georgetakei , avatar
ehsenvironmentalclub , avatar

@georgetakei thank you for the share

Florentine79 ,

@georgetakei They all look so happy, cute! Many happy years together!

Dervishpi , avatar

@georgetakei I believe they learned that the 'One Million Moms' organization turned out to be a sewing circle of Karens? Fortunately, where I live we've decided they deserve all the scorn of Westboro Baptist 'Church'.

askaaron , avatar

@georgetakei oh my... 🙄

allpoints , avatar

@georgetakei they're just noticing this now? That ad is 2yrs old.

Pay attention to any ad with couples these days and you'll see straight, gay and lesbian couples represented, often mixed race and with kids, i.e. families. Why? Because that's what we look like as a society. Those companies aren't pushing an agenda. They're trying to make a buck and it helps if potential customers can picture themselves in the ad.

Luna , avatar

@georgetakei Imagine being that petty I also doubt there are anywhere near a million of them.

jim_smoot , avatar

@georgetakei meanwhile, Kristi “where’s cricket” Noem is on their shortlist for VP….

caspercdn , avatar

@georgetakei says a lot for 'one million moms’

Professor_Stevens , avatar


The question is not, "Are they gay?" When it comes to adopting dogs, the question is, "Are they from South Dakota?"

Snowshadow , avatar


If that ....
I have no words left🤦 ☹️

Island_Martha , avatar

I wish those ignorant old cows would get a life.

Greengordon , avatar


Seems pretty obvious that "remaining neutral" is actually taking the side of the bigots.

"Millions of Americans strongly believe marriage should be between one man and one woman. But Hill’s would rather take sides than remain neutral in the culture war"

JonSparks , avatar

@georgetakei How many actual members does ‘One Million Moms’ have?

DrOtto , avatar

@georgetakei Wait til they find out what God says about hypocrites

StandUp2Fascism , avatar

@georgetakei Those “moms” wear their Christianity the way a child wears a trash bag for a superhero cape.

genecowan , avatar

@georgetakei I guess they think the dog should be taken out and shot, instead. 🤦🏻‍♂️

jack_of_sandwich , avatar

"It is not a company’s job to introduce so-called social issues such as this to our children. "

We think it's a company's job, instead, to adopt OUR view in all social issues.

GGMcBG , avatar


Nearly 600 dogs in my local shelter, as a base number now, since these exact same kinds of miserable, hate-filled, scared, godless religio-fuckers started invading my city.
And they think outraging over such petty prejudices as people they’re trained to hate loving animals they don’t understand gets them into their heaven.

I hope a million dogs bite each of you rotten assholes.

cqd_sos , avatar

"Even though homosexuality is unnatural, [...] when children are likely watching television."

What they fail to realize is that homosexuality is perfectly natural for a fair share of people, and, in case some of their children happen to be among them, what they do when disallowing them to accept and be in agreement with their nature is pushing them into the closet and causing them a lot of problems.

zalasur , avatar

@georgetakei Two Moms in a Basement strike again 😂

helladeboo , avatar

how sad...

arensb , avatar

@georgetakei Why don't the people freaking out about "normalizing sin" ever go after people eating shrimp, or wearing clothes of mixed fabrics, or ignoring the Feast of Weeks?

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