they will simply turn into a government in all but name.

    There’s a reason the state owned businesses of the fascist Nazis and the collectivist “public ownership” of the Soviet Union looked the same in practice, when in the realm of theory they couldn’t be more separate. Those in power (whoever they may be) when allowed to put people in positions of authority who they desire, will just put their favorite yes men there. Whether that’s a required backing of the nazi party/a bullet to the brain, or just being next in line because Lenin had your superior killed for failing to meet expectations. Authoritarianism is the rule of the day and they all exercise it equally.

    The economy is best left to the needs of a market that has the appropriate organization and division of labor, land, and capital. It only self-destructs due to the misguided notion that wages are derived from capital instead of labor, and the justification of the capitalist at how much of the slice they deserve based on that misdirection.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Star Trek: Legacy. I found a copy on eBay awhile back and got it running. Really fun go team up with AI against the Borg while defending DS9.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Not liking the art style makes sense, it’s the same “kidney bean for a head” style that’s been taught at all animation schools for the last half decade now and it’s so overused that it just looks bad.

    It’s the Rick and Morty style, essentially. Everyone’s copied it now.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Funny, cause Michael Dorn and Mirina Sirtis were in Mass Effect. I guess Bioware knows their crowd.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    You see the seats in the wings, right? The joke is that they’re inside the wing tanks where the fuel is stored.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    It was because they’d given him the supplies he needed to restart the bar after the FCA revoked his business license. So they were threatening to take back the equipment and start charging him rent again if he continued to do arms deals on the station.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    “Haven’t you people ever heard of fuses?!?” -John Crichton

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I thought the big reveal was that almost all trill could be joined successfully, but since there weren’t enough symbionts to go around they pretend that it’s only a select few that can?

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Trying to cut over to a new router/core switch stack and have been running into issues with some of our customers. Their workflows are dependent on WAN circuits that are being deprecated in the cutover and they just don’t want to adjust because they’re afraid of the downtime. Not that it would even be that much downtime, since the NAT/Trunks/Gateways are already configured and the LAGs just need hardware and the routing table scripted in.

    People just don’t understand that occasionally we have to go dark for 30-60 minutes for critical upgrades that just can’t be done with HA due to the outdated hardware we are trying to move off of.

    Their unwillingness to play ball is what keeps us so out of date in the first place.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Vulcans use “logic” to disguise their emotional attachments frequently in the show. They claim something is logical when it’s a purely emotional situation and logic doesn’t really apply. Not that Tuvok personally has those tendencies.

    Tuvok’s character arc heavily involves him realizing that he’s got to have a little bit more of an understanding of emotions in other species, since he is third in command and Voyager will be without support for years if not decades. He’s showing empathy but only stating facts, his child is in a similar situation and Ensign Wildman has done a good job in raising Naomi. He knows hope is important to her ability to function in the situation and he alleviates her concerns as quickly as he can merely by pointing out the truth and explaining to her why she shouldn’t fear the outcome.

    He’s developing his leadership skills as it pertains to other species, not just the leadership that works with Vulcans.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    He’s also coming to the realization that if their trip home takes as long as predicted it’s likely that he will be Captain by journey’s end. First and second are adults humans in their 40’s and he’s got plenty of years left on him as a Vulcan. It’s unlikely that Janeway or Chakotay won’t be too old to really do the job in 50/60 years time.

    He can’t afford to just be a security officer, he needs to start thinking about command and the additional skills he must develop to become Captain in every sense. That means adjusting to the differences in the way the two jobs are concerned with personnel and mental well-being. Captain is more than just the ability to take charge in a combat situation and be successful, but the long term devotion to crew and ship on a personal/loyalty level which Tuvok doesn’t display in the early seasons. He’s far too pragmatic for it, additionally he distances from personal relationships which a Captain must have with their department heads.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    That hull design philosophy was pretty standard for the late 2300’s to early 2400’s. Color and all.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Damn, but hear me out.

    Why don’t we just put a law in place that restricts 65 as the max age for politicians?

    If you’re too old to work you’re too old to understand what working class people need from their policymakers. That’s before we even get into issues like “how’s an 80 year old that can’t even connect to WiFi going to make good digital laws?”

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I was gonna say, I just finished Enterprise and she directed at least two that I recall.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Juniper, more like JuNOPEr.

    c0mbatbag3l , (edited )
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    For home or commercial networking?

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Honestly I haven’t been in the industry for long enough to really have a good variety under my belt, and I’m still learning my current environment.

    For small to medium businesses you could probably get away with Meraki gear though.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    How is centuries old colonialism at fault for the clearly bigoted and anti-LGBTQ theocracy of fundamentalist Islamic radicals that took over the country and are currently implementing and enforcing authoritarian restrictions on the population LIKE WE KNEW THEY WOULD?!?

    Stupid as absolute fuck. Blame Sharia law and those that uphold it.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    The British have nothing to do with the takeover of religious authoritarianism in the area and the obvious implications of what people would be oppressed when said religion becomes law.

    This trying to shift the blame onto anyone except the actual problem, the modern religious extremists that control the country.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    Not you personally, but the overarching narrative you’re espousing is intended to take the pressure off of the current oppressors which are the religious authorities of the middle east.

    Sorry if it seemed like I was specifically targeting you, it’s more about the articles perspective being used as a tool.

    Female soldiers in Army special operations face rampant sexism and harassment, military report says ( apnews.com )

    Female soldiers face rampant sexism, harassment and other gender-related challenges in male dominated Army special operations units, according to a report Monday, eight years after the Pentagon opened all combat jobs to women....

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    As if these serial cheaters and their Jody fucking wives actually give a shit about women on their teams.

    Any spec ops dude that wants to bone will just go find literally any other command and fuck their women, not having them on the team isn’t stopping them.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    The galaxy is cool but the ambassador class is my favorite, it really shows the hull transition from the A to the D model.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I’d love a TV Dredd continuation just as much, and I love his take on Bones.

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    This is the best one in my opinion, just straight up “Yeah, so you want to take us seriously in your meetings but won’t take us seriously when a huge chunk of your population leaves and the rest have a huge upheaval.”

    c0mbatbag3l ,
    @c0mbatbag3l@lemmy.world avatar

    I agree 100%, his spat with Tom was annoying, I liked him better once she was out of the picture.

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