georgetakei , avatar
serfdeweb ,


Wasn't he the guy enslaving prostitutes to sell sex? This is MUSK-level marketing...

mopperswompf , avatar

I think people who have sex for pleasure are very happy people indeed.
Maybe the poor man doesn’t know how the word “gay” is used these days. I mean, he has been hit in the head a lot. It tends to do stuff to the brain.

Stormcat , avatar

@georgetakei Tate is so deep in the closet, he bypassed Narnia entirely and ended up in the Lord of The Rings Franchise!

jack_of_sandwich , avatar

@georgetakei neither I nor my wife can have children any more. So I guess I'm gay

Fragarach , avatar

In an older use of the word, he's right, although I suspect feeling gay in that sense isn't restricted to heterosexuals.

dereisenhofer , avatar

@georgetakei He just can't come out of his closet. :/

EFreethought , avatar


If sex is for having children, isn't 5 kids more than needed to replace the parents?

stile99 , avatar
Greengordon , avatar


LOL. So almost all men on the planet are gay? Given that everything these right wing nut jobs say is a confession or projection...

"In fact if you are 40 with less than 5 children you're probably gay. All that feel-good pee pee sex and hardly any genetic legacy?"

WooShell , avatar

@georgetakei How can that buttmunch even still be shitposting all the time? Shouldn't he be sitting in some damp cell in a Romanian prison for half a year or so already?!

Nienkez , avatar

@georgetakei Come out of the closet Andy! You can do it!

onechrisn , avatar

@georgetakei I'm beginning to think Andrew Tate might not have a very consistent, nor knowledgeable worldview...

kroitus , avatar

@georgetakei when someone has a severe case of "notgettingany", tweets like that start to happen.

Minski , avatar

@georgetakei They use the word gay as a slur so often, they literally forget what it means.

NailClippings , avatar

@georgetakei Every sperm is sacred? - Monty Python

WhyNotZoidberg , avatar

@georgetakei but it is how Andrew Tate works.

voxofgod , avatar

@georgetakei Yeah look at those eyes

his world was rocked in that prison perhaps?

GabeMoralesVR , avatar
drakenblackknight , avatar

That moron is currently being charged with sex trafficking. I wouldn't take a single thing it has to blather seriously.

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