georgetakei , avatar

That's a felony right there.

TheMNWolf , avatar

@georgetakei conduct unbecoming a condiment

number6 , avatar


A hotdog is an argument for veganism in a bun.

danielahedges , avatar

@georgetakei Hotdogs are NOT THEIR JURISDICTION

trick , avatar

@georgetakei I am saddened at the thought that so many people have never experienced the unfettered joy that is a good Sonora dog.

bigrob , avatar

@georgetakei I feel the same way when I see someone put ketchup on one.... the horror!

jimmylittle , avatar

@georgetakei Careful, George. You’re gonna reignite the “is a hot dog a sandwich” debate and nobody needs that.

jeff_bonner , avatar

@georgetakei Mayo on a hotdog is fine. However, I take issue with calling a hotdog a "sandwich".... 😜

mtconleyuk , avatar

@georgetakei Mayonnaise, mustard, and sauerkraut, all the way, mate.

LawrenceShop , avatar

@georgetakei I bet once they have you in cuffs they make you eat peanut butter and tuna on rye or perhaps cold brisket on white bread with fake mayonnaise.

ilust606 , avatar

Sandwich, Illinois? It's in SE DeKalb County - just outside the Chicago metro area. Been through there but never stopped to eat there.
It's a city of just over 7,000 with an opera house.

wsrphoto , avatar

@georgetakei When I ate hotdogs years ago, mayo was first thing on, as it was first thing on Hamburger. To me Ketchup is the crime. On anything, but especially fries, it's a felony, but on hotdogs and hamburgers not far behind. JMO

malwat1963 , avatar

@georgetakei Except if you arei n the Netherlands. The Dutch put mayo on just about everything.

morgaelyn , avatar

@georgetakei Well, in Brazil you have to be careful when ordering a hot dog. The salesperson will ask if you want one with everything (the default). If so, it will come with mayo, ketchup, mustard, potato chips, corn, peas, onion, smashed potatos, bell peppers, raisins and candied fruit. I made that mistake once.

coyoty , avatar

@georgetakei If it's Miracle Whip, you get life.

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