rbreich ,
@rbreich@masto.ai avatar

I don't think Trump even wants to be president again. He knows he wasn't good at it.

I believe he's running primarily in hopes of shutting down the prosecutions against him and avoiding prison or financial ruin as consequences of his own actions.

Barkingdogproblem ,

@rbreich I would be ok with a plea agreements that kept him out of jail but barred him from public office.

jsdutky ,
@jsdutky@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich not President, but Emperor

thrillcat ,
@thrillcat@mstdn.social avatar

@rbreich Why Biden’s campaign is not already wall-to-wall with ads explicitly using language from yesterdays SCOTUS arguments telling Americans he genuinely believes Trump is a corrupt individual and something must be done to prevent him from returning to the White House is beyond me.

jwd630 ,
@jwd630@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich you forget the daily attention from the “main stream media” as well as the fawning faux news: the narcissist loved what Covfefe demonstrated.

PJ_Evans ,
@PJ_Evans@mastodon.social avatar

He's close to being broke, he knows it, and he needs some way to fund his extravagant lifestyle.

ColinOatley ,
@ColinOatley@mas.to avatar

@rbreich Based on all available evidence, your first two sentences are 100% incorrect.

jmht ,

@rbreich I don't think he really wanted to win the first time. He's just too good a conman and his narcissism won't let him "lose face" by backing out.

GolfsAllTheTime ,
@GolfsAllTheTime@techhub.social avatar

@rbreich file under: Duh.

huntingdon ,
@huntingdon@mstdn.social avatar


Donald Trump wants to BE president, he just doesn't want to do the job of president. But then he didn't do it the first time, either.

This time, though, he would have a phalanx of Stephen Millers and Jeffrey Clarks to do the job for him. And another 100,000 of them distributed across the federal govt to make sure it never functioned again. Their first targets would be the DoJ, the IRS, and the SEC.

glancepop ,
@glancepop@c.im avatar

@rbreich I don’t think he wanted to the first time! He was goaded into running, and if he hadn’t, most of his crimes would have continued to go uninvestigated. But now we’re stuck with him because he thinks the office is his only get-out-of-jail-free card (and SCOTUS refuses to set the record straight).


nathanlonghair ,
@nathanlonghair@mastodon.world avatar

@rbreich He does not know he isn’t good at it. He spends too much time lying to himself to ensure that he never finds out. Even if he did know he wouldn’t care, it’s irrelevant from his point of view.
But he probably doesn’t want it - that’s true, except for avoiding consequences and the idea of it yes. And he can’t stand losing.

ThreeSigma ,
@ThreeSigma@mastodon.online avatar

@rbreich I don’t think he can “know” he wasn’t good at it. Clinical narcissism means he can’t even articulate such a thought in his own head. He can’t fail, he can only be failed by others.

The effort of maintaining this fiction is one reason he won’t ever be good at anything I value.

daico ,
@daico@mas.to avatar

You're wrong about one thing. He thinks he was great at it, no matter how bad he really was.

Waitnwallflower ,
@Waitnwallflower@beige.party avatar

@rbreich it's also the biggest grift he and his family had, though, don't underestimate the greed.

Blinxeto ,
@Blinxeto@mastodon.social avatar


is a dead man walking. He knows it. All the money in the universe won’t put Trumpdy Dumpty together again.

sjsmac ,
@sjsmac@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich duh.

20139322000_1 Bot ,
@20139322000_1@vivaldi.net avatar

@rbreich encore une fois vous avais raison Monsieur c'est exactement pour ça qui ce représente

darwinwoodka ,
@darwinwoodka@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I think he's running again because he just can't accept that he's a fucking loser.

silkester ,
@silkester@mastodon.social avatar

I doubt it matters to tRump whether he is good at something or not. He cares about the prestige and the profit that he can exploit.
He has a pathological need that overrides any want.
He reportedly plotted a coup because being second felt embarrassing to him.
He is a sad sack. It is hard to imagine, how needy he feels to not acknowledge 70mio votes telling him that they "approved" of him.

bouriquet ,
@bouriquet@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich Basically he doesn’t care about running the country, only staying out of jail and keeping his handlers happy by undoing environmental, alternative energy and social programs.

lillyfinch ,
@lillyfinch@mstdn.social avatar

@rbreich he wants to be a king….the way he looks at MBS? Guarantee if he every fled the U.S. that would be one place he might go. If he had total power he couldn’t resist punishing Obama for making fun of him or Hillary for being the woman who beat him in the popular vote.

Tattered ,
@Tattered@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I think the main point of Trump’s candidacy is pushing the Overton Window. It allows Biden’s bunch to become more authoritarian while still appearing liberal by comparison. And, if DT should win, big money gets accelerated authoritarianism as a bonus.

vreer ,
@vreer@todon.nl avatar

@rbreich he must have a hotline with Netanyahu

bdsint ,


I'm afraid he very much does want to be president again.

He wants the power.
He wants to jail his political opponents, journalists and prosecutors.
He wants to make money off of the country, and from foreign countries.
He wants to help Putin.

alexmorse ,
@alexmorse@mastodon.social avatar

@rbreich I don't think he wanted it the first time, and was just running to do grift

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