

Federated cover

Original news, reviews, analysis of tech trends, and expert advice on the most fundamental aspects of tech.

Official Ars Technica account. 🟠 cover

I boldly went to this new site. Follow for more recipes and tips. cover

Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor. Co-founder of Inequality Media. Sign up for updates, analysis and drawings:

I keep hoping to use the social networks for something else. I'd really love to talk about games, music, etc etc. But somehow it always turns political. Don't follow me if you don't want to see potentially either or completely at random. cover

Coyoty (adj.): Like a coyote or Coyote in form, spirit, or humor. Ready to puns upon any opportunity for wordprey. cover

Jackson Allen - Hard SF Author living in the Pacific Northwest. Readers call my stories 'Cory Doctorow meets James S A Corey.' I like making scifi concepts easy to understand. If you like Linda Nagata, Kim Stanley Robinson, and John Scalzi - I'd love to get to know you.

My dream is to take care of myself and be nice to people - practicing to be a self-sufficient science fiction author.

#author #indieauthor #writer #scifi #futurology #technology #cyberpunk #spaceelevator #spythriller cover

#Author & geek #AmWriting archaeology adventure stories exploring ancient mysteries of this world. I'm also a #vegan animal rights supporter 🐾❤️ 🖖 #AmReading #WritingCommunity #novelist 📚
#LGBTQAlly 💜

Here's my website: where you can sign up for my newsletter, if you like, to get freebies & learn a little about my writing (I send out very few newsletters) 📚 #Books #WritersOfMastodon #Bookstodon

#SlavaUkraïni 🇺🇦💙💛 #StandUpForUkraine 🇺🇦🙏#NAFOFella 🫡 cover

I was 'guy in the chalk outline', formerly 'skydog', in the birdhouse.

B'hammer, WA.

Interested in #science, #politics, #3Dprinting, #arthistory, and just about anything else. I have > 17,000 hrs in an airplane, mostly in seat 0-A. (#aviation) cover

Kill only gods.

'70s wide-eyed child, '80s hairy hoodlum, '90s idealistic a-hole. Now I'm just running 4 burners and they all serve hot-takeout. I riff.

I make music & lots of obscure popcult drive-bys. Even in blackest night, a good Con-Air reference can save the day.

Imagine everything I write as sounding like it's coming outta the mouth of a DJ at a roller rink. 🤘

There are four lights. cover

retired map reader; amateur genealogist since 1974; knitter since 1969; SF fan since 1961.
Cactuses (but not opuntias) are fun!

Location: Los Angeles cover cover

I am a German living and working in Vienna, Austria. I am a pacifist, an Antifascist, a Democrat, a European with all my Heart. I am an optimist. I love Movies, video games and hiking. I love riding my bike but Vienna isn´t the best place to enjoy. I love all different kinds of people. I don´t want to hate. I am an open-minded positive-thinking person.


#sharkey: @motzmichel


🇮🇱🇺🇦🇪🇺🕊️☮️🏳️🍍 cover

KN6HRB (technical)
Pue'rh drinker, vegan
Play music on various instruments. I write songs that no one ever hears. No one dares.
Forest bather, hiker
Pronouns? Actually, I'm antinouns.

Olympia WA
ex San Jose CA, London UK, and Zimbabwe

Banner: April dawn on the Carizzo Plain

N.B. irrational, vitriolic, or insulting responses trigger blocks

If you scrape this profile, you accept the terms which are $25,000 per post.

Nothing I do is very important. cover

Fifteen years at the other place. Post Punk tech Luddite. First toot June 2 2023. cover

Star Wars fanfiction writer, some original content. 🔞 Aviendha69 on AO3 and Twitter cover

I don’t want to brag but... I have like 20 followers 💅🐄. cover

Mystic Musician Poet Two-Spirit QAF Feminine Advocate Creation Spirituality Deep Ecumenism
From John Deere to Vervaeke I have been in the field a long time

Life long Mainer, retired. Writer of various things on my blog. I love to make noise and good trouble. Yes, I DO have a blog site:

I want to inform, engage, amuse and enlighten the world. cover

“Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself.”― Groucho Marx

Enterprise Software Engineer, Java, love backend, but does full stack
Have over 10k comics
Love Apple Stuff
Amateur artist influenced by comics
Entire worldview is influenced by a lifetime of reading comics(Be good, be heroic, be tolerant(except of intolerance)
Don’t be the person your hero would punch in the face.
Dad, Husband
Have a twisted sense of humor so watch out.
Multiple Daily iOS Lockscreens
Intermittent Fasting
Been doing taekwondo for 11 years. Recently tested for 3rd Dan

Official News Source for the openSUSE Kalpa Project cover

Enjoy #Linux, #macOS, #FreeBSD & #Unix like systems? #Opensource software & #programming? Enjoy #Sysadmin & #DevOps work? Follow us to make the most of your geeky IT career. #ActuallyHuman (e/human) cover

We're the nonprofit that hosts #Wikipedia and it's sister projects, working to create a world where every human can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Join the movement.

Avatar: cover

World's leading Linux and Open Source web portal. cover

#Queer #Southern #Hillbilly #Artist
#Photographer #Storyteller #Editor #DJ

"It was the freshest move I've ever seen—like he was floating on air." — #UtahSaints

"Nice and decent people...feel it." — #GrooveArmada

"This ain't no drill!" — #HoneyDijon cover

activitypub addict, aspiring astronaut, community creator and determined dreamer.

Building @pixelfed, an ethical and federated photo sharing platform along with @fedidb, @supapp and other fedi services.

#design #php #activityPub #fedi22 #pixelfed #programmer #developer #react #reactNative #vue #laravel #music #dubstep #footwork cover

SRE at Google. Queer. Poly. Trans. Engineer. waterprinciple on twitter. Ace. Member of AWU-CWA. #ActuallyAutistic #UnionStrong cover

Free and Open Source video editing program made by the KDE community.
89luca89: cover

CTO and founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. A metalhead, synthwaver, a streetgazer. Creative. I do WordPress and open source for a living. I'm a trail runner and the forest is my happy place. cover

Sammy is a 30-something software engineer at the #Wikimedia Foundation, working with the very awesome Community Tech Team!


The fox emoji is "my brand"!

banner: cover

A worldwide technology community 🌍 Creators of the Plasma desktop & a variety of Free and open source applications that let you control your digital life. cover

Software Engineer. Linux systems aficionado and developer in Fedora, CentOS, Mageia, and openSUSE. Ex Red Hat, Inc. Ex Datto, Inc. Views are my own.

Sponsor me if you like my work!

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