georgetakei , avatar
AnOldGuy , avatar

@georgetakei But, the emailz !!

Robb_Munson ,

@georgetakei ...again...

ObbieZ , avatar

@georgetakei Ummm.... Not "everything."

When she thought she could win an election without Progressive support, she was quite wrong.

That_Damn_Frank , avatar
caspercdn , avatar

It might have been legal, but it doesn’t mean anyone should vote for her…

prasket , avatar

@georgetakei she WAS NOT right about fucking over our country and bowing out to let the Dem candidate the people actually picked . Her and Deborah Wasserman Schultz along with many others in Dem “leadership” like Patty Murrary conspired to screw over Bernie thus giving us four years of Trump. Can you imagine how great this country would be now for the majority (not just the rich) if Bernie had been president esp during Covid.

Kierkegaanks , avatar

@georgetakei Donald is attacked by animals acting on instinct. Kristi attacks animals on instinct. What a team

ferryoons , avatar

@georgetakei But God, don’t American writers take an age to get to the point?

EPIKURSA , avatar


except President Clinton is celebrating her ongoing 2nd term in a universe where she chose to label the MAGA crowd 'gullible' instead of 'deplorable'😀

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