rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

Billionaires who condemned Trump are now flocking to his campaign.

It’s obvious why.

Biden wants a 25% tax on billionaires.

Trump wants to double down on tax cuts for the rich.

All they care about is lining their own pockets no matter the cost to everyone else.

RustyRing ,
@RustyRing@universeodon.com avatar

@rbreich And let's not forget that a 25% tax still leaves them wealthy beyond anyone's possible need; wealthier than some nations. So we're not talking about any reasonable motivation here. It's just pure "I want money, money, money." The Mr. Howell demographic.

odaraia ,
@odaraia@mastodon.green avatar

@rbreich Supporters of DJT have no vision of true power, despite claims of long term strategies. They seem incapable of a world where kindness, comfort, dignity, health, respect and intellectual integrity are valued and shared. Ebenezeer Scrooge had more capacity for kindness than Charles Koch has. The petty world of their greed and need for control of everything around them reflects this smallness and essential siege mentality.

libramoon ,
@libramoon@mastodon.social avatar


this is obviously a form of insanity or just plain obtuseness because if they take all the resources as their playthings the people they need to do their work won't (if only because they can no longer survive)

delreyjones ,

@rbreich - Isn't it the case that Citizens United is a two-way street? Billionaires buy influence, but corrupt presidents also extort cash. Billionaires have a rational fear that if they don't pay the mob boss, he will retaliate and hurt them badly.

JJ_Allen ,
@JJ_Allen@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich The fact that he hasn't proposed it in the last four years and the Dems didn't make it a down ballot campaign issue in 2020 or 2022 tells me it's little more than an empty campaign promise that will be forgotten about as soon as Biden wins. If his polls weren't in the toilet do to his inaction on Gaza, he wouldn't even consider some of his campaign promises.

gooba42 ,
@gooba42@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I'm for it but why did he take so long to come around?

The voters are Left and Right of center, mostly Left, and the Right is clearly taken. It's long overdue that the Democrats make some solid appeals to the Left where the voters are.

We need all of our politicians to be far less concerned about the wants of the billionaires and corporations than about the people and general prosperity.

Professor_Stevens ,
@Professor_Stevens@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar


Wealthy people who support Trump don't do so because they want to be wealthier. They do so because they think it will mean paying less taxes, and they find taxes abhorrent. Their actual net worth is, possibly never was, important to them. They just hate paying taxes.

jonburr ,
@jonburr@mastodon.social avatar


Billionaires shouldn't even be a thing- they are just parasites sucking money from poor people.

grumble209 ,
@grumble209@techhub.social avatar

@rbreich "All they care about is lining their own pockets no matter the cost to everyone else."

They are BILLIONAIRES. They got that way by hoarding profits and externalizing costs.

calbaker ,
@calbaker@fosstodon.org avatar

Yes, and if our economy tanks because of idiotic Republican policies, it'll eventually hurt the billionaires too, but they're too miopic to understand.

weston ,
@weston@techhub.social avatar

@rbreich @uspolitics If Biden wants a 25% tax on billionaires, why hasn’t he done it yet? It’s all just election year posturing.

I will vote for Biden, but I’m not expecting that anything will change from the current course.

Even if democrats gain a majority in the house, it just won’t happen.

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