georgetakei , avatar
mwyman , avatar

@georgetakei they will get rid of it, if the people of Arizona give them legislative majorities in November.

darwinwoodka , avatar


Sure, once the GOP realize something they've done is unpopular it's somehow the Dems fault and Dem's job to correct it.

I'm tired of this game. Dems want to make your life better, people. The GOP stands in the way of that.

Every. Damned. Time.

kristen_d , avatar

@georgetakei What a gaping sphincter.

limebar , avatar

@georgetakei he should be whipped. I'll do it

jack_of_sandwich , avatar

@georgetakei Republicans could defy the Democrats and act quickly to repeal the law!
That would sure show those libs!

I'm sure that will happen any time now...

redcedar , avatar
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