georgetakei , avatar

Donald Trump is peddling a new Big Lie in 2024: that undocumented immigrants are coming over the border in droves to vote for Joe Biden. Writer Jay Kuo digs into just how nonsensical this claim is in a new piece for The Big Picture. Join him in picking apart Trump's lies here.

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei Non-citizens are inellegable to vote in US elections, but they have contributed more in Taxes than the Entire Trump family ever has in their entire lives!

samhainnight , avatar

@georgetakei They don’t care that it’s not true. They’re saying what would have to be true in order to justify what they want to do.
It’s a Nazi tactic, but I’m sure you know, Uncle George.

RickiTarr , avatar

@georgetakei Nothing says I don't know how voting works like this

amiserabilist , avatar
DeeGLloyd , avatar
Dodo_sipping , avatar

@georgetakei fits with this. Training right-wing sheriffs to keep immigrants from voting = every nonwhite voter is in jeopardy... >

HolgerFiallo , avatar

@georgetakei Trump lying? I am shock, I tell you. Wow. What next Bella the cat will talk!!!

Bandersnatch , avatar


A vote for is a vote for watching die in federal custody.

LaNaehForaday , avatar


Trump, once again, reminding us that everyone around the world is against TRUMP.

CrittyCat , avatar

@georgetakei I wonder if his goons will go back to the border and get mad when nothing's there... again! 😂

mrbruno , avatar

Q. How do you know know is lying?
A. He's always lying.

MrsMouse , avatar

This is why Biden won texas so easily in 2020.

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