georgetakei , avatar

Why does this always happen?

malwat1963 , avatar

@georgetakei Mentioned this in a diffferent post a while ago; My wife re-organized the garage and put everything on shelves, in boxes and I am now having to buy stuff I know I have but can't find anymore.

catmisgivings , avatar

@georgetakei never put new things away! Just wait a bit and observe where they like to hang out

ChasMusic , avatar

@georgetakei I totally identify

Yjeva , avatar

I really want to find this place so that I can prove to my family that I didn't give away the thing they so desperately want now.

KimSJ , avatar

@georgetakei I feel seen!

MrInappropriate , avatar

@georgetakei I have many such places, but none are accessible to me/my memory

lrosa , avatar

@georgetakei ALWAYS!
The spell «I put this here so I can find it later» is the best to hide things forever.

Kimota94 , avatar

@georgetakei Rule of thumb I’ve used for years when it comes to putting something away: first I ask myself, “Where would I intuitively look for this?” and then I put it there. That almost never lets me down.

carsten , avatar

@georgetakei I Put it There. It belongs There.

Two months later: I've been searching for this for two weeks. How did IT get There?

doctormo , avatar


George Carlin has a great bit about all the stuff we have and how we need to buy a house just to store all our stuff. Too much stuff!

  • He didn't use the word stuff.
liying , avatar


maybe you are a squirrel

mwyman , avatar

@georgetakei The Harry Potter Room of Requirement’s hiding-place form was full of centuries of stuff for a good reason.

jwd630 , avatar

@georgetakei It always ends up being in the last place you look too.

WooShell , avatar

@georgetakei And when you give up searching and order another one of these items, it magically reappears in a totally weird place a week later.

georgetakei OP , avatar

@WooShell Without fail.

Puck , avatar

I will tear the house apart looking for something I know I have, then a year later it's right where I looked multiple times. Some people get magic elves to make shoes for them, I have mean ones who hide things until I give up, and then put them back.

Seilenos , avatar

@georgetakei I think every home has a Room of Requirements where stuff goes to be forgotten.

georgetakei OP , avatar

@Seilenos Literally.

Seilenos , avatar

@georgetakei It's where all of the lost socks go, for example.

Dervishpi , avatar

@georgetakei Also me: finds it years after it was last needed and wonders, "What idiot put that there?"

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