georgetakei , avatar
Luna , avatar

@georgetakei He's gone completely insane.

HarveyEsq , avatar

BTW. Years ago, during a 'Ponzi Scheme' trial, the indicted financial advisor said in court "My customers wanted to lose their money".

[They never give up on trying to 'Gaslight' their way out.]

strangetikigod , avatar

@georgetakei another one out of the abuser’s playbook: Deny, Accuse, Reverse Victim and Offender…

anxietynap91 , avatar

@georgetakei I'll take "shit that no one every said" for $500, Alex.

WizardBear , avatar

@georgetakei always lies and projects his own actions on others. In other news: Water is still wet...

MishaVanMollusq , avatar

@georgetakei maybe he has actually be smoking crack all these decades .
It would explain a lot

TinyGamerTris , avatar


This is a new level of delusional even for him, wow.

xerge , avatar

@georgetakei next it’ll be aliens that made him do it.

Ehay2k , avatar

I mean, is there ever a better example of gaslighting than this?

comradeferret , avatar

@georgetakei Democrats, as in the people getting voted for? They actually did; it's extremely useful for them politically to have a big evil bad guy that they can fight against by just being...not. These aren't your people if you're a progressive.

If you have more political intelligence than George here and you actually want things to change, you don't put your faith behind Biden or any American politician, you put it behind the people's revolution.

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