georgetakei , avatar
PetraPanda , avatar

The extreme right always blames someone else.

larick , avatar
mvilain , avatar

@georgetakei I think it's more a case of "extremely not funny". I've never found his comedy to be worth my time. Wouldn't watch his show and definitely won't watch the Netflix movie. The trailer told me everything I needed to know.

Joan Rivers yelled at an audience member with a deaf child for getting up and leaving after she told a joke about deaf people. Talk about not reading the room.

I'll bet he can't get dates he doesn't have to pay for either.

not2b , avatar

@georgetakei I think he is confused about who the culprits are for things getting more boring and vanilla. It isn't "the extreme left", which has no power. It is a smaller and smaller group of corporate execs who are unwilling to take risks. But what the execs are worried about isn't "someone might be offended" as much as "this is different from what we have done before, we are afraid it won't work". So they keep doing the same thing over and over.

CuriousMagpie , avatar

@georgetakei @mvilain Since I place a huge burden of blame on Seinfeld for attempting to ennoble apathy — I have no respect for anything he says.

Blinxeto , avatar


, quoting Mark Twain:

“The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated”

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