georgetakei , avatar
Kavus , avatar

I'm really glad he's speaking out against her.

raiaren , avatar

@georgetakei We needs all the bright lights we can get in these dark times ❤️ :prideheart: :transheart:

TinyGamerTris , avatar


Daniel Radcliffe continues to be an amazing ally. He really is a top quality bloke.

Lazarou , avatar

@georgetakei He's such a lovely man.

coyoty , avatar

@georgetakei Rowling said of India Willoughby, “In my view, India is a classic example of the male narcissist who lives in a state of perpetual rage that he can’t compel women to take him at his own valuation.” In other words, she's saying a person becomes transgender because they can't get laid.

WhippoorwillSong , avatar

@georgetakei I really get taken aback at the perspective that is sometimes aired that the Harry Potter actors "owe" their wealth and fame (and support!) to Rowling. I mean, the inverse is kinda true too. Those child stars made Rowling a fortune, far bigger than she would've had otherwise. Movies are hella more lucrative than book sales, which they also boosted.

There's a weird narcissism about Rowling and her supporters. Some need to foist her onto a grand pedestal.

That_Damn_Frank , avatar


I really wish she'd come around.

It really hurts to find out one of the authors that you cherished for years... is a f-cking whack-job.

I really used to admire her. She was someone whom I wanted to ask advice of in order to publish under a different name.

Feet of clay ( that stepped in sheep dip ).

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