georgetakei , avatar

The war in Gaza has become a dealbreaker for some on the left, raising questions about its impact on Biden's reelection. How do we bridge this divide? Join the discussion on The Big Picture.

i_gvf , avatar

@georgetakei So, they will vote for Trump, who would round them all up and put them in detention camps?

Lassielmr , avatar

@georgetakei you can’t bridge that gap. I asked that question of a US friend. They said no matter what Trump does to us it will never be as bad as what Biden is doing to Gaza via his support for Israel. They won’t vote Trump, but won’t turn out for Biden.

darthdzl , avatar

Anyone letting a single issue, like Gaza or abortion or guns or LGBTQ+ rights or religion or border nonsense or anything else is just BEGGING to be lied to and enables lying twits to get elected.

That's how we end up with shitty politicians.

fjsilva57 , avatar

@georgetakei it’s sad that our youth does not preoccupy themselves with our activist SCOTUS. Where is the protesting against this blatant non-jurisprudence.

huntingdon , avatar


It's a disconnect Biden needs to bridge, as he needs to bridge the concerns of other groups whose concerns he seems to ignore.

He also needs to highlight more forcefully the consequences for those groups of electing his competitor. Not as an excuse to ignore them, as an explanation of what happens when you play with fire.

nedhamson1 , avatar

@georgetakei Trump would allow expulsion of all Palestinians from Gaza and West Bank... duh!!! Biden would not let that happen...period

72mz , avatar

You bridge the divide by comparing your Gaza agnst with Donald's vision of America. With him in charge your protest would have been terminated by live fire. Single issue voters need to look at the big picture.

dperkins , avatar

@georgetakei The one point totally missing from that article is what Biden can do. I think it provided a reasonable approach to what Democrats were trying to increase voter turnout can do, but at the same time we should never forget that the president himself can take action, and whatever he does, people are watching him.

acm_redfox , avatar

@georgetakei WHAT DO PEOPLE THINK WILL HAPPEN IF TRUMP WINS? he will bronze Bibi's combat boots!

ProdigalSorcerer ,

@georgetakei there is no "bridging that divide", Mr Takei. Israel's right to exist is non-negotiable. If the Progressive wing of the left won't vote for Biden, they might as well be voting for Trump. It's Bernie all over again. And those Progressives are going to be the first ones sent to camps under der Trumpenfuhrer.

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